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Chapter 3

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Original work by Paul F. Strack, written in 2023, provided here under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Retrieved on 2023-08-30.

Note: Based on the English preposition “to”, you might be tempted to say i aranenna, but that is really “towards the king”, as in “in the direction of the king”, which while technically feasible, is less likely to be the intent. Here the king is almost certainly the indirect object, which uses the dative case in Quenya: aranen.


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Essenya Lëa.    My name [is] Lëa.
2 Elerondo nyarnë i lúmequenta eldaron andanéya Aracornon.         Elrond told the history of Elves long ago to Aragorn.
3 I nettë téca tengwar tecilmen.       The girl is writing letters with a pen.
4 I atan quéta i neren.       The man [human] is speaking to the man [male].
5 Yallen yeldenya ómanyanen.     I called my daughter with my voice.
7 Estëan yondonya Miro.     I am naming my son Miro.
8 Tencel parma hyalinwen.     You wrote a book with paper.
9 I nís henta parmar i aranen.        The woman reads books to the king.
10 I nettë quentë quetta amilleryan.       The girl spoke a word to her mother.
11 I nauco antanë tecil i seldon.        The dwarf gave a pen to the boy.
13 Liltëaldë i ambossen.     You (plural) are dancing on the hills.
14 Nyarnetyë lairetya ar nánes mára.       You (familiar) recited your poem and it was good.
15 Simpalya lirë nin.     Your (polite) flute sings to me.
16 Lindalë yalë fëalvar.     Music calls our spirits.
17 Túvelmë i orco ar tíralmes sí.        We (but not you) found the orc and we (but not you) are watching him/her now.
18 Lírelvar lairi eldaron nár, ar nanta márë.          Our (including you) songs are poems of elves, and they are good.
20 Tecilya nánë linta ar liltanes i hyalinessë.         His pen was swift and it danced on the paper.
21 Yondonta lírua ven.     Their son is singing gaily to us (including you).
22 Samityë luinë nyellë.     You (familiar) have a blue bell.
23 Tompaldar yálar te.     Your (plural) drums are calling them.
24 Lirnelmë aranelvan.    We (but not you) sang for our (including you) king.
25 I lindo sámë nandenya.      The singer had my harp.
27 Aiya! Ma técal parma?     Hail! Are you writing a book?
28 Ná. Nauvas mára.      Yes. It will be good.
29 A, merin henta sa.       Oh, I want to read it.
30 Á anta i tecil nin, mecin.         Give the pen to me, please.
31 Cáran sa sí.     I am doing it now.
32 Hantan lyen. Máriënna.      Thank you. (Go) to happiness.
34 Máriëssë. Mára ná i túlel, tar.          (Stay) in happiness. It is good that you came, sir.
35 Ná, hesto. Cenin i carnel i macil.           Yes, captain. I see that you made the sword.
36 Ela! Carnenyes lyen, araninya.       Behold! I made it for you, my king.
37 Fastas ni mai.     It pleases me well.
38 Antëanyes lyen, araninya.      I am giving it to you, my king.
39 Merin fara orcor sanen. Namárië!       I want to hunt orcs with it. Farewell!
41 Á tulë i taurenna lúmessë andúnëo.        Come to the forest at the hour of sunset.
42 Cenuvan amillenya enar.     I will see my mother tomorrow.
43 Merin serë lómessë.     I want to rest at night.
44 Isil oryuva amba rómenessë.      The moon will rise up in the east.
45 Nai Anar caluva tyenna síra.       May the Sun shine on you (familiar) today.
46 Yá cenin Valinorenna, formen forya ar hyarmen hyarya.           When I look towards Valinor, north [is] right and south [is] left.
48 Nai ambarónë lauca len (ná).       May the dawn be warm for you (plural).
49 I oron haiya mal cenuvalves i arinessë.         The mountain is far away but we (including you) will see it in the morning.
50 Á harë ré i rottossë.       Stay a day (24 hours) in the cave.
51 Isil menuva undu númenessë.      The Moon will go down in the west.
52 Anar calë i auressë.      The Sun shines in the day.
53 Túlen i mindonenna nöa.      I came to the tower yesterday.

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