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Chapter 4

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Original work by Paul F. Strack, written in 2023, provided here under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Retrieved on 2023-08-30.

Note: You may wonder why the definite article i is used so rarely in these examples. That’s because genitive expressions (X of Y, Y’s X) are an example of a situation where English uses “the” but Quenya often omits i. This topic will be discussed further in Chapter 6, Section §

Note: The English phrasing “a leg of a boy” is awkward; English is more likely to say “the leg of a boy”. But the Quenya phrasing telco seldo with omitted i is normal; this is a case where Quenya usually omits i but English usually includes “the”. The Quenya syntax will be discussed in Chapter 6, Section 6.4.

Note: The plural of hína “child” is irregular híni.


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 I atan hirnë i osto.       The man found the city.
2 Isil síla sí or tië.       The moon is shining now above a road.
3 I perian matuva aiwë enar.       The halfling will eat a bird tomorrow.
4 I nís merë marë mi taurë.        The woman wants to live in a forest.
5 I nauco fárëa i orcor nu i oron.          The dwarf is hunting the orcs under the mountain.
6 Aiwi vilir nu menel.      Birds fly under the heavens/sky.
8 Ninqui axor naucoron caitar nu i oron.         [The] white bones of dwarves lie under the mountain.
9 Luini aiwi vílar or i andë tiër.         Blue birds are flying above the long roads.
10 I atano sercë carnë.      The man’s blood [is] red.
11 Calmar cálar laurië i ostossë.       Lamps are shining golden[ly] in the city.
12 Cenin varni leperi máryo.      I see [the] brown fingers of his/her hand.
13 Mornë homi orquion serir amborintassen.       [The] black hearts of orcs rest in their chests.
15 I sercë-quilië mindoni tarir i ambossen.        The blood-coloured towers stand on the hills.
16 Híni samir nityë piri.      Children have little toes.
17 Turcë ranqui carir turwë atani.       Strong arms make powerful men.
18 I hesto cirnë i orquion telqui / telqui i orquion.       /     The captain cut the orcs’ legs.
19 Nécë fánë fanyar vilir fanyaressë.       Pale white clouds fly in the sky.
20 I sindë eldar marir laicë tauressen.        The grey elves dwell in green forests.
22 I nér maxëa apsa.      The man [male] is cooking meat.
23 I seldo antanë yávi i netten.        The boy gave fruits to the girl.
24 Amillenya mastëa massa sí.      My mother is baking bread now.
25 Atarelya nancë i orva.      Your father bit the apple.
26 Eldar carir miruvórë nehtenen.      Elves make mead with honey.
27 Quëar ar yávi mára matta (nár).        Vegetables and fruits are good food.
29 I veru ulyanë limpë veriryan.       The husband poured wine for his wife.
30 Á anta nin yulma neno.       Give [to] me a cup of water.
31 Matuvalvë mat ó i periandi síra.        We [and you] will eat a meal [together] with the halflings today.
32 Merin yulda limpëo sí.      I want a drink of wine now.
33 Lável mánya lambalyanen.     You licked my hand with [by means of] your tongue.
34 I nís mantë culuma.      The woman ate an orange.
36 Nís rendë erdi restaryassë.      A woman sowed seeds in her field.
37 Olvali alaner lintë tanomë.      Some plants grew swift[ly] there.
38 I nís nemnë alassëa restaryassë.       The woman seemed happy in her field.
39 Matta launë i nissen.      Food abounded to the woman (= the woman had lots of food).
40 I nís mastanë massa.      The woman baked bread.
41 Nettë cambë massa i nissello.       A girl received bread from the woman.
43 Seldoli rapper i massa i nettello.        Some boys snatched the bread from the girl.
44 I nettë laccë telco seldo.       The girl kicked the leg of a boy.
45 I seldor hlasser i nettë yalë i hesto.          The boys heard the girl call the captain.
46 Nirnentë i nettë öa ar nornentë i hestollo.          They pushed the girl away and they ran from the captain.
47 I hesto censë i osto i seldoin.         The captain searched the city for the boys.
48 I telumë tumpë i híni.       The roof covered the children.
50 Calali cálar i ostossë.      Some lights are shining in the city.
51 Uluva enar.    [It] will rain tomorrow.
52 I taurë lauca síra.      The forest [is] warm today.
53 I rottossë morë ná.      In the cave [it] is dark.
54 Hrísa ar i lossë ringa.       [It] is snowing and the snow [is] cold.
55 Nicunë nöa.    [It] was cold yesterday.
57 Nárë úra.    Fire [is] hot.
58 Nén linquë.    Water [is] wet.
59 Helcë ringa.    Ice [is] cold.
60 Á tinta nárë, mecin.       Light a fire, please.
61 I vista lauca i coässë.       The air is warm in the house.
62 Olvar alar cemenessë.     Plants grow in the earth.

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