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Ranta 13

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No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Nó i aşar i Lahtiéno Yésus sintë i sí lúmerya utúlië autiën mar sinallo meniën i Atarenna, ar méliéla véraryar i enger i mardessë, méleset tenna i metta.                                Before the festival of the Passover, Jesus knew that now his time had [Q: has] come to pass away from this world to go to the Father, and after loving his own who were in the world, he loved them until the end.
2 Mátaneltë i şinyemat, ar i Arauco nánë novo pániéla mir endarya Yúras Iscariot Símondion i se-vartumnes.                   They were eating the evening meal, and the Devil had beforehand put [it] into the heart of Judas Iscariot son of Simon that he was going to betray him.
3 Yésus, istala in i Atar ánië ilyë nati máryanta, ar in ettúles Erullo ar menuva Erunna,                    Jesus, knowing that the Father had [Q: has] given all things into his hands, and that he had [Q: has] come forth from God and was to go [Q: will go]to God,
4 orontë i şinyematello ar panyanë öa larmaryar. Nampes paşelannë ar quiltanë insë. Epeta ulyanes nén mir salpë, ar yestanes sovë i hildoron talu ar parahta tú i paşelannenen yanen anes quiltana.                                    arose from the evening meal and put away his raiments. He took a linen cloth and girded himself. Thereafter he poured water into a bowl, and he started to wash the feet of the disciples and to dry them with linen cloth with which he was girded.
5 Sië túles Símon Péterenna. Hé quentes senna: “Heru, ma sóval talunyat?”               Thus he came to Simon Peter. He said to him: “Lord, are you washing my feet?”
6 Yésus hanquentë ar equë henna: “Ya cáran ual hanya sí, mal hanyuvalyes apa nati sinë.”                    Jesus answered and said to him: “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will understand it after these things.”
7 Símon Péter quentë senna: “Elyë laumë oi sovuva ninyë talu!” Yésus hanquentë henna: “Qui uan sovë lye, ual samë ranta óni.”                           Simon Peter said to him: “By no means will you ever wash my feet!” Jesus answered him: “If I do not wash you, you do not have [any] part with me.”
8 Símon Péter quentë senna: “Heru, lá talunyat eryë, mal yú mányat ar carinya!”                 Simon Peter said to him: “Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head!”
9 Yésus quentë henna: “Ye osóvië insë ua samë maurë i aiqua nauva sóvina hequa taluryat, mal aqua poica ná. Ar eldë nar poicë – mal lá illi.”                                 Jesus answered him: “[He] who has washed himself does not have need that anything is to be washed except his feet, but is completely clean. And you are clean – but not all.”
10 An sintes i nér vartala se. Etta quentes: “Ualdë illi poicë.”                For he knew the man betraying him. Therefore he said: “You are not all clean.”
11 Sóviéla talultat ar mápiéla larmaryar cainunes ata ara i sarno ar quentë téna: “Ma istaldë ya acáriën len?                    After washing their feet and taking his robes he laid down again by the table and said to them: “Do you know what I have done to you?
12 Quetildë ninna, Peäntar ar Heru, ar quetildë mai, an ta nanyë.                You say to me: Teacher and Lord, and you speak well, for that I am.
13 Etta, qui inyë, i Heru ar i Peäntar, sóvë taluldat, yú lenya rohta ná i sovildë quén i exeo talu.                          Therefore, if I, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, [it] is also your duty [rohta “debt”] that you wash one another’s feet.
14 An apániën len epemma, i ve inyë acárië, yú eldë caruvar.               For I have set for you an example, [so] that as I have done, you too will do.
15 Násië, násië quetin lenna: Núro ua túra epë herurya, hya mentana quén lá ye mentanë se.                     Truly, truly I say to you: A servant is not greater than his lord, or a person sent [forth] than [the one] who sent him.
16 Qui istaldë nati sinë, valimë naldë qui carildë tai.            If you know these things, happy you are if you do them.
17 Uan quetë pa le illi; istan i icíliën. Mal martas amaquatiën i tehtelë: Ye mantë massanya equérië pontirya ninna.     ;                  I do not speak of you all; I know [the ones] that I have chosen. But it happens to fulfill the scripture: [He] who ate my bread has turned his back on me.
18 Lú sinallo nyarin len nó martas; sië, írë martuvas, savuvaldë in inyë sé ná.      ;            From this moment I tell you before it happens; thus, when it shall happen, you will believe that I am he.
19 Násië, násië quetin lenna: Ye camë aiquen ye inyë menta camë ní, ar ye camë ní, camë ye ni-mentanë.”                          Truly, truly I say to you: [He] who receives anybody that I send receives me, and [he] who receives me, receives [him] who sent me.”
21 Apa quetië nati sinë, Yésus nánë tarcina fairessë, ar vettanes ar quentë: “Násië, násië quetin lenna: Quén imíca le vartuva ni.”                             After saying these things, Jesus was troubled in spirit, and he witnessed and said: “Truly, truly I say to you: One among you will betray me.”
22 I hildor yenter quén i exenna, lá hanyala pa man quentes.              The disciples looked on one another, not understanding about whom he spoke.
23 Epë Yésuo súma cainë quén hildoryaron, ye Yésus mélë.            Before Jesus’ bosom [there] lay one of his disiciples, whom Jesus loved.
24 Etta Símon Péter hiutanë quén tananna ar equë senna: “Nyara man ná pa ye quétas!”                 Therefore Simon Peter gave a hint to that one and said to him: “Tell who [it] is that he is talking about!”
25 Sië i hildo, talta Yésuo ambostenna, quentë senna: “Heru, man násë?”                Thus the disciple, leaning towards Jesus’ chest, said to him: “Lord, who is he?”
26 Etta Yésus hanquentë: “Násë yen antauvan i ranta massava ya sumban.”Sumbiéla i ranta sa-antanes Yúras yondoryan Símon Iscáriot.                       Therefore Jesus answered: “He is [the one] to whom I will give the piece of bread that I dip.” After dipping the piece he gave it to Judas the son of Simon Iscariot.
27 Ar cámiéla i ranta, tá Satan mittanë he. Etta Yésus quentë henna: “Ya cáral, ása carë lintiénen!”                      And after receiving the piece, then Satan entered him. Therefore Jesus said to him: “What you are doing, do it quickly!”
28 Mal úquen imíca i cainer ara i sarno sintë i casta yanen quentes henna.si.                  But nobody among [those] who were lying by the table knew the reason why [yanen “by which”] he said this to him.
29 An ennoli sanner, pan Yúras sámë i tyelpecolca, i Yésus quentë senna: “Vaca yaiva samilvë maurë i aşaren,” hya i hé antauva nat i penyain.                                And some thought, since Judas had the money box, that Jesus said to him: “Buy [the things] that we have need of for the festival,” or that he was to [Q: will] give something to the poor.
30 Etta, cámiéla i ranta, hé etemennë mí imya lú. Ar engë lómë.                 Therefore, having received the piece, he went out in the same moment. And [it] was night.
31 Sië, apa hé etemennë, Yésus quentë: “Sí i Atanyondo ná alcaryaina, ar Eru alcaryaina ná issen.                      Thus, after he went out, Jesus said: “Now the Son of Man is being glorified, and God is being glorified by means of him.
32 Qui Eru alcaryaina ná issenen, Eru immo yú alcaryauva sé, ar alcaryauvases rongo.                 If God is being glorified by means of him, God himself will also glorify him, and he will glorify him soon.
33 Hinyar, eän aseldë an şinta lúmessë. Cestuvalden, ar tambë quenten i Yúrannar: Yanna inyë auta eldë uar polë tulë, sívë quetin yú eldenna sí.                               My children, I am with you for a little while more. You will seek me, and as I said to the Jews: Where I am going away you cannot come, so I say also to you now.
34 Vinya axan antan len: melë quén i exë. Aqua ve inyë emélië le, sië yú eldë na meluvar quén i exë.                          A new command I give you: to love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you too are to love one another.
35 Sinen illi istuvar i naldë hildonyar, qui samildë melmë mici indë.”               By this all shall know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.”
36 Símon Péter quentë senna: “Heru, manna autal?” Yésus hanquentë: “Yanna autan ual polë hilya ni sí, mal hilyuval apa.”                          Simon Peter said to him: “Lord, where do you go away to?” Jesus answered: “Where I am go away you cannot follow me now, but you will follow after[wards].”
37 Equë senna Péter: “Heru, manen uan polë hilya lye sí? Antauvan coiviënya elyen!”                Peter said to him: “Lord, how [is it that] I cannot follow you now? I will give my life for you!”
38 Yésus hanquentë: “Ma antauval coiviëlya inyen? Násië, násië quetin lyenna: Tocot laumë lamyuva nó aláliëlyen nel.”                      Jesus answered: “Will you give your life for me? Truly, truly I say to you: A cock will by no means sound before you have denied me thrice.”

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