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Original work by Luinyelle, written in 2022, provided here under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Retrieved on 2023-08-30. See also the youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4TwkrWOBPo


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Ar celumë patanen þinda lómessë,       I walked by a stream in grey night,
2 ú sartaro óni ar ilya nómessë       Without a companion at my side and on every place
3 ya lahtanen cainë anséreä tínë,       that I passed by lay peaceful silence,
4 or sardi, or salquë, or tereva hlínë.           on grass, on stones, on fine cobweb.
5 Menello tal fainaner tinwi calalta,       From the sky downwards stars sent their light,
6 Tihtaila or falmali elveä ñalta      blinking on the many waves starlike radiance
7 Lilintë ter mordor taþarion tyelca.       danced nimbly through the shadows of willows.
8 Tá valtanë súrë olassië nelca,       A wind then moved the dense foliage,
9 Nin colila lingië lammar ar tarnen,        bearing to me musical sounds and I stood
10 Lan lirië melda ló lirulin hlarnen.        While I heard the singing of my beloved lark.
12 Linwelya, a lirulin, ainima lírë,         Your lay, oh lark, a holy song,
13 ve capilë limbali mi lantasírë,       Like springing drops in a waterfall,
14 ve papila hwindeva lasseo hlussë      Like the whisper of a trembling birch leave,
15 hya palpië vilvarin tereno. Mussë       Or the fluttering of a slender butterfly. Soft
16 ve laireä mistë pá tuimali, virya        Like a summer-drizzle on buds, fresh
17 ve tuileva minya laiquassë al lirya       Like the first greenness of spring, and sweet
18 ve malina nehtë lavarion lelyë.       Like yellow honey of delicate blossoms.
19 Nás aþië lumba indonyan. A elyë        It is comfort to my weary heart. Oh you
20 nin anna almáreä, moina márinya,        are a blessed gift to me, a dear home,
21 quantelyë coivenya, melissë, tárinya.        You filled my life, my lover, my queen.
23 En renin vantanquar al liltiër lintë,        I still remember our walks and swift dances,
24 i lúmeli andë anant' ariþintë.       The times long and yet so short.
25 Lye lindanë ara ni, tás mi lepettar,          You sang beside me, there in the Lepettar,
26 ar mina lindelya ni lanyanë quettar.        And into your song I wove words.
27 Rámaitë ter olvali poto lye villë,        Winged you flew ahead through the branches,
28 lan cato alarcë talanten ni hillë.        While I followed behind on swift feet.
29 Vilyassë luntelyë ar nornen pá talan,        You floated in the air and I ran on the ground,
30 ranyaila ter landë hravandali palan      wandering far through wide wildernesses,
31 nu hellë yas lelyar mi aratë ménar        Beneath the sky, where in lofty regions fare
32 Elemmirë, Carnil, Silindo ar Nénar.         Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus.
34 Ú lindalë véla Ardassë hlarinwa,       No equal music on Arda is heard,
35 ómanten ú mairë ta míra carinwa.        By voices no art so lovely made.
36 Qui amna tullenquë, ron pustanë vailë,         When we drew near, soon the wind ceased.
37 ron lastaner lamnion hosto elmailë,       Soon hearkened the host of marvelling beasts.
38 eccuinuner lóti et olori cemnë      Flowers awoke from earthen dreams
39 ar ñillion silmë ancalina nemnë.       And the light of the stars seemed very bright.
40 Asáviën oliriënquo maranwë,     I have believed in the destiny of our singing together,
41 vent rië alassë yo rainë istanwë,        Only joy and good will were known to us,
42 er alcarin tuilë ta ilvana lairë       One glorious spring and a perfect summer,
43 tenn‘ aurë yas vánel nórennar eccairë.        Until the day when you disappeared to lands far away.
45 Sí quildë i taurë ar halda i hellë,          Now the wood is quiet and the sky veiled,
46 yahtinya úpahteä, lindalë quellë.       My throat is speechless, music faded.
47 Uin híra en lingeli, unqua i súma,          I find no more musical sounds, hollow is the bosom,
48 ar téneä tiëron ilya mi cúma.        And every one of paths ends up in void.
49 Lyen, lirulin, yálan, lye cesteän sinna,           To you, lark, I call, I seek you still,
50 anírala cenai entuluval ninna.      Desiring maybe you will return to me.
51 Mal cíliël himya mendelyana véra;     ; But you have chosen to abide by your own will;
52 oloitiën hepë lye - aiwë ná léra.         I have failed to keep you - a bird be free.
53 Nai alya lendalya! Sin holmo merinyë.        May your journey be blessed! Thus I wish sincerely.
54 Ri‘ enyala oio nilmenqua, mecinyë.        Just do ever remember our friendship, I plead.

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