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The lamp so bright,
a bloom that burns,
lifts gloom with light
till dawn returns.


Audio recordings to accompany the text.
By Caliel
By Chaered
By Ellanto
By Leriendil
By Luinyelle
By Orondil, fast version
By Orondil, slow version
By espeak-ng TTS


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 i calima CALMA    The bright lamp
2 fá vanya ve alma     a flame beautiful like a flower
3 i lómessë laurë    in the gloom is golden
4 tenn' entulë aurë    until the day returns


A translation into Dutch:

   De lamp, een kostbaar goed:
een vlam, als bloem van gloed,
behoedt ons voor het duister
tot dageraad, in luister.
The lamp, a precious item:
a flame, as a flower of glow,
protects us from the gloom,
until daybreak, in luster.

Ránatar/Maivandion on VL provided a translation into Russian: (ЛАМПА)

   Золотится лампы свет.
Пламя словно огнецвет
Тьму ночную разгоняет,
Пока утро не настанет.
The light of a lamp shines golden.
The flame is like a fire flower,
dispels the darkness of the night,
until the morning comes.

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