Text index

I Carma Tecindova


Written by Almáriel, posted to the Vinye Lambengolmor forum in 2024, provided here under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). Retrieved on 2024-11-06.

Note: The author does not wish that this Quenya text be used to train AI.


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 i carma tecindova    the scribe’s tool
3 sartë meldon   a note to a friend
4 i alhanquentë tenca    an unanswered letter
5 i nolwë úquétima    the unsayable secret
6 tuciër i aina-parmassë    sketches in the holy book
7 quilini tengwar   adorned tengwar
8 i carmanen tecindova    With the scribe’s tool
9 i carmanen tecindova    With the scribe’s tool
11 lepin tecilinya   I pick up my pen
12 ar i parmalassë luhta nin      and the page enchants me
13 cacarra! cacarra!   continue! continue!
15 sanwi oleä móro    thoughts become ink
16 ar i móro oleä quettar      ink becomes words
17 mal lá rië quettar     but not only words
18 Siryar sulë, lúcë, ar vanië        spirit, enchantment, and beauty flows
19 i carmallo tecindova    Out of the scribe’s tool
20 i carmallo tecindova    Out of the scribe’s tool

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