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The dwarves find red rock and then toil
to make it red-hot as to boil
and drain it of its iron-blood
then leave the rest as soulless mud


Audio recordings to accompany the text.
By Caliel
By Chaered
By Leriendil
By espeak-ng TTS


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Casar i rusca ondossë tás cesta       A dwarf the red (stuff) in the rock here seeks,
2 úranen laucata tér velis esta      with fire heats (it) so it boils out:
3 ANGA ve sercë ondollo suryaila      iron, like blood from the stone, flowing;
4 loxo ve loico luppullo hehtaila      mud, like the corpse (out) of the lump/heap, remaining.


A translation into Dutch: (IJZER)

   De dwergen zoeken rode rots
en zieden het totdat het plots
zijn ijzer uitbloedt, in een plas;
wat blijft is zielloos puin en as.
The dwarves find red rock
and seethe it until it suddenly
bleeds out its iron, in a puddle;
what remains is soulless debris and ashes.

Ránatar/Maivandion on VL provided a translation into Russian: (ЖЕЛЕЗО)

   Карлики в скалах ищут руду,
Адским огнём выплавляют:
Кровью из камня железо течёт,
Косная груда остатков растёт.
Dwarfs in the rocks look for ore,
melt out with hellfire:
Iron flows out of stone like blood,
the stagnant pile of debris grows.

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