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Elves have affection
to starlight's perfection.
Behold these silvery gleams
on the lakes: exaltation!


Audio recordings to accompany the text.
By Caliel
By Chaered
By espeak-ng TTS


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Eldar samir nilmë    Elves have affection
2 an telperin SILME    to silver starlight
3 elion, fainailë    of the stars emitting light
4 angalailininnar  to the Mirrormeres


Rhyme and picture idea for this tengwa contributed by Ránatar/Maivandion on VL, who also provided a translation into Russian:

   Эльфы любят звёздный свет -
Серебра прекрасней нет.
На зеркальных на озёрах
Блеск его ничтожит ссоры.
Elves love starlight -
there is no finer silver.
On mirror lakes
its brilliance destroys quarrels.

Intended picture: top point of SILME is the star emitting a ray to the round lake. Provisional picture by chaered: stars and reflections on a round lake.

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