This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)
No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | Linyenwa mardelma engië mi talan tauressë ar' oronteli. | | Our old house has stood [been] in an open space in a forest near some mountains. |
2 | I taurë yána: númessë alalveä, yassë haustar eär linimë lindalië aiwelion. | | The forest is vast: in the west full of elms, where there are nests of many kinds of melodious small birds. |
3 | Formessë ambena i oronteli eär fimbi þúci, ar hún tupina lantanwë þononelmelínen. | | In the north closer to the mountains are slender pines, and the ground is covered in fallen pine-needles. |
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5 | Entë rómenna ecë tuvë mottoli rainë vorë sirië nellelínen, ar oricon quilin eccoië nelmaþirpelínen. | | Furthermore, to the east one can find fenlands laced with ever-flowing brooks, and heather, adorned with thorny thistles,. |
6 | Hyarmenna i ambor laicalassi, uis anwa rostaurë, mal tanomë távar lauyar. | | To the south, the hills are leaf-green, it is not truly a rain forest, but big trees flourish there. |
7 | Amna i mar eä cinta töasta relyávaldaron, i yava elmen úmië cévë relyáveli. | | Near the house is a small grove of fig-trees, which bear us abundant fresh figs. |
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9 | Enel i töasta ar i mar latë pelin nesselë, yassë hánonya emernë nyéníli, as sérinqua lóna quiltaina siquilisselínen. | | Between the grove and the house lies an enclosed pasture, where my brother kept goats, with a still pool ringed by weeping willows. |
10 | Nánes ohtar i aranwa né coranalli, mal sír cemendur ve inyë; santes macalya, ar rië tyastas lanquinga farastanen nornolasseä tauressë. | ; | He was a soldier of the king some years ago, but now is a farmer like me; he put aside his sword, and only applies a crossbow to hunting in the oak-leaved area of the forest. |
11 | Lillumë os úyalë, i ruimenessë, pó per-ulma miruo lehtaila lambarya, nyarnes intyaiti nyarnar, vinyamólin ar cairavë lastailë olanwalin, nembavë nyarvië mal allumë sapsarrimë. | | Often, around dusk, after a half-flagon of wine loosening his tongue, he told fantastic stories, to credulous youngsters and eagerly listening adults, probably made-up but never boring. |
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13 | Ñolya verressenya arimaitë ambahempë lotarwa pó mar; ó niþilë olóteo ar miryë luicarni insilli andë þirpelissen, sanomë nánë aþcénima alatulya tanna naþalin. | ; | My dark-haired sister-in-law skillfully maintained a flower-garden in front of the house, with fragrance from its bloom and beautiful purple flowers on long stalks, there it was an evident welcome sign to guests. |
14 | Nalumë i naþali náner i niëri, carneltë híma lís elmen mi niëres i töastassë. | | Sometimes the guest were bees, they made sticky honey for us in a hive in the grove. |
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