Text index

Part 11


This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Romya narambo hyaldë i ortostallo, taitë yan penen veästa.            A loud bang resounded from the mountain range, to which I have no comparison.
2 Þenwassë sannen i nés amaromya hundo, palpaila orotinga ve ondopelet norþo.              For a moment I though it was very loud thunder, hitting a mountain top like a giant pick-axe.
3 Hánonya ar i rendo nantarnettë costettallo, ar tihtanettë formenna.            My brother and the cousin stepped back from their quarrel, and looked north.
4 En appalenna nu talinyat tullë pampilë, ar ráveä hyastaila hlón omyanë hlarinyanta.               Then I felt trembling under my feet, and a roaring, rushing sound rang into my ears.
5 Opo elmë ve astarmor, alacénima má moryo aupsarnë lá nór catamenessë númenna, luhtyaila i calië aparuiveo, nihtaila sa rínë lilmalin lencë fáron.                           With us as bystanders, an invisible hand of darkness swept over the land in the background to the west, extinguishing the fire glare, reducing it to scattered patches of muted flames.
7 Tarnelmë ve helinar, atar nótima tuxa hontompar, lan hondolmar querner necestello útanciënna ar tó la-tulumaitë þámenna.                    We stood like frozen for a few hundred heartbeats, as our thoughts turned from despair to confusion and thence to improbable salvation.
8 En uo nanquernelmë ar patunelmë ata i sírinna, i vinya ruivë sí cattalmassë.                Then we turned as one and headed back towards the river, with the new fire now at our back.
9 Vinya estel ánë hrondolmain ceura tuo.        New hope gave our bodies renewed strength.
11 Almarénen i vailë formenna amna aucólië i fanwa lumboron i cendelello Iþilwa, san me ceníti menen.                   Fortunately the northward wind had mostly lifted the veil of clouds from the face of the moon, so we could see our way.
12 Lenca levenen, cána hilyanelmë patelmassen, tenna pustaneltë.           With a slow crawl, we followed back along our footsteps, until they stopped.
13 Tarnelmë quantë áyo i ettaniën opo me.         We stood full of awe at the spectacle before us.
14 Engë nén, mal lá ecë men atsinta i ráva siryo.             There was water, but we could not recognize the riverbank.
15 Tiuca túpo muco ar loxo lantë apa ilqua.          A thick cover of dirt and mud lay over everything.
16 Linquë nenessë engë caraitië, ausaron rácinë aldalion.          There was movement in the flowing water, of the dim shapes of broken trees.
17 Iþilmë minquetyarnë hraitastar i únyárimu úpartaléo ar perestiéo, hehtinë oloireo i talo öantië.                The moonlight accentuated details of the indescribable chaos and havoc left behind by a great flood that had passed there.
19 I nírë luimeva ivistanië i ranta siryo, etta men engë iquis hilië síriva itan túvalmë vinya langa-nómë.                    The force of the flood had changed the course of the river, and so we had to follow the river to find a new place for crossing.
20 As antoryamë coloitiëlmava indolmo, anyanelmë mardelma amauressë, mal tócan i tana lómë añwárië neldë coimendi eästalmallo.                    With our endurance strengthened by our resolve, we reached home by early morning, but I feel like that night took three years of our lifespan.

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