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Ninya Masta


This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)

The purpose of writing this text was threefold: to practice my Quenya, and write more copyright-unencumbered Quenya reading material, The format is a kid's song, teaching fractions. The stress pattern is strictly dactyl-dactyl-dactyl-trochee, so it will suit a 3/4 beat.

The second part is the chorus, repeats after every verse.

I considered using "ant' ilyen" instean of "anta sen" as the ending of the 3rd line of the verses, which would make more math sense, but it may be harder to sing.

The song may be overusing the aorist where present tense could be used, but the aorist was easier to fit, and may give it more of a timeless feel.


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