The elves had various calendar systems. The names below are the ones most familiar to us, dividing the solar year into 12 months.
Today's month and weekday are highlighted in the tables below, just in case you have been so busy with learning Quenya that you have completely lost track of time. It can happen to the best of us.
The elves, being wise, would of course have been ISO 8601 compliant, and so started the week on Monday.
Monday | iþilya | | moon-day |
Tuesday | aldúya | | day of the two trees |
Wednesday | menelya | | heavens-day |
Thursday | eärenya | | sea-day |
Friday | valanya | | vala-day |
Saturday | elenya | | star-day |
Sunday | anarya | | sun-day |
Some months were so hectic they named them twice! You can pick the name you prefer, like how autumn and fall mean the same thing.
January | narvinyë metterrívë | | new-fire end-winter |
February | nénimë | | wet-ness |
March | þúlimë | | windy-one |
April | víressë | | freshness |
May | lótessë | | flower-ness |
June | nárië | | fire-ness |
July | nólairë cermië | | after-summer ? |
August | mettelairë úrimë | | end-summer hot-one |
September | yavannië | | yavanna-ness |
October | narquelië | | sun-fading |
November | híþimë | | misty-one |
December | ringarë | | cold-day |
These seasons depend on the hemisphere; the northern one starts the year in mid-winter, the southern one in mid-summer.
Spring | tuilë | | |
Summer | lairë | | |
Autumn | yávië | | |
Winter | hrívë | |
—generated by quettali version 0.28.33