Quettali Extra

The core of quettali is a word inflection engine: it has a hard-coded knowledge of Quenya lexical elements like its alphabet and sound clusters, its list of cases tenses, and word catgories. It has a pre-compiled set of configuration files to generate the inflected forms of a word for case, number and tense as a model, lists of rules for figuring out how to determine the right model for a word, and how to turn text into tengwar to display Quenya. Quettali also ships with a set of dictionary files, and if you run this program locally, you can easily add your own.

To make it easier to view, explore, study and play with the language, quettali has accumulated a bunch of extra features, in various stages of completion, levels of quality, and measures of usefulness. This page covers some of the features that are works in progress, or for some other reason not part of the general theme yet. Some of these will only be linked from the basic vesta theme, for that reason, and may be only be for testing and development.




—generated by quettali version 0.26.1