Miscellaneous Index to Quenya

This is a full alphabetical reverse index of 585 English miscellaneous translations back to Quenya; it is the inverse of the Quenya Miscellaneous index. It covers all words that are not an adverb, adjective, noun, or verb.

a comparative suffix (sf.) → -lda³
ablative suffix (sf.) → -llo²
Able →
abominably (pf.) → nai-
about (pp.) → os
Above →
  • above (pp.) → or
  • above (pp.) → to¹
Abstract →
  • abstract noun (sf.) → -ië¹
  • abstract noun (sf.) → -le
  • abstract noun (sf.) → -me
  • abstract noun (sf.) → -re¹
  • abstract noun (sf.) → -sse²
  • abstract noun (sf.) → -ve
accusative definite article (ar.) → a
across (pp.) →
Action →
  • a single ♦action (sf.) → -men
  • a single ♦action (sf.) → -mend-
  • a single ♦action (sf.) → -mië
Active →
  • active participle (sf.) → -ila
  • active participle (sf.) → -la¹
  • active participle (sf.) → -la²
  • active participle (intransitive verbs) (sf.) → -nwa
Adjectival →
  • adjectival ending (sf.) → -itë
  • adjectival ending (sf.) → -iti-
  • adjectival suffix (sf.) → -a
Adjective →
  • adjective suffix (sf.) → -ina
  • adjective suffix (sf.) → -ya¹
Admirable →
  • admirable (pf.) → amya-
  • admirable (pf.) → mai-
Adverb →
  • adverb (sf.) → -ië¹
  • adverb (sf.) → -le
  • adverb (sf.) → -ve
After →
  • after (of time) (pp.) → apa¹
  • after (of time) (pp.) → epë
  • after (of time) (pp.) → opo
  • after (of time) (pp.) →
  • after the manner (of) (pp.) → ve
again (pf.) → en-
Against →
  • against (pp.) → apa²
  • against (pp.) →
  • against (pp.) → anat
(lit.) ♦against-that-which (cj.) → anahtai
Agental →
  • agental suffix (sf.) → -mo
  • agental suffix (sf.) → -r²
  • agental suffix (sf.) → -ro²
  • agental suffix (sf.) → -r(o)²
ah (ij.) → ai
alas (ij.) → ai
All →
allative suffix (sf.) → -nna
aloft (pf.) → oro-
along (pp.) → pelas
although (cj.) → anahtai
Amen →
Among →
And →
  • and (cj.) → ar
  • and (pairs) (sf.) → -ye
  • and also (cj.) → ta
anybody (pn.) → aiquen
Anyone →
  • anyone (pn.) → mo
  • anyone (pn.) →
Anything →
  • anything (pn.) → ma
  • anything (pn.) →
  • anything (pn.) → aima
around (pp.) → os
As →
At →
  • at (pp.) → se
  • at (arriving at a point) (sf.) → -nna
  • at back (of place) (pp.) →
  • at back of place (pp.) → cana
  • at back of place (pp.) → ca¹
  • at back of place (pp.) → cata¹
  • at back of place (pp.) → ca(ta)¹
athwart (pp.) →
augmentative (sf.) → -on
Away →
  • away (pf.) → hó-
  • away (from) (pf.) → au-¹
  • away from (pp.) → ollo

Back →
  • back (again) (pf.) → nan-
  • back as an answer or return by another agent (pf.) → han-
Bad →
  • bad (pf.) → ú-
  • bad (pf.) → uþ-
‘badly’ (pf.) → ú-
(lit.) ♦be well (ij.) → namárië
because (cj.) → pan
Before →
  • before (pp.) → opo
  • before (pp.) →
  • before (in all relations but time) (pp.) → epë
  • before (of time) (pp.) →
  • (lit.) ♦before which (cj.) → potai
Behind →
behold (ij.) → aiya
behold! (ij.) → ela
Beneath →
  • beneath (pp.) → ní²
  • beneath (pp.) → nu
Beside →
  • beside (pf.) → ar-¹
  • beside (pp.) → ar
  • beside (pp.) → ara
  • beside (pp.) → ar(a)
(lit.) ♦beside-that-which (cj.) → astai
Between →
  • between (pp.) → enel
  • between (pp.) → imbë
  • between (pp.) → mitta
Beyond →
  • beyond (pp.) → han
  • beyond (pp.) →
  • beyond (boundary or limit) (pp.) → pella
Both →
  • both (pf.) → yu-
  • both ... and (cj.) → yo
But →
  • but (cj.) → an
  • but (cj.) → apa
  • but (cj.) → mal
  • but (cj.) →
  • but (cj.) → onë
  • but (cj.) → ono
By →
  • by agent (of) (pp.) →
  • (lit.) ♦by the boundary of (pp.) → pelas
by- (pf.) → ar-¹

Capable →
  • capable of doing (sf.) → -itë
  • capable of doing (sf.) → -iti-
causative verb suffix (sf.) → -ta
cheers (ij.) → almiën
complete (sf.) → -inqua
concerning (pp.) →
consequently (cj.) → epetai
continuative present (sf.) → -eä¹
Country →
  • country (sf.) → -ndor
  • country (sf.) → -nor

dative (sf.) → -n¹
Daughter →
destitute of (pp.) → ú
devotion (sf.) → -ndil
Difficult →
  • difficult (pf.) → hrai-
  • difficult (pf.) → ú-
  • difficult (pf.) → ur-
  • difficult (pf.) → uru-
  • difficult (pf.) → ur(u)-
diminutive ending (sf.) → -incë
disinterested love (sf.) → -ndil
Do →
  • do not (pt.) → ála
  • do not (ij.) →
doing (sf.) → -carya
don’t (pt.) → áva
Double →
  • double (pf.) → at-
  • double (pf.) → ata-
  • double (pf.) → at(a)-
down (pp.) → undu
Dual →
  • dual ending (sf.) → -t¹
  • dual ending (sf.) → -u¹

Easily →
East →
eating (sf.) → -matya
Eight →
eighteen (cd.) → tolquë
Eighth →
eighty (cd.) → tolquain
eleven (cd.) → minquë
emphatic) (pn.) → ettë¹
ending in feminine names (sf.) → -issë
Even →
  • even if (cj.) → equi
  • even though (cj.) → anahtai
  • even though (cj.) → equi
every (pf.) → il-
everybody (pn.) → ilquen
Evil- →
  • evil- (pf.) → hru-
  • evil- (pf.) → ru-
Excellent →
  • excellent (pf.) → amya-
  • excellent (pf.) → mai-
except (pp.) → hequa
excluding (pp.) → hequa

-face (sf.) → -stir
far beyond (pp.) → palla
farewell (ij.) → namárië
fear (pf.) → ñor-
Feminine →
  • feminine agent (sf.) → -lde²
  • feminine agent (sf.) → -lle¹
  • feminine agent (sf.) → -nde¹
  • feminine ending (sf.) → -iën¹
  • feminine patronymic (sf.) → -iën¹
  • feminine suffix (sf.) → -iël
Fifteen →
fifteenth (or.) → lepenqueä
fifth (or.) → lempeä
fifty (cd.) → lepenquain
first (or.) → minya
Five →
Following →
  • following (pp.) → epë
  • following that (cj.) → epeta
  • following that (cj.) → epta
  • following that (cj.) → ep(e)ta
  • (lit.) ♦following which (fact) (cj.) → epetai
For →
  • for (cj.) → an
  • for (pp.) → atar
  • for (pp.) → hrá
  • for (pp.) →
  • for (the purpose of) (pp.) → meter
forty (cd.) → canquain
four (cd.) → canta
Fourteen →
fourteenth (or.) → canqueä
fourth (or.) → canteä
Friend →
  • -friend (sf.) → -ndil
  • -friend (sf.) → -nil
From →
  • from (pf.) → hó-
  • (movement) ♦from (sf.) → -llo²
  • (away) ♦from (pp.) →
  • from (pp.) → o
  • (away) ♦from (pp.) → va
  • from among (pf.) → hó-
-ful (sf.) → -inqua
future tense suffix (sf.) → -uva

general plural for nouns (sf.) → -i¹
Generally →
  • generally (and naturally) doing (sf.) → -itë
  • generally (and naturally) doing (sf.) → -iti-
genitive ending (sf.) → -o
gerund suffix (sf.) → -ië²
Going →
  • going down (pf.) → andú-
  • going down (pf.) → nú-
Good →
Great →
  • great (sf.) → -on
  • great number (cd.) → húmë
grievously (pf.) → nai-

Hail →
  • hail (ij.) → aia
  • hail (ij.) → aiya
  • hail (ij.) → alla
half (pf.) → per-
Happily →
Hard →
hardly (pf.) → ú-
He →
Her →
Herself →
High →
Him →
  • him (pn.) → se
  • him (pn.) →
  • him (sf.) → -s³
  • him (sf.) → -sse³
  • him (sf.) → -s(se)³
  • him (the other) (pn.) → hye
  • him (the other) (pn.) → he¹
  • him (the other) (semi-emphatic) (pn.) → hyé
  • him (the other) (semi-emphatic) (pn.) →
Himself →
His →
honorific (sf.) → -tar
hundred (cd.) → tuxa

I →
-ian (sf.) → -rin
If →
ill (pf.) → nai-
-ily (sf.) → -ndon
imperative particle (pt.) → á
imperfect participle (sf.) → -lya²
improper (pf.) → uþ-
In →
  • in (pp.) → imi
  • in (pp.) → mi
  • in (pp.) → mina
  • in (pp.) → se
  • in front (of place) (pp.) → opo
  • in front (of place) (pp.) →
  • in front (of place) (pp.) → pono
  • in front (of place) (pp.) → poto
  • in order to (cj.) → itan
  • in the middle (pp.) → enel
In- →
inceptive (sf.) → -arya
(lit.) ♦indeed-if (cj.) → equi
Infinitive →
  • infinitive prefix (pf.) → a-¹
  • infinitive prefix (pf.) → na-²
-ing (sf.) → -ië²
Instrumental →
  • instrumental (sf.) → -ma¹
  • instrumental (sf.) → -nen
intensive prefix (pf.) → an-¹
into (pp.) → mina
It →
  • (neuter) ♦it (pn.) →
  • it (sf.) → -s¹
  • it (sf.) → -se¹
  • it (pn.) → se
  • it (pn.) →
  • it (sf.) → -s²
  • it (sf.) → -ssa²
  • it (sf.) → -s(sa)²
  • it (sf.) → -s³
  • it (sf.) → -s³
  • it (sf.) → -sse³
  • it (sf.) → -sse³
  • it (sf.) → -s(se)³
  • it (sf.) → -s(se)³
  • it (emphatic) (pn.) → essë
  • it (emphatic) (pn.) → issë
  • it (inanimate semi-emphatic) (pn.) →
  • it (inanimate) (pn.) → sa¹
  • it is a fact (ij.) →
  • it is not (ij.) → ui
  • it is not that (ij.) → uito
  • it is so (ij.) →
  • it is so (ij.) → nása
  • it is that (ij.) → náto
  • it may be seeming (ij.) → nácë
Its →
Itself →

Land →
language (sf.) → -rin
of ♦large quantity (sf.) → -úmë¹
leaving aside (pp.) → hequa
left-hand (pf.) → hyar-
Less →
let it be well (to you) (ij.) → namárië
Like →
  • -like (sf.) → -ndon
  • like (pp.) → ve
likelihood or aptitude (sf.) → -ula
lo (ij.) → aiya
lo! (ij.) →
locative ending (sf.) → -sse¹
lord (sf.) → -tur
a ♦lot of (sf.) → -li
Lover →
  • -lover (sf.) → -ndil
  • -lover (sf.) → -nil

Many →
  • many (sf.) → -li
  • many (pf.) → li-
  • many (pf.) → lin-
  • many (pf.) → li(n)-
Masculine →
  • masculine agent (sf.) → -ndo
  • masculine patronymic (sf.) → -ion
master (sf.) → -tur
May →
  • (lit.) ♦may it be so (ij.) → násan
  • (lit.) ♦may it be so (ij.) → násië
  • (lit.) ♦may it be so (ij.) → nás(an,ië)
  • (lit.) ♦may it be so (ij.) → san-na
Me →
  • me (pn.) → ni
  • me (pn.) → ní¹
million (cd.) → mindórë
mine (pn.) → ninya
mistake in ... (pf.) → loi-
mistaken (pf.) → loi-
more (pn.) → amba
My →
myriad (cd.) → quaihúmë
myself (pn.) → imni

name-suffix (often masculine) (sf.) → -we¹
nay (ij.) →
near (pf.) → ar-¹
Negation →
  • negation (refusing or forbidden) (pf.) → ava-¹
  • negation (refusing or forbidden) (pf.) → vá-
negative imperative (pt.) → áva
Neo- →
Next →
  • next (to) (pp.) → ar
  • next (to) (pp.) → ara
  • next (to) (pp.) → ar(a)
nine (cd.) → nertë
nineteen (cd.) → neterquë
ninety (cd.) → neterquain
ninth (or.) → nerteä
No →
Noble →
nobody (pn.) → alquen
None →
Not →
  • not (pf.) → al-¹
  • not (pf.) → ala-¹
  • not (pf.) → al(a)-¹
  • not (pf.) → la-
  • not (pt.) → ú
  • not (pf.) → ú-
  • not (a) (pn.) → uia
  • not (a) (pn.) → uiya
  • not (a) (pn.) → ui(y)a
  • not any (pn.) → uia
  • not any (pn.) → uiya
  • not any (pn.) → ui(y)a
  • not counting (pp.) → hequa
  • not having (pp.) → pen
  • not touching (pp.) → ní²

O (ij.) → a
Of →
  • of (sf.) → -o
  • of course I do (ij.) → þá
Oh (ij.) → a
On →
  • on (pp.) → to¹
  • on (above but touching) (pp.) → apa²
  • on (above but touching) (pp.) →
  • on behalf of (pp.) → hrá
  • on behalf of (pp.) →
  • on the contrary (cj.) → úsië
  • on the contrary (cj.) → úsir
One →
onto (sf.) → -nna
Or →
  • or (cj.) → an
  • or (cj.) → hya
  • or else (cj.) → hyaqui
ordinal suffix (sf.) → -eä²
other than (cj.) → hela
otherwise (cj.) → hyaqui
Our →
  • our (exclusive dual) (sf.) → -mma¹
  • our (exclusive) (sf.) → -lma¹
  • our (exclusive) (pn.) → menya¹
  • our (exclusive) (sf.) → -mma²
  • our (inclusive dual) (sf.) → -lma³
  • our (inclusive dual) (sf.) → -ngwa
  • our (inclusive dual) (sf.) → -nqua
  • our (inclusive) (sf.) → -lma²
  • our (inclusive) (sf.) → -lva
Ours →
Ourselves →
  • ourselves (dual exclusive) (pn.) → immet
  • ourselves (dual inclusive) (pn.) → inwet
  • ourselves (dual) (pn.) → immë²
  • ourselves (plural exclusive) (pn.) → immë¹
  • ourselves (plural inclusive) (pn.) → inwë
Out →
  • out (pf.) → et-
  • out (pf.) → ete-
  • out (pf.) → et(e)-
  • out (of) (pp.) → et
  • (lit.) ♦out of that (cj.) → etta
Over →
  • over (pp.) →
  • over (beyond) (pp.) → olla

part (sf.) → -sta¹
particular infinitive (sf.) → -ita
partitive plural (suffix) (sf.) → -li
Passive →
  • passive participle (sf.) → -ina
  • passive suffix (sf.) → -nwa
perfect suffix (sf.) → -ië³
Person →
  • other ♦person (pn.) → hye
  • other ♦person (pn.) → hyé
  • other ♦person (pn.) → he¹
  • other ♦person (pn.) →
-place (sf.) → -non
Plu- →
Plural →
  • plural of adjectives (sf.) → -e
  • plural suffix (sf.) → -r¹
possessive or adjectival ending (sf.) → -va
possibility (sf.) → -ima

qualified yes (ij.) → nácë
quintillion (cd.) → lependórë

racial-adjective (sf.) → -rin
rather the reverse (cj.) → lasir
re- (pf.) → en-
reflexive verbal inflection (sf.) → -xe
ruler (sf.) → -tur

Said →
  • said (ij.) → equë
  • (he/she/it) ♦said (ij.) → equet
Same →
  • same (pf.) → im-
  • same (pn.) → imba
  • same (pn.) → imma
  • same one (person) (pn.) → immo
  • same thing (pn.) → imma
say (ij.) → equë
Says →
  • says (ij.) → equë
  • (he/she/it) ♦says (ij.) → equet
scattered (sf.) → -rína
Second →
  • second (or.) → atteä
  • second (or.) → atya
  • second time (pf.) → at-
  • second time (pf.) → ata-
  • second time (pf.) → at(a)-
self (pn.) → immo
Self-Same →
  • self-same (pn.) → imba
  • self-same (pn.) → imma
Servant →
  • servant (sf.) → -ndur
  • -servant (sf.) → -nur
Setting →
  • setting (of sun) (pf.) → andú-
  • setting (of sun) (pf.) → nú-
Seven →
  • seven (cd.) → osco
  • seven (cd.) → otos
  • seven (cd.) → otso
seventeen (cd.) → otoquë
seventeenth (or.) → otoqueä
seventh (or.) → otseä
seventy (cd.) → otoquain
shall not (ij.) →
She →
similar (pp.) → ve
simplest aorist infinitive (sf.) → -i²
since (cj.) → pan
six (cd.) → enquë
Sixteen →
sixteenth (or.) → enenqueä
sixth (or.) → enqueä
sixty (cd.) → enquain
-slayer (sf.) → -ndacil
So →
some (sf.) → -li
Somebody →
  • somebody (pn.) → mo
  • somebody (pn.) →
  • somebody (pn.) → quén
Someone →
  • someone (pn.) → mo
  • someone (pn.) →
Something →
  • something (pn.) → ma
  • something (semi-emphatic) (pn.) →
-son (sf.) → -ion
south (pf.) → hyar-
sown (sf.) → -rína
-spot (forms place-names, area nouns) (sf.) → -non
strong or curt refusal (ij.) → ava
suffix of endearment (sf.) → -ya²
Sunrise →
  • sunrise (pf.) → orró-
  • sunrise (pf.) → ro-
Superlative →
  • superlative prefix (pf.) → an-²
  • superlative prefix (pf.) → anda-²
  • superlative prefix (pf.) → an(da)-²
  • superlative prefix (pf.) → ar-³
  • superlative prefix (pf.) → ari-³
  • superlative prefix (pf.) → ar(i)-³

Ten →
Tenth →
That →
  • that (pn.) → i
  • that (pn.) → sa¹
  • that (pn.) →
  • that (pn.) → ta¹
  • that (pn.) → tana
  • that (relative pronoun) (pn.) → ya
  • that which (cj.) → ita
  • that which (cj.) → tai
The →
  • the (ar.) → i
  • the (ar.) → in
  • ?the same person (pn.) → immë³
Thee →
Their →
  • their (sf.) → -nta¹
  • their (colloquial) (sf.) → -rya²
  • their (dual) (sf.) → -sta⁴
  • their (dual) (sf.) → -twa
  • their (dual) (sf.) → -tta¹
Theirs →
Them →
  • them (pn.) → te¹
  • them (pn.) →
  • them (pn.) → tu¹
  • them (pn.) →
  • them (inanimate) (pn.) → sa²
  • them (inanimate) (pn.) → ta²
  • them (inanimate) (pn.) → tai
Themselves →
  • themselves (pn.) → intë¹
  • themselves (sf.) → -tte²
  • themselves (dual) (pn.) → intu
Then →
  • then (cj.) → an
  • then (cj.) → san
  • then (cj.) → ta
Thence →
there (pn.) → ta¹
Therefore →
  • therefore (cj.) → etta
  • therefore (cj.) → potai
Thereupon →
They →
  • they (sf.) → -lte
  • they (sf.) → -nte
  • they (dual emphatic) (pn.) → esto
  • they (dual semi-emphatic) (pn.) →
  • they (dual) (sf.) → -sto¹
  • they (dual) (sf.) → -tte¹
  • they (dual) (pn.) → tu¹
  • they (emphatic) (pn.) → intë²
  • they (object suffix) (sf.) → -t²
  • they (plural semi-emphatic) (pn.) →
  • they (plural) (pn.) → te¹
  • they (two (pn.) → ettë¹
Thing →
  • a ♦thing (pn.) →
  • other ♦thing (pn.) → hya
  • a ♦thing (pn.) → ma
  • a ♦thing (pn.) →
  • other ♦thing (semi-emphatic) (pn.) → hyá
third (or.) → neldeä
Thirteen →
thirteenth (or.) → nelqueä
thirty (cd.) → nelquain
this (pn.) → si¹
thou (pn.) → elyë
Thou-And-I →
  • thou-and-I (dual) (sf.) → -inquë
  • thou-and-I (dual) (sf.) → -nquë
  • thou-and-I (emphatic) (pn.) → inquë
Thousand →
thousandth (or.) → tuxaineneä
three (cd.) → neldë
through (pp.) → ter
thus (cj.) → san
-times (sf.) → -llumë
To →
  • to (pf.) → ana-¹
  • to (pp.) → na
  • (movement) ♦to (sf.) → -nna
  • (lit.) ♦to good fortune (ij.) → almiën
  • to reach (pp.) → tenna
  • to serve (sf.) → -ndur
  • to the point (pp.) → tenna
Together →
  • together (pf.) → o-¹
  • together (pf.) → va-
  • together (used in words describing the union of three or more things) (pf.) → yo-
Touching →
  • touching (pp.) → apa²
  • touching (pp.) →
Towards →
  • towards (pf.) → ana-¹
  • towards (pp.) → na
  • towards (sf.) → -nna
  • towards the end (pp.) → meter
twelfth (or.) → yunqueä
twelve (cd.) → yunquë
twenty (cd.) → yuquain
two (cd.) → atta

Un- →
Under →
  • under (pp.) → ní²
  • under (pp.) → nu
  • under (pp.) → undu
  • under (beyond) (pp.) → núla
uneasy (pf.) → ú-
unless (cj.) → laqui
unsuitable (pf.) → uþ-
until (pp.) → tenna
Up →
Uprising →
  • uprising (pf.) → orró-
  • uprising (pf.) → ro-
Us →
useless (pf.) → uþ-

Verbal →
  • verbal noun suffix (sf.) → -sta²
  • verbal suffix (sf.) → -tië
  • verbal suffix (sf.) → -ya⁴
Very →
  • very badly (pf.) → sau-
  • very good (ij.) → þá
-victor (sf.) → -ndacil

We →
  • we (dual emphatic exclusive) (pn.) → emmë
  • we (dual exclusive semi-emphatic) (pn.) → mét
  • we (dual exclusive) (pn.) → met
  • we (dual inclusive) (pn.) → vet
  • we (dual semi-emphatic inclusive) (pn.) → vét
  • we (emphatic exclusive) (pn.) → emmë
  • we (exclusive dual) (sf.) → -mme¹
  • we (exclusive dual) (sf.) → -mmo
  • we (exclusive dual) (sf.) → -nwe
  • we (exclusive) (sf.) → -lme¹
  • we (exclusive) (sf.) → -mme²
  • we (inclusive dual) (sf.) → -lmo
  • we (inclusive dual) (sf.) → -nge
  • we (inclusive dual) (sf.) → -ngo
  • we (inclusive dual) (sf.) → -ngwe¹
  • we (inclusive) (sf.) → -lme²
  • we (inclusive) (sf.) → -lve
  • we (plural emphatic exclusive) (pn.) → elmë
  • we (plural emphatic inclusive) (pn.) → elvë
  • we (plural exclusive semi-emphatic) (pn.) →
  • we (plural exclusive) (pn.) → me
  • we (plural inclusive) (pn.) → ve
  • we (plural semi-emphatic inclusive) (pn.) →
welcome (ij.) → alla
Well →
West →
What →
  • what (pn.) → i
  • what (cj.) → ita
  • what (pn.) → mana
  • what (cj.) → tai
  • what a ... (ij.) →
  • what is more (ij.) →
  • what is more (ij.) → yeä
whatever (pn.) → aima
when (cj.) →
whereas (cj.) → astai
Whereupon →
whether (cj.) → quima
Which →
  • which (pn.) → i
  • which (pn.) → ya
while (cj.) → lan
Who →
  • who (pn.) → i
  • who (pn.) → man
  • who (pn.) → ye
whoever (pn.) → aiquen
will not (ij.) →
With →
  • with (pp.) → as
  • with (pp.) →
  • with (pp.) → ó
  • (together) ♦with (pp.) →
  • (together) ♦with (pp.) → yóm
  • (together) ♦with (pp.) → yó(m)
  • (wrong) ♦with a bad sense (pf.) → uþ-
  • with difficulty (pf.) → ú-
Without →
  • without (pf.) → al-¹
  • without (pf.) → ala-¹
  • without (pf.) → al(a)-¹
  • without (sf.) → -enca
  • without (pf.) → nec-
  • without (pp.) → pen
  • without (pp.) → ú
wrong (pf.) → uþ-

Yes →
You →
  • you (dual emphatic) (pn.) → estë
  • you (dual emphatic) (pn.) → incë
  • you (dual polite) (sf.) → -lle³
  • you (dual semi-emphatic) (pn.) → lét
  • you (dual) (sf.) → -ilco
  • you (dual) (sf.) → -illo
  • you (dual) (sf.) → -llo¹
  • you (dual) (pn.) → let
  • you (dual) (sf.) → -ste⁶
  • you (plural emphatic) (pn.) → eldë
  • you (plural emphatic) (pn.) → ilcë
  • you (plural familiar) (sf.) → -ntye
  • you (plural semi-emphatic) (pn.) →
  • you (plural) (sf.) → -lde¹
  • you (plural) (pn.) → le
  • you (plural) (sf.) → -lle²
  • you (polite) (sf.) → -l²
  • you (polite) (sf.) → -lye²
  • you (polite) (sf.) → -l(ye)²
  • you (singualr polite) (sf.) → -l¹
  • you (singular emphatic familiar) (pn.) → ityë
  • you (singular emphatic polite) (pn.) → elyë
  • you (singular familiar) (sf.) → -t³
  • you (singular familiar) (sf.) → -tye
  • you (singular familiar) (pn.) → tye¹
  • you (singular polite) (pn.) → lye
  • you (singular semi-emphatic familiar) (pn.) → tyé
  • you (singular semi-emphatic polite) (pn.) → lyé
  • you two (pn.) → let
  • you two (pn.) → lét
Your →
  • your (dual) (sf.) → -lda²
  • your (dual) (sf.) → -lla²
  • your (dual) (sf.) → -sta³
  • your (familiar) (sf.) → -tya¹
  • your (plural polite) (sf.) → -lla¹
  • your (plural) (sf.) → -lda¹
  • your (polite) (sf.) → -lya¹
Yours →
  • yours (plural) (pn.) → lenya
  • yours (polite) (pn.) → lyenya
Yourself →
  • yourself (familiar) (pn.) → intyë
  • yourself (polite) (pn.) → imlë
  • yourself (polite) (pn.) → imli
Yourselves →
  • yourselves (pn.) → indë
  • yourselves (dual) (pn.) → indu

—generated by quettali version 0.26.1