Nouns Index to Quenya

This is a full alphabetical reverse index of 2953 English noun translations back to Quenya; it is the inverse of the Quenya Nouns index.

* [ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z É Í Ñ Ú
*atom → únehta

[unleavened] bread (collective) → háva

aare-reversed → áre-nuquerna
abductor → aumapando
ability → polië
(lit.) ♦abundance of stars → tinwerúmë
abyss → undumë
academy → istanómë
accentuation → minquetyarmë
accident → útulma
Account →
accusation → ulquetië
accuser → ulquéto
acre → resta
Act →
Action →
(lit.) ♦action-course → carranta
activity → caraitië
address → tengessë
adultery → vestaracië
young ♦adulthood → vinyarë
advancement → empatyellë
advent → tulusta
adventure → veryandë
advertisement → cacannalë
Aegnor → aicanáro
affair → natto
affection → persanië
(lit.) ♦after-meal → epemat
after-name → epessë
(lit.) ♦after-sight → apacen
agate → sinilë
Agony →
agreement → sáquetië
aid → áþë
Aikanáro → aicanáro
Ailinel → ailinel
aim → mehtë
air → vilya
Airefëa → airefeä
Aiwendil → aiwendil
Alairë → alairë
alarm → cuitar
Alatar → alatar
music ♦album → lindista
Alcarin → alcarin
Alcarinquë → alcarinquë
Aldamir → aldamir
Aldarion → aldarion
Aldaron → aldaron
All →
alliance → otornië
allness → ilúvë
allurement → telyantassë
Almarian → almarian
Almiel → almiël
Almáriel → almáriël
aloe → þortöa
alphabet → tengwassë
altar → yangwa
Altáriel → altáriël
Amanar → amanar
Amandil → amandil
Amarië → amarië
Ambarto → ambarto
Ambarussa → ambarussa
Ambaráto → ambaráto
ambassador → ráquen
amber → malicon
amethyst → mirumírë
Amount →
Anairë → anairë
Anardil → anardil
Anarríma → anarríma
Ancalimon → ancalimon
Ancalimë → ancalimë
anchor → ciryampa
Anducal → anducal
Andúril → andúril
anemone → súriëllë
Angainor → angainor
Angamaitë → angamaitë
Angaráto → angaráto
Angle →
Animal →
ankle → tallimë
annals → yénië
Annatar → annatar
anniversary → atyenárë
announcement → canwa¹
answer → hanquenta
ant → pímótar
antiquity → yarië
anus → catassa
anvil → onin
anything used to finish off a work or affair → telma
Anárion → anárion
apartment → þambesta
ape → maimun
apostasy → öatarië
spectral or vague ♦apparition → ausa
appearance → nemesta
apple → orva
(lit.) ♦apple-jewel → orvamir
appliance → yungwa
approaches → ando
April → víressë
apron → quiltalannë
Aptitude →
aquamarine → falmaril
Aracorno → aracorno
Aracáno → aracáno
Arafinwë → arafinwë
Aragorn → elessar
Arantar → arantar
Aranwen → aranwen
Aranwion → aranwion
Aranwë →
Aratan → aratan
Arcastar → arcastar
arch → cúnë
archaism → yáraquetta
archipelago → tollesta
Arciryas → arciryas
Ardamin → ardamin
Ardamírë → ardamírë
martial ♦ardour → ohtarië
area → latsë
Arien → ariën
arising → oryandë
armful → ranqua
armour → varma
army → hotsë
Arrangement →
Arrival →
(lit.) ♦?arrow thorns → pilinehtar
arsehole → catassa
Art →
Artaher → artaher
Artamir → artamir
Artanis → artanis
Artano → artano
Artanáro → artanáro
Artaresto → artaresto
article (for exchange) → macca
Artifact →
artist → maitar
Arwen → arwen
ascension → orosta¹
asea of the Kings → aþeä-aranion
Ash →
ass → pellopë
Assemblage →
Assembly →
assistant → aþyar
association → otornië
Astaldo → astaldo
astronomer → meneldil
astronomy → elengolmë
Atanalcar → atanalcar
Atanamir → atanamir
Atanatar → atanatar
Atandil → atandil
Atarinkë → atarincë
athelas → aþeä
attraction → telyantassë
auger → teret
August →
Aulendil → aulendil
Aulendur → aulendur
Aulë → aulë¹
Auriël → auriël
auroch → aromundo
Aurora →
author → parmahto
Authority →
  • Authority → vala
  • divine ♦authority → válë
automobile → immenwa
Autumn →
autumn-day → yáviérë
avenger → pairemo
avenue (of trees) → aldeon
(lit.) ♦awake-dream → cuilórë
Awakening →
award → artanwa
(lit.) ♦away-flowing → aucelië
(lit.) ♦away-seizer → aumapando
(lit.) ♦away-standing → öatarië
awe → áya
Axantur → axantur
Axe →

babble → lalammië
babbler → lalammamo
Babel → vável
Baby →
Back →
background → catamen
(lit.) ♦bad-event → útulma
badger → oryat
bag → poco
balcony → ettalan
band → hotsë
bang → narambo
pebble ♦bank → sarnië
banker → sarnomo
banner → lantanna
baptizer → sumbando
bar → þan
barber → findimaitar
bargain → quapta
bargaining → quampalë
barley → findori
barn → tumpo¹
barrier → þan
basalt → tarmon
base → þundo
(lit.) ♦base-rock → sundon
water ♦basin → sónanwa
basis → talma¹
basket → vircolca
Basketball →
bastard → heconna
bat → quildarë
Bath →
bathing → sovallë
battle → mahtalë
(lit.) ♦battle-series → mahtéma
beach → hresta
beak → mén
beard → fanga
bearer → colindo
bearing yellow flowers → ornemalin
Beast →
  • wild ♦beast → hravan
  • beast living in the water → nendil
beat → tompë
Beauty →
Beaver →
bedrock → sundon
(honey) ♦bee → niër
Begetter →
beggar → iquindo
Beginning →
behavior → lengalë
(lit.) ♦behind-hole → catassa
Being →
believer → savindo
Bell →
belly → cumbo
(lit.) ♦beloved of Nessa → nessamelda
Belt →
Bend →
benefactor → maicarindo
benefit → áþë
berry → pio
beryllium → lailinquë
betrayal → vartië
betrayer → varto
bicycle → ataquer
‘big bro’ (intimate) → hando
Bight →
bike → ataquer
bile → sála
biography → vehtequentalë
biology → coingolmë
biped → attalya
birch → hwindë¹
Bird →
  • (small) ♦bird → aiwë
  • small ♦bird → filit
birth → nosta
Birthday →
bison → hrambundo
bit (of indeterminate size) → nihta
bitch → húni
fly ♦bite → itis
bitterness → sáralë
black → morë
blackberry → piuca
blackbird → morilúpë
blackness → mornië
Blade →
  • forged sword ♦blade → macil
  • blade of a cutting tool or weapon (especially sword-blade) → maica
blanket → töallë
blasphemer → naiquéto
blaze → ruinë
blazon → indyarin
bleat → nyé
blend → ostimë
(lit.) ♦blend-jewel → ostimmir
Blessing →
blizzard → hwarrissë
block → ronwa
blood → sercë
(lit.) ♦blood-glitter → serciril
bloom → olótë
blooming → löa
Blossom →
  • (golden) ♦blossom → lávar
  • (golden) ♦blossom → löar
  • single ♦blossom → lótë
blow [of wind] → vangwë
(lit.) ♦blowing fall of snow → hwarrissë
(lit.) ♦blue-rock → luinion
(of colour) ♦blue-violet → helinwa
bluebell → luinyellë
boar → carcapolca
Boat →
(lit.) ♦boat-hook → ciryampa
Body →
body-impulse → hröafelmë
body-shape → hröacanta
bog → loxor
bogey → urco
Boil →
bole of tree → pulco
bond → naxa¹
bondage → nasquë
Bone →
Book →
book-fair → parma-resta
bookcase → parmacas
bookshelf → palusta
(lit.) ♦boon-seeking → mánacestië
boot → saipo
booth → cöa
Border →
borer → teret
boring → felya
borne → colla
bosom → súma
boss (of shield) → tolmen
bottle → olpë
Boundary →
bow (in forming tengwar) → lúva
(lit.) ♦bow-harp → cungandë
bowels → hirdë
Bowl →
Box →
Boy →
bra → ambostulco
bracket → þenda
Branch →
brass → calas
Bread →
breadgiver → massánië
breaker → falma
breakfast → arinwat
Breast →
(lit.) ♦breast-picture → amboremma
(lit.) ♦breast-support → ambostulco
Breath →
breath-dragon → föalócë
breccia → rúcinon
Breeze →
brick → tesar
bride → indis¹
Bridge →
bridle → pérappa
brilliance → alcar¹
brink → cimba
broideress → þerindë¹
(em) ♦broidery → quiltassë
bronze → tambë¹
Brooch →
broom → olopsë
broth → salpa
Brother →
  • brother → háno
  • big ♦brother → hando
  • little ♦brother → hassë
  • older ♦brother → yárahan
  • brother (diminutive) → hanno
  • big ♦brother (informal/familiar) → höahan
  • little ♦brother (informal/familiar) → nityahan
  • brother in law → verrendo
brow → estirnë
bubble → velvë
buffalo (lit. wild ox) → hrambundo
buffet → narambo
(lit.) ♦build-rat → carastanyarro
builder → tamo
Building →
  • great towering ♦building (fort/city/castle) → taras
  • great towering ♦building (fort/city/castle) → tarminas
  • building used for a dwelling or other purposes → cöa
bull → mundo¹
burden → cólo
bus → liëraxa
Business →
bust → amboremma
butcher → celvacir
Butter →
buttercup → maltalos
butterfly → vilvarin
buttocks → hacca
button → cortangwa
Bystander →

cactus → eccalda
cake → masta
calculation → nonwë
Calculator →
calf → mundollë
Calimehtar → calimehtar
Calimmacil → calimmacil
Calion → calion
Caliondo → caliondo
Calmacil → calmacil
camaraderie → yonávë
camel → ulumpë
camp → estolië
cancer (disease) → sauluppo
candle → lícuma
canopy → telumë
capacity → massë²
cape (of land) → nortil
capital [funds] → sundoharmar
carcanet → firinga
carcasse → quelehtë
(playing) ♦card → tyallas
career → móletyeller
Carnil → carnil
Carnimírië → carnimírië
Carnistir → carnistir
carousal → yulmë
carpenter (carver) → tautamo
carrot → rassulca
cart → norollë
cartographer → noremmatan
cast shadow → hala¹
Castamir → castamir
cat → miuë
caterpillar → ulumpembë
cauldron → tambin
cause → cahta
caution → órë¹
cavalry → roccotsë
Cave →
hollow ♦cavity → súma
Celecormë → celecormë
cellar → sampo
Cemendur → cemendur¹
censer → niþwa
Center →
Centre →
centurion → tuxantur
century (100 years) → haranyë
chaff → ospor
chaffering → quampalë
chain → limil
chalice → yulmon
chalk → ninteccon
champion → aráto
chance → ecesta
Change →
chant → lirusta
chapter → ranta
Character →
  • settled ♦character → indómë
  • character (in a story) → emino
  • character (of a person) → lengesta
Charcoal →
charge → rincuma
chase → farasta
chastisement → paimesta
(lit.) ♦chatterer → nyatso
cheek → anta
cheese → tyurmë
[possibly also] ♦chemistry → ermangolmë
Cherry →
chess → arantyalmë
chessboard → artapano
Chest →
chestnut → olmos
chicken → porocë
chief → turco¹
chief(tain) → cáno
Child →
childhood → vínë
chin → venta
chipmunk → rimpeccuvo
chips → tusturë
chocolate → tyocolat
choice → cilmë
choosing → cilmë
Christian → hristondur
chrysolite → malatsar
chrysoprase → orvamir
chuckle → lalil
(small) ♦chunk → lupsë
Cigarette →
(lit.) ♦circle-fastener → cortangwa
Ciriáran → ciriáran
Ciryaher → ciryaher
Ciryandil → ciryandil
Ciryatur → ciryatur
Ciryon → ciryon
Cissë → cissë
citation → hórista
citizen → ostomo
City →
  • capital ♦city → hérosto
  • city (with a citadel and central watch tower) → minassë
claim → nyaira
clan → rendë
clarity → liquis
Clasp →
Claw →
(act of) ♦cleaning → poitië
cleansing → poitië
cleaver → hyando
Cleft →
cleric → cordamo
cleverness → finyalë
Cliff →
climber → retto
Cloak →
clock → lúma
closing or closed [hand] (facing down) for taking → maqua
Cloth →
  • flowing ♦cloth → lapil
  • (lit.) flying ♦cloth → hlappo
clothing → hampë
Cloud →
clucking → cehtecet
clue → hiuma
Clump →
Cluster →
coach → liëraxa
Coal →
coat → vacco
cobblestone → racon
Cock →
cockerel → hollo
cocoa → cacáva
silver ♦coin → telpilin
Coincidence →
coitus → puhta
Cold →
Cold-day → ringarë
collapse → atalantë
colleague → aþumo
Collection →
colonnade → otarmië
color of pansies → helinwa
colour → quilë
colt → rocollë
comb → pequen
combination → sampanë
Comfort →
(lit.) ♦coming together of journey-path → omentië
comma → nutta
commander → cáno
commandment → axan
communication of thought → ósanwë
Community →
compact → ovesta
Companion →
companionship → yonávë
Company →
comparison → veästa
compassion → ofelmë
complaint → nur
complexity → linipsinwië
compliance → himítië
complicatedness → linipsinwië
complication → linipsinwië
composer → lindimaitar
Composition →
compromise → ólavië
computation → sintë
computer → nótar
comrade → málo
special ♦concern with or love for → nílë
concert → olirië
conclusion → telma
Concurrence →
condition → tarmë
confines → þenda
confirmation → tiutalë
(pl.) ♦congruence → yosanwë
connection → himyalë
Consanguinity →
  • nearest ♦consanguinity → hesta
  • nearest ♦consanguinity → hestalë
  • nearest ♦consanguinity → hesta(le)
conscience → immotuntië
Consideration →
consolation → tiutalë
Consonant →
constellation → letinwessë
construction → carasta
context → osquetië
contract → ovesta
convent → vendesta
conversation → lanquetta
convert → quernamo
cook → maxar
cookie → havarcë
Copper →
copper-piece → urustamitta
copper-smith → urustan
cord → hempa
Cordial →
corn → porisalquë
Corner →
corporation → omolmessë
corpse → loico
corpse-candle → loicolícuma
correction → tératië
Corruption →
corundum → sardanar
Cosmos →
Cough →
counting → nótië
country → nórë
(lit.) ♦country-possessions → nórarwa
(lit.) ♦country-ruler → nóretur
countryside → restassë
county → taranna
couple → attië
Course →
court → nammar
court-attendant → námondur
courthouse → nammar
Cousin →
cousinship → rendolë
cover → túpo
cow → yaxë
cox-comb → pehtë
Cream →
Creation →
Creature →
  • creature → cuima
  • powerful hostile and terrible ♦creature → arauco
  • powerful hostile and terrible ♦creature → rauca
  • powerful hostile and terrible ♦creature → rauco
  • powerful hostile and terrible ♦creature → (a)rauco,rauca
  • corrupt or evil ♦creature → úvanimo
  • corrupt or evil ♦creature → úvano
  • corrupt or evil ♦creature → úvan(im)o
  • living ♦creature → veo
crescent → cúnë
Crest →
crier → cáno
crime → ongwë
criminal → ongwemo
cripple → hröaloica
crocodile → carcaran
crop → yausta
cross → tarwë
cross-bar → langa
crossbow → lanquinga
crossroads → ómen
crossway → langa
crow → quáco
crowd → hyanda
crown of head → candóla
crucifix → tarwë
Crucifix(Ion) →
cruelty → paimenë
Cruise →
(planetary) ♦crust → ardahyalma
cry of goat or sheep → nyé
crystal (white) → silma
cubit → perranga
cucumber → colosta
Cucurbitaceae → velyávë
cud → tyuxë
cultivator → alamo
culture → haimelë
Culúrien → culúriën
cunning → finië
cunnus → pucco
Cup →
cupboard → hauro
cupola → telluma
curl of hair → lócë¹
curse → umbar
Curufinwë → curufinwë
Curumo → curumo
curve → lúva
Curvo → curvo
custody → mando
custom → sito
Cut →
cylinder (hollow) → pirinumbë
cymbal → tontilla

Daddy →
daffodil → lalië-malina
daisy → lairemírë
damage → harnalë
Dance →
dancing → liltië
dandelion → aurehen
danger → raxë
Dark →
Darkness →
Daughter →
Dawn →
Day →
day-dream → cuilórë
(lit.) ♦day-eye → aurehen
daylight → aurë
deal → quapta
Death →
debate → lanquetta
Debt →
Debtor →
decade → quainyë
deceit → cuptalë
Deceiver →
December → ringarë
Deception →
Decision →
Deed →
deep in shadow → lumbulë
Deer →
defense → varyalë
Defile →
deliverer → etelehto
Demon →
[linguistics] ♦demonstrative → tanar
department of wisdom (science etc.) → ñolmë
departure → lenwë
deportation → autulyalë
deprivation → penyalë
Depth →
Dernhelm → haldatir
descendant → hilmë
descent → ontalë
Desire →
  • desire → írë
  • sexual ♦desire (for marriage and procreation) → yermë
  • desire for what is lost or absent → lengwë
despair → necestel
desperation → necestel
Dessert →
Destroyer →
detail → hraitasta
determinant vowel → þundóma
Device →
dexterity → fínë
diadem → þarnunta
dialect → lambë
diamond → tinwírë
diaspore → rerestë
(current or proverbial) ♦dictum → eques
Difficulty →
dimness → lómë
diphthong → ohlon
Direction →
  • (lit.) left-hand ♦direction → hyarmen
  • vertical ♦direction → tarmen
  • horizontal ♦direction → caimen
  • direction of travel → mentië
  • direction or region of the sunset → númë
  • direction or region of the sunset → númen
  • direction or region of the sunset → númë(n)
dirge → nainalindë
dirt → mut
Disease →
Disguise-Token →
Dish →
dislike → tevië
dismissal → aumentalë
disorder → úpartalë
display → apantië
dispute → costë
Distance →
distancing → hailë
district → rahtë
disturbance → perestië
Division →
divorce → aumentalë
dizziness → lortalë
dock → andorië
Doctor →
Document →
  • document → cómë
  • written ♦document of some size → parma
documents → tehtalë
doe → celvë
Dog →
Doing →
Doll →
domain → herulatsë
dome → telluma
donkey → pellopë
Doom →
Door →
door-watcher → fennatir
doorway → fendassë
doubt → attindo
dough → malma²
doughtyness → hanúvië
down → hlintë
downfall → atalantë
dragon → ango
draught → yulda
Drawing →
Dream →
dress → hlappo
Drink →
drinker → yulmo
drinking → yulmë
drinking-vessel (made of glass) → cilinyul
dripping → niétë
dripstone → liptasar
drizzle → mistë
(small) ♦drum → tompa
drunkenness → limpunquië
duck → quá
dung → múco
durance → nasquë
duress → mando
Dusk →
(lit.) ♦dusk-singer → lómelindë
Dwarf →
underground ♦dwel[ling] → felya
mountain ♦dweller → oroman¹
dwellers together → ombari
Dwelling →
  • dwelling → mar
  • underground ♦dwelling → felco
  • dwelling → már
  • dwelling underground → hróta
Dwelling-House →
dynasty → hilyalë
dysentery → hruhirdië

Eagle →
(lit.) ♦eaglewood → þortöa
ear → hlas
Early →
earpiece → hlarma
Earth →
earthenware → cemnassë
Earthquake →
ease → aþië
easement → tiutalë
East →
gluttonous ♦eating → laptë
Ebb →
Ebb-Tide →
ebony → mortavar
economy → nórarwa
Edge →
education → saitalë
eel → lingwileuca
effect → tyarda
Effort →
egg → ohtë
Elatan → elatan
elbow → ólemë
Eldacar → eldacar
Eldalótë → eldalótë
Eldamar → eldamar
Eldarion → eldarion
electricity → ítacelmë
electronic → ítacelmítë
Elemmakil → elemmacil
Elemmírë → elemmírë
Elendil → elendil
Elendilmir → elendilmir
Elendur → elendur
Elentir → elentir
Elentirmo → elentirmo
Elentári → elentári
Elenwe → eldamar
Elenwë → elenwë
Elerondiel → elerondiël
Elerondo → elerondo
Elerossë → elerossë
Elessar → elessar
Elestirnë → elestirnë
Elf →
elf-latin → quenya
Elm →
Elmo → elmo
elven-folk → eldalië
Elvenhome → eldamar
Elvish →
Elwë → elwë
emerald → laimaril
emission of power (of will or desire) → þúlë
Emotion →
emperor → tararan
empire → altarnië
enclosure → tarwa
End →
(lit.) ♦End-summer → mettelairë
(lit.) ♦End-winter → metterrívë
ending → metta
Endurance →
Enel → enel
Enelyë → enelyë
enemy → cotto
engine → indya
malicious ♦enjoyment derived from observing someone else’s misfortune → harnalassë
ennui → lustindo
Enquiry →
Entering →
enterprise → omolmë
entrails → hirdë
entrances → ando
Envinyatar → envinyatar
envy → hrúcen
equality → imbalandë
Ercambo → ercambo
Erendis → erendis
Ereol → ereol
Eruamillë → eruamillë
Eruhantalë → eruhantalë
Erulaitalë → erulaitalë
Eruontarië → eruontarië
escape → uþwë
escutcheon → indyarin
essay → centa
essence → nassë¹
Estate →
esteem → sintë
Estelmo → estelmo
estimate → sintë
Estë → estë
eunuch → viëlóra
evening → andúnë
(lit.) ♦ever-extension → vorotailë
ever-summer → oiolairë
everlasting age → oialë
everything → ilu
everywhere → ilinomë
evidence → nembalë
Evil →
evil-doer → ulcarindo
Evil-Doing →
(lit.) ♦evil-sight → hrúcen
(lit.) permission ♦examiner → lávehentar
Example →
excellence → mairië
exchange → quaptalë
(lit.) ♦exchanger → quaptando
excitement → valmë
exercise of will → nirmë
exile whose rights and goods have been confiscated → nehtano
existence → eästa
unwelcome ♦expectation → umbë
experiment → nevië
expression → quettalë
Extension →
extent → rahtë
extremity → telustë
exuding → niétë
eye → hen
eye-glass → hencalca
eye-glasses → hencalcat
eye-screen → henfanwa
eyelid → hentópa
eyrie → sornion
Eälótë → eälótë
Eämbar → eämbar
Eärendil → eärendil
Eärnil → eärnil
Eärnur → eärnur
Eärrámë → eärrámë
Eärwen → eärwen
Eönwë → eonwë

Face →
Fading →
faint → lortalë
Fair →
fair-mindedness → failassë
Faith →
faithfulness → voronwë
Falassion → falassion
Falastur → falastur
Fall →
falling → lanta
falsehood → laitelë
Family →
famine → saicelë
fane → ainas
fang → carca
Faniel → faniël
far-gazer → palantír
far-seer → palantír
(lit.) ♦far-sight → palancen
(lit.) ♦far-sound → palallon
farmer → cemendur²
(lit.) ♦farness → hairië
fascimile → quantemma
fast → lamatë
fastening → tanca
fasting → lamatë
Fate →
Father →
  • father → atar
  • (my) ♦father → atya
  • (my) ♦father → atyo
  • (my) ♦father → aty(a,o)
  • father (familiar/family) → atto
fathoming → rangwië
Feanor → feänar
Fear →
Feather →
February → nénimë
feed → nes
(act of) ♦feeding → nestië
feeling [physical] → appalë
clumsy ♦fellow → aut
Female Vala → valië
femininity → inimë
fen → motto
Fence →
fenland → hlöa
maidenhair ♦fern → eldafindë
ferret → andanyarro
ferry → langa
Festival →
fetching → tulyandë
fetter → naxa¹
fiction → nyarvë
sown ♦field → resta
fig → relyávë
fig-tree → relyávalda
fighting → mahtalë
filament → finë¹
[computer] ♦file → cómë
Filth →
fin → lunwa
finch → filincë
Findecáno → findecáno
Findis → findis
Finger →
Fingon → findecáno
Finvain → finvain
Finwion → finwion
Finwë → finwë
fir → þúcë
Fire →
fire-drake → urulócë
Fire-ness → nárië
fire-serpent → urulócë
(lit.) ♦fire-stone → ussar
(lit.) ♦fire-thread → urulanya
Firelight →
fireplace → ruimen
firewood → tundo¹
firework → nartanwë
Firindil → firindil
firm → omolmë
firmament → menel
fisherman → lingwimo
fishing → lingwiremnë
Fist →
Fixed →
flag → hlapil
flageolot → þimpa
flagon → ulma
Flame →
flap → lat
flash → íta
Flat →
flatness → palo
flatterer → meluquetya
flavour → tyausta
flea → campo
fleece → tuë
fleet (of ships) → ciryasta
Flesh →
fletcher → pilintan
flight → lercië
flint → sinca
Floating/Sailing →
  • (lit.) ♦floating/sailing about → lulútië
  • (lit.) ♦floating/sailing about → lútië
  • (lit.) ♦floating/sailing about → (lu)lútië
flock → lamnarë
Flood →
floodwater → luimë
floor → talan
floret → lotella
fine ♦flour → mulma
(lit.) ♦flour-grass → porisalquë
(lit.) frozen ♦flow → helcelmë
Flower →
  • flower → alba
  • flower → alma¹
  • other large single ♦flower → indil
  • flower → insil
  • flower → lótë
  • small (single) ♦flower → lotsë
  • small ♦flower → lottë
  • (lit.) ♦flower of gold → maltalos
  • (lit.) ♦flower of sleep → lórelot
  • flower that opened and shut quickly with any change of light → pirindë
  • flower that opened and shut quickly with any change of light → pirnë
  • flower that opened and shut quickly with any change of light → pir(ind,n)e
(lit.) ♦flower-leaf → lótelas
(lit.) ♦Flower-ness → lótessë
flowing → celumë
fluff → hlintë
flute → þimpa
fluter → þimpetar
Fly →
Foam →
foam-maid → wingil
fodder → nes
Foliage →
folk → lië
Follower →
following (act of) → hilië
Food →
fool → aut
foolishness → aucië
foot → tál
(lit.) ♦foot-link → tallimë
footstool → þarassë
force → nírë
forcible seizure and carrying off → maptalë
ford → langa
forehead → timbarë
foreigner → ettemo
foresight → apacen
forest → taurë
forester → ornendur
forge → tamin
fork → nelecco
Form →
  • bodily ♦form → hröa
  • corporeal ♦form → hrondo
  • bodily ♦form of an angelic spirit → fana
fornication → hrupuhtië
fornicator → hrupuhto
Fort →
  • fort → minassë
  • built ♦fort or dwelling surrounded by bulwarks → carassë
fortification → turyandë
fortitude → coloitië
fortress → osto
fossil → coilemma
barn ♦fowl → porocë
fox → rusco
fragrance → niþilë
framework → canta
frankincense → aranisquë
freedom → lérië
freeman → léramo
Freshness → víressë
freshnet → celussë
Friday → valanya
Friend →
Fringe →
frog → quácë
Front →
frost → nixë¹
frost-patterns → niquessë
Fruit →
fryer → þitwa
fuel → tundo¹
full organized language → carpassë
(lit.) ♦full-closedness → aquapahtië
full-moon → quaran
(lit.) ♦full-picture → quantemma
fullness → quantassë
fur → helet
fur-coat → helet
furlong → restandië
furrow → ríma
Fëanáro → feänáro
Fíriel → fíriël

gain → cambië
Galadriel → altáriël
galaxy → élicombë
gall → sála
game → tyalmë
Gandalf → olórin
Garden →
gardener → tarwandur
Garland →
garment → hampë
garnet → runyaril
gas → ondomillo
gasoline → ondomillo
gate → ando
gateway → fendassë
Gathering →
gauntlet → mantelë
gaur → hrambundo
gaze → tirmë
Gem →
generation → nónarë
genius → ruihandë
gesture → lengë
gesture-code → hwermë
Gift →
gimlet → teret
giraffe → andalango
girdle → lesta¹
(little) ♦girl → nettë
glacier → helcelmë
gladiolus → macilindil
Glass →
swift ♦gliding → cirya¹
silver ♦glint → ñillë
Gloom →
glory → alcar¹
gloss → oiwië
glossiness → oiwië
glove → mantal
glutton → láveär
gneiss → rimpion
go-between → enelmo
goal → menesta
Goat →
goblet → yulma
goblin → orco
God →
(lit.) ♦God-herald → erutercáno
godlessness → ainolórië
Going →
Gold →
  • gold (light or colour) → laurë
  • gold (metal) → malta
  • gold as material → malta
goldenness → laurië
goldfish → cullingwë
Gondorian hardwood → lepetta
gong → tombo
(moral) ♦good → márë
Goodness →
goose → ván
gooseberry → melpo
Gore →
gospel → evandilyon
gossip → nyatil
governer → nóretur
Government →
governor → cáno
grace → lissë
grade → tyellë
grain → ori
grammar → tengwesta
grandfather → haru
grandmother → haruni
granite → nellon
grape → mirupio
graphite → morteccon
grasp → mahtë
(lit.) ♦grass-box → salquecolca
grasshopper → salquecápo
grassland → salquenor
grave → sapta
gravel → virittë
gravity → lungië
grease → laru
green → palis
(lit.) ♦green-flowing-jewel → laicelumir
greeting → suilië
Grey-elf → þindel
Grey-elven → þindarin
greyness → þindië
grief → nyérë
grip → mahtë
grist → polë
small ♦grot → rotto
Ground →
Group →
  • group of five (similar) things → maqua
  • group of two → attië
grouping → panna
grove → töasta
(lit.) ♦grow-stone → alon
grower → alamo
growing things with roots in the earth → olva
growl → yarra
Growth →
growth-year → olmen
grume → malma²
Guard →
Guardian →
guest → naþal
guest-house → sendassë
guilt → cáma
guilt-offering → cámayanca
gull → maiwë
Gullet →
gum → suhtë

habit → sito
habitat → vehtë
Habitation →
haggling → quampalë
hail → helexë
Hair →
hairdresser → findimaitar
half → permë
(lit.) ♦half-robe → perwaima
Halfing → perian
Hall →
Hallacar → hallacar
Hallatan → hallatan
hallow → ainas
hams → hacca
Hand →
  • (cupped) ♦hand → camba
  • hand → cambë
  • left ♦hand → hyarma
  • hand →
  • (tightly closed) ♦hand → quárë
  • (tightly closed) ♦hand → quár
  • hand (colloquial) → maqua
  • hand especially in (?clutching) → nonda
(lit.) ♦hand-clad → mavaina
(lit.) ♦hand-flat → mapalin
hand-full → maqua
(lit.) ♦hand-link → málimë
hand-pleasure → máfastië
(lit.) ♦hand-resistance → mandanië
handful → massë²
handicraft → maitilë
handiness → maxë¹
short rounded ♦handle → tolma
hanger → lingil
Hanne → hannë
Happiness →
harbourage → londië
hard-iron → tornanga
hardship → cólema
harlot → imbacindë
harm → harnalë
harmony → olindë
harness → lattasta
Harp →
hart → arasso
Harvest →
hassock → þarassë
hat → carpë
(lit.) ♦hat-flower → carpaloþ
hatred → tevië
haunt → vehtë
(land-locked) ♦haven → londë
haw → piopin
hawthorn → eccahta
Head →
good ♦health → málë
hearer → hlarindo
hearing → hlarië
Heart →
heartbeat → hontompa
hearth → ruimen
Heat →
heather → oricon
heaven → telumë
the ♦heavens → menel
Heavens-day → menelya
Heaviness →
Hedge →
hedgehog → ecellë
height → tárië
heir → hildë
heirloom → atamir
Helluin → helluin
helm → carma²
Helmet →
help → þámë
helper → þámo¹
Hem →
hemisphere → percoron
Hen →
Herald →
Herb →
herd → lamnarë
herdsman → emerro
(lit.) ♦here-and-now-tense → silussë
Herendil → herendil
heroism → callië
Herucalmo → herucalmo
Herumor → herumor
Herunúmen → herunúmen
hiccup → hyuxo
hider → cuvo
hiding → nurtalë
High →
high-elven → quenya
High-King →
high-mansion → oromar
high-school → oroparmen
high-white-leaf → taniquelassë
Hill →
hind → celvë
hinge → queren
hint → hiuma
hip → oþwë
hippopotamus → nuinerocco
Hirilondë → hirilondë
Hisiël → hisiël
historical account → quentasta
History →
hive → niëres
hoard → haura
hobby → mélacárië
hold → mahtë
Hole →
holiness → airë¹
Hollow →
Home →
Honey →
honeycomb → nehtelë
honorific → tar
honour → laitië
hoof → pattal
Hook →
hope → estel
hopelessness → necestel
Horn →
(lit.) ♦horn-snout → rassemunda
horse → rocco
horse-boot → tupattal
horseman → roquen
horseshoe → nupattal
hospital → hlaimar
Host →
Hostamir → hostamir
Hot-one → úrimë
hound (or ?heart) →
hour → lúmë²
House →
(lit.) ♦house-bearer → cöacolindo
householder → cöantur
wolvish ♦howling → ñwámë
Hrávandil → hrávandil
huckster → quampo
hue → quilë
Hunger →
Hunting →
husband → veru
hush → quildë
hut → cöa
Hyacinth →
Hyarmendacil → hyarmendacil
Hymn →
Hypocrisy →
hypocrite → imnetyando
hyssop → airaþeä

Ice-Flake →
icon → airemma
idea → tenna²
idol → cordon
if you please → iquista
ignorance → laista
Ilion → ilion
Illuin → illuin
Ilmarë → ilmarë
Ilwen → ilwen
Ilúvatar → ilúvatar
Image →
Imagination →
Valinorian ♦imagines [images of real stars] → ñillë
Imin → imin
Iminyë → iminyë
imitation → oveäntainë
imminence → umbë
Implement →
impulse → felmë
inaction → lacarë
incarnate → mirröanwë
incense → nisquë
steep ♦incline → pendë
income → cambië
incomprehension → úhandë
indication → tengwë
(lit.) ♦indication-name → tengessë
Indicator →
Indis → indis²
Individual →
inducement to do wrong → úþahtië
industry → fintemótalë
infinity → úlanwa
infixion → mittandë
infliction → paimë
Inflorescence →
Inflorescense →
information → istalë
infrastructure → nutanwë
Ingalaurë → ingalaurë
Ingoldo → ingoldo
Ingot →
Ingweron → ingweron
Ingwiel → ingwiël
Ingwil → ingwil
Ingwion → ingwion
Ingwë → ingwë
inhabitant → laulemo
inheritance → aryonië
ink → móro
(lit.) ♦ink-fish → mórolingwë
inn → sendassë
Insect →
  • small ♦insect →
  • (lit.) ♦insect of [many] dots → tixipi
(lit.) ♦insect-worker → pímótar
insertion → mittandë
insight → tercen
inspection → cenda
ticket ♦inspector → lávehentar
inspiration → þúnalë
instant → þenwa
Instrument →
  • musical ♦instrument → linwa
  • stringed ♦instrument with a neck (lute, guitar, etc.) → langandë
intake → cambië
blazing ♦intellect → ruihandë
intention → menesta
intercession → mánacestië
Interchange →
interest → ceþyarë
interior → mitië
intermediary → enelmo
internet → imbenatsë
interpretation → pahtalanga
intervener → enelmo
intrusion → mittandë
invalid → quolimo
Irien → iriën
Irildë → irildë
yellow ♦iris → nendalaurë
Irissë → irissë
Irmo → irmo
iron → anga
(lit.) ♦iron-road → angatië
Irony →
Isildur → isildur
Isilmo → isilmo
Isilmë → isilmë
Isilya → isilya
island → tollë²
islander → tolloquen
Isle →
Issue →
Itarildë → itarildë
Itarillë → itarillë
itch → itis
representative ♦item → hócilmë
Ivory →
ivy → etil

jackal → huar
jacket → vacco
jade → lómaril
jailer → mandontur
January →
Jasper →
jaws → anca
jewel → mírë
(lit.) ♦jewel-art → mirmairë
Jewelry →
joining → yanwë
jot → sartë
Journey →
judge → námo¹
(lit.) ♦judge-servants → námondur
Judgment →
  • judgment or desire → náma
  • single ♦judgment or desire → námië
(lit.) ♦judgment-house → nammar
Juice →
July → cermië
jump → capanda
June → nárië
justice → failassë
justification → failatië

k-series → calmatéma
Kalantar → calantar
Kanafinwë → canafinwë
Karma-kundo → carma-cundo
safe ♦keeping → mando
Kementári → cementári
kernel → poru
key → latil
keyboard → otolmië
kin → rendë
kind → nostalë
Kindred →
kine of Araw → aromundo
King →
(lit.) ♦king's ♦servant → arandur
(lit.) ♦king-game → arantyalmë
Kingdom →
kingsfoil → aþeä-aranion
Kingship →
kinship → rendë
Kinsman →
kinswoman by marriage → verressë
Kiss →
kissing → miquelë
kitchen → mastaþan
kite → súlendil
knee → occa
knife → cirma
knife-edge → cirmacin
Knight →
knob → tolma
knowing → sívë¹
Knowledge →
kw-series → quessetéma

labour → mólë
Laburnum →
lace → raiwë
lack → penië
ladder → rantala
Lady →
ladybug → tixipi
Laicolassë → laicolassë
Laiquendi → laiquendi
lair → ecca
Lake →
Lalwen → lalwen
Lalwendë → lalwendë
lamb → eulë
lament → nainië
(lit.) ♦lament-song → nainalindë
Lamp →
lampstand → calmatarma
lampwright → calmatan
Land →
landing (place) → andorië
Language →
languor → quinquelë
lapis lazuli → luinion
large → nerdo
Lark →
Lassemista → lassemista
lathe → terendel
lather → lipsanë
Laucolassë → laucolassë
laugh → lalda
laughing → lalië
Laughter →
Laurefindelë → laurefindelë
Laurelin → laurelin
Laurundo → laurundo
Law →
lawlessness → þanyelórië
lawn → palis
lawyer → þanyengolmo
lead → canu
leader → tulyando
Leaf →
(lit.) ♦leaf-fall → lasselanta
League →
leap → capië
(lit.) ♦learner → parmo
(dressed) ♦leather → alu
leather-worker → alumo
leaven(ing) → pulmaxë
leaving → lenwë
Leech →
leg → telco
(lit.) ♦leg-clothing → telcohan
legend → nyarna
legerdemain → maitilë
lembas → coimas
lemon → malma¹
length → andë
Lengthening →
leopard → picara
(school) ♦lesson → parandë
let it be →
Letter →
lettuce → caras
level → palo
lever → ramma
liar → cuptamo
librarian → parmasson
Library →
licking up (food or drink) → laptë
Lid →
lie → cupta
Life →
life-bread → coimas
(lit.) ♦life-garden → celvatarwa
life-year → coimen
Light →
(lit.) ♦light-writing → calatengwë
likelihood → oveässë
‘lil bro’ (intimate) → hassë
Lilla → lilla
Lily →
Lime →
limestone → alon
limpidity → liquis
Lindissë → lindissë
Lindórië → lindórië
Line →
linen → páþë
linen-cloth → páþelannë
linen-raiment → páþelarma
linguistics → lambengolmë
link → limë
Lion →
lioness → ravennë
Lip →
(lit.) ♦lip-rope → pérappa
list → nyarda
listener (spy or scout) → larmo
Lit.) →
  • (lit.) able to beget → ontavalië
  • (lit.) that what ties or binds (together) → nutta
litter (of pups, cubs, etc.) → huolë
little [finger] → nihtil
little-one → vinimo
livelihood → laulesta
liver → lepsa
Loaf →
lock [of hair] → findelë
logic → axanwë
long-mark → andatehta
(lit.) ♦long-neck → andalango
(lit.) ♦long-rat → andanyarro
characteristic ♦look → lengë
Looking-Glass →
loop → quint
loose-end → lappa
Lord →
lordship → hérë
Lore →
loremaster → ingolmo
loss (abstract/general) → vanwë
Love →
(lit.) ♦love-animal → mellaman
love-brother → melotorno
love-sister → meleþellë
Lover →
loving → mélië
Lowtide →
Loyalty →
Luinil → luinil
Lump →
lunch → endemat
Lungumaqua → lungumaqua
Lungumá → lungumá
Luvailin → luvailin
Lëa →
Lómion → lómion
Lóriën → lóriën

Machine →
madam → tar
Maedros →
magic → luhtu
Magician →
  • black ♦magician → ñúlemo
  • female ♦magician (not necessarily evil) → curuni
magpie → nyatso
Mahtan → mahtan
Maiden →
maidenhood → vendelë
maintenance → vortalë
Mairen → mairen
Mairon → mairon
Maitimo → maitimo
Makalaurë → macalaurë
maker → ahto
Making →
malachite → laicelumir
Malantur → malantur
Malinalda → malinalda
mallorn → malinornë
Man →
man-slayer → atannahtar
man-spearhead → nernehta
Management →
manager → mahtando
Mandos → mandos
manger → salquecolca
manhood → hanúvië
manliness → hanúrë
manner →
mansion → mar
manufacture → carasta
manure → múco
Manwendil → manwendil
Manwë → manwë
(lit.) ♦many-sheathed → linvaineä
(lit.) ♦many-threadedness → linipsinwië
map → noremma
maple → mavaina
marble → alas
March → þúlimë
Mardil → mardil
mare → roccë
Mariner →
Mark →
market → mancanómë
market-place → mancanómë
(lit.) ♦marriage-breaking → vestaracië
marrow → axendë
marsh → motto
Martamo → martamo
Martin → martin
martyr → aimahto
Mary → maría
masculinity → hanúrë
mash → malma²
mason (sculptor) → ontamo
Mass →
Massánië → massánië
mast → tyulma
Master →
mind ♦mastership → incánussë
mastery → túrë
match → tusturin
Matter →
  • (physical) ♦matter → erma
  • (physical) ♦matter → orma
  • (physical) ♦matter → (e,o)rma
  • physical ♦matter → hröa
  • matter → hrón
  • that ♦matter → tama
  • sticky ♦matter → þucul
  • matter → natto
maturity → quantolië
May → lótessë
Mead →
Meadow →
(lit.) ♦meadow-jewel (or summer-jewel) → lairemírë
Meal →
meaning → teälë
means → carma³
Meat →
mediator → enelmo
Medicine →
Meeting →
  • meeting → yomenië
  • meeting (of pathways) → omentië
  • meeting or junction of the directions of two people → omentië
(lit.) ♦meeting-house → yomencöa
Melkor → melcor
melody → lindelin
(water) ♦melon → laivelyávë
melting → tiquilë
Melyanna → melyanna
member → astamo
Memory →
Meneldur → meneldur
Menelmacar → menelmacar
Menelmakil → menelmacil
mention → pententalë
Merchant →
Mere →
mermaid → wingil
mesh → rembë
Message →
Metal →
method →
metre → carpassë
Metropolis →
Mico → mico
(lit.) ♦mid-day → endaurë
(lit.) ♦mid-meal → endemat
mid-year (Nuumenoorean calendar) → loendë
Middle →
midnight → morendë
Might →
mile → larnelta
milieu → catamen
milk → ilin
mill → mulmin
miller → mulmar
millstone → mulondo
Minalcar → minalcar
Minardil → minardil
Minastan → minastan
Minastir → minastir
Mind →
mind-picture (of apparition in dream) → indemma
Mine →
mineral [as in any solid inorganic substance] → sincë
minister → arandur
ministry → núromolië
mink → andanyarro
Minohtar → minohtar
minstrel → quenso
minute → lúmincë
Minyatur → minyatur
miracle → elma
mire → maxo
Miro → miro
mirror → angal
mirth → tyalië
(lit.) ♦mis-leader → útulyando
missile → hatta
mission → rincuma
[Christian] ♦missionary → evandil
Mist →
Mistake →
mistiness → híþië
Misty-one → híþimë
mode of life → laulë
mole → nolpa
Moment →
monastery → hanusta
Monday → iþilya
Money-Changer →
(pre) ♦monition → órë¹
monk → hanustar
monkey → maimun
monotony → vorimyalë
Monster →
monstrosity → ulundië
Month →
(stone) ♦monument → ondolë
Mood →
Moon →
Moon-day → iþilya
moonlight → iþilmë
Morifinwë → morifinwë
Morikotto → moricotto
Morinehtar → morinehtar
Moringotto → moringotto
morning → amaurë
(lit.) ♦morning-meal → arinwat
morpheme → quettapano
morphology → tengwesta
Morwë → morwë
moss → lóma
moth → malo¹
Mother →
mother-name → amilessë
motive → cahta
Mound →
Mount →
Mountain →
mountain-top → orotinga
mouse → nyarrincë
Mouth →
  • mouth → anto¹
  • (entire) ♦mouth → carpa
  • mouth → ñáva
  • mouth → páva
  • (closed) ♦mouth →
  • mouth (interior cavity behind the teeth containing the tongue) → songa
  • mouth (opening of which the lips are the edges) → ópa
mouth-system → carpassë
movement → levë
Movie →
muck → múco
mud → loxo
mudstone → maxon
Mummy →
murderer → nahtar
murmuring → nurrulë
Museum →
mush → malma²
mushroom → telumbë
music → lindalë
musical sound → lingë
musician → lindimaitar
mustard → sinapio
Mámandil → mámandil
Míriel → míriël

Nahar → nahar
nail (of the finger) → nyelet
nakedness → heldassë
Name →
  • given (or added) ♦name → anessë
  • name → essë
  • alternate ♦name of the last day of the Eldarin six-day week → tárion
Nanno → nanno
Nano → nano
Narmacil → narmacil
narration → quentalë
narrative → quenta
Narrows →
Narsil → narsil
Narsilion → narsilion
Narya → narya
nastiness → úro
nature → nassë¹
necessity → sangië
Neck →
necklace → firinga
Nectar →
needle → nelma
(lit.) ♦needle-stalk → nelmaþirpë
needlewoman → þerindë¹
Neighbor →
Neldië → neldië
Nelwë → nelwë
Nelyafinwë → nelyafinwë
Nenwë → nenwë
Nenya → nenya
neologism → vinquetta
nephew → súyon
Nerdanel → nerdanel
Nerwen → nerwen
Nessa → nessa
Nessanië → nessanië
nest → hausta
Net →
New-fire → narvinyë
new-moon → ceuran
news → sinyar
nickname → anessë
Nicotiana →
niece → súyel
Nienna → niënna
Nienor → niënor
Night →
nightfall → mórilanta
nightingale → lómelindë
nightlife → lómivehtë
Ninquelótë → ninquelótë
Nityafinwë → nityafinwë
Niéle → niélë
nobility → arquenië
Noble →
Noise →
Noldolantë → noldolantë
Nolofinwë → nolofinwë
Nolondil → nolondil
nonsense → hwinquetë
noon → endaurë
north → formen
northeast → forrómen
northwest → fornúmen
nose → mén
nostril → nen
not-doing → lacarë
(lit.) ♦not-knowing → laista
notch → sár
note → sartë
nothing → munta
notice → tunto
notion → tenna²
novel → sinyarna
November → híþimë
Nowë → nowë
nugget → lupsë
great ♦number → rimbë
numeral → notessë
nun → vendelis
Nurwë → nurwë
nut → pecco
(lit.) ♦nut-hider → peccuvo
Nymph →
Návatar → návatar
Númelltë → númellótë
Númendil → númendil
Númerrámar → númerrámar

Oak →
oar → palma
oath → vanda
obedience → canwahimië
Object →
obsidian → moricalca
obstacle → nuqua
Occident →
former ♦occurrence → autas
Ocean →
October → narquelië
octopus → nenungol
foul ♦odor → þávë
offering → yacië
office → mótamen
offspring → hilmë
Oil →
(lit.) ♦oily-berry → milpio
olive → milpio
Olwë → olwë
Olórin → olórin
good ♦omen on departure → alamen
omnipresence → iluasta
Ondoher → ondoher
One →
  • holy ♦one → ainu
  • beautiful ♦one → vanima
  • (lit.) medically treated ♦one → haþaino
  • (lit.) ♦One That Speaks → quendë
  • one → quén
  • (lit.) imprisoned ♦one → mandano
  • one deprived → nehtano
  • one lost or forsaken by friends → hecil
  • one lost or forsaken by friends → hecilë
  • one lost or forsaken by friends → hecilo
  • one more beyond (the middle) → net
  • one more beyond (the middle) → netë
  • one more beyond (the middle) → net(e)
  • (lit.) ♦one of the Star-folk → elda
  • one who trespasses → lucando
  • one who trespasses → lucindo
  • one who trespasses → rocindë
  • one with very great knowledge → ingolmo
oneness → erië
onion → linvaineä
onyx → nyelecca
oozing → niétë
opal → inwissar
(lit.) ♦open-house → látacar
Opening →
openness → látië
Opossum →
opportunity → ecesta
opposition → nanyalë
oppression → sangarë
Orange-Jewel →
(lit.) ♦orange-tree → culumalda
orator → pahtando
Orc →
Order →
ordering → panwë
orderliness → partalë
Oren → oren
male ♦organ → puncil
organization → partalë
origin → celu
Ormal → ormal
Ornendil → ornendil
Orofarnë → orofarnë
Oromendil → oromendil
Oromë → oromë¹
Ossë → ossë¹
Ostoher → ostoher
ostrich → filiculumpë
the ♦other → exë
Otselen → otselen
otter → nengarmo
Otto → otto
Outcast →
outcome → virda
outflow → celusta
outhouse → cöa
Outlaw →
outlet → uþwë
outlook → ehten
outskirts (of city, town) → arosto
outtake → hócilmë
oven → urna
over-drinking → accasucië
over-eating → accamatië
overseer → ortirmo
owl →
owner → öamo
Ox →

p-series → parmatéma
full ♦pace → ranga
Pack →
Page →
paint → quilma
painting → tecemma
Pair →
palace → túrion
Palantir → palantir
Palarran → palarran
'pale' → peltas
Pallando → pallando
pallor → ninquelë
pan → þitwa
pants → telcohan
paper → hyalin
papers → tehtalë
parchment → teccelma
Parent →
park → liëtarwa
Parmaitë → parmaitë
Part →
  • part (esp. one of other equal parts) → asta
  • part (of something) → satta
particle → astaincë
partner → rantarwa
party → rantië¹
Pass →
passage → mentië
passivity → cólë
passover → lahtalë
past tense → vanwalussë
paste → malma²
pastime → mélacárië
pasturage → nesselë
pasture → nesselë
patch → lilma
path → tië
pathway → vata
Patience →
patient → haþaino
patriarch → nossetur
patronage → ortírië
pattern → ocantië
pause → lár
paying back → nampaityalë
payment → paityalë
pea → erdevainë
Peace →
peach → tuorva
peafowl → hendelúpeä-cecet
pearl → eärsil
pebble → sarnincë
peck → irtë
peddlar-goods → quampa
pedlar → quampo
Pelendur → pelendur
pen → tecil
penalty → paimë
peninsula → pertol
penis → puncil
People →
(lit.) ♦people-garden → liëtarwa
perception → tunto
perdition → quelmë
Perelda → perelda
‘perfection’ → mairië
perfume → niþilë
Period →
  • endless ♦period → oio
  • period of time → lúmë²
Person →
pestilence → quolúvië
pet → mellaman
Petal →
petition → arcandë
petrol → ondomillo
petroleum → ondomillo
phantom → fairë
Pharynx →
Pheasant →
philosopher → sailiëndil
Philosophy →
phoneme → hlónemma
phonetics → lambelë
photograph → calatengwë
phrase → quettalë
phylactery → colcallë
physics → ermangolmë
pickaxe → ondopelet
(lit.) ♦picker → nápo
Picture →
Piece →
pig → polca
pile → hamna
pillar → tarma
(lit.) ♦pillar-rock → tarmon
pimpernel → elanar
pin → pirin
Pine →
pine-needle → þononel
pinprick → irtë
Pipe →
piper → þimpetar
Pipeweed →
piping → þimpisë
Pit →
pitcher → ulma
pity → ofelmë
Pityafinwë → pityafinwë
pivot → queren
Place →
place-name → nómessë
watered ♦plain → nendo
Plan →
plane (surface) → palo
flat ♦plank → palma
Plant →
plate → palda
plateau → orolanda
Platform →
platter → palda
player → tyalindo
plaything → tyalma
please → iquista
pledge → vanda
plough → hyar
plum → pio
Plume →
Pod →
Poet →
poetry → lairesta
Point →
Poison →
poisonousness → hloirë
Poldor → poldor
Poldórëa → poldóreä
polecat → andanyarro
politics → ohéressë
Pondering →
Pool →
poppy → lórelot
porcupine → ehtipolca
porridge → mulessë
Portion →
Possession →
  • possession → aura
  • possession (abstract) → auvië
possessor → harno
Post →
potato → cemorva
pottery → cemnassë
pouch → pocollë
Pouch-Rat →
pound → lungwë
poverty → penyalë
Power →
praise → laitalë
praising → laitië
prayer → hyamië
preacher → nyardar
precious → mírë
precipice → aiquassë
prefixion → yestanyatsë
premonition → umbë
presence → sinanwië
presentation → tanastë
preservation → vortalë
president → epeharmo
press → þanga
Pressure →
  • pressure → þanga
  • pressure or force (to do something against one's will or conscience) → þahtië
price → mirma
(lit.) ♦prickly/stingy/sharp tasting root → nastyapsul
pride → valatë
priest → airimo
priesthood → airimossë
prince → cundo
princess → aranel
prison → mando
prisoner → mandano
privacy → aquapahtië
problem → hrangwë
Process →
  • process of producing a work → mairë
  • process of treating medically → haþiëndë
procrastination → vorotailë
produce → salcessë
(lit.) ♦product of recitation → nyarda
Production →
profit → cambië
program → ocaraitië
progress → empatyellë
projectile (from a bow or a crossbow) → quihta
narrow ♦prominitory → nehtë²
solemn ♦promise → vanda
pronunciation → quetyarmë
property → aurië
Prophet →
proselyte → quernamo
protection → cauma
Protector →
protuberance contrived to serve a purpose → tolma
proverb → quenna
pub → látacar
puberty → ontavalië
public → illië
Puff →
  • puff of breath → fá¹
  • puff of breath → föa
pulling → tucië
pulp → malma²
pulse → tompë
pumice → hwandasar
pumpkin → culvelyávë
punishment → paimë
puppet → toli
purification → sovallë
purpose → induinen
push → nista

quadrangle → cantil²
quadrilateral → cantil²
quarrel → costë
queen → tári
Queenship →
Quendian → quenderin
Quendingoldo → quendingoldo
Quennar → quennar
question → maquetta
quickly → lintië
quickness of perception → tunto
quiet → quildë
quiver → vainolë
Quotation →
  • quotation → hórista
  • quotation from someone's uttered words → eques

rabbit → lopoldë
raccoon → sovamorco
Race →
Radiance →
raft → luttalan
Rage →
Raiment →
Rain →
rainforest → rostaurë
rainshade → ulutelmë
ram → pollo
Range →
ransom → nanwera
rape → maptalë
Ravine →
ravishment → maptalë
Ray →
  • ray of light → fá²
  • ray of sunlight → arma
(lit.) ♦re-saying → eneques
Reach →
reaction → ahtarië
Reading →
reality → nanwië
Realm →
reaper → cirihtando
Reason →
rebirth → enontië
(lit.) ♦recalling → enyalië
receiver → hlarma
receptacle → camma
recipe → carmen
Reciter →
reckoner → onótimo
Reckoning →
rectangle → cantil²
(lit.) ♦red-breast → carniambos
redeemer → runando
Reek →
Reflection →
  • glittering ♦reflection → alta
  • glittering ♦reflection → ñalta
  • glittering ♦reflection → (ñ)alta
  • reflection → sanasta
reflector → sanar
refuge → sótë
refuse → auhanta
Regard →
Region →
  • region → arda
  • region → yondë
  • region → yón
  • region → yón,yondë
  • region → rahtë
  • (any) fairly extensive ♦region with well-marked natural bounds → yondë
  • (any) fairly extensive ♦region with well-marked natural bounds → yón
  • (any) fairly extensive ♦region with well-marked natural bounds → yón,yondë
regulations → namnasta
Relative →
release → leryalë
Relic →
remaining → ruë
spiteful ♦remark → narcë
removal → hailë
rend → narcë
renegade → hehtar
renewal → ceulë
renown → quettalcar
repetition → ataquetië
repose → sérë
representative → ráquen
Reptile →
republic → liëarda
request → iquista
requirement → iquis
rescue → rehtië
research → minaþurië
researcher → minaþurindo
resemblance → oveässë
residence → mar
residue → lemma
resin → suhtë
resistance → nanyalë
resolution → indosatië
resolve → indo
resonance of the vocal chords → óma
Responsibility →
Rest →
restaurant → matimar
restitution → nampaityalë
Result →
Resurrection →
return → entulessë
revealing → apantië
revelation → velupantië
revenge → pairë
revolution → querë
reward → paityalë
rhinoceros → rassemunda
rider → roquen
Ridge →
ridgepole → orpano
right-hand → forma
Ring →
Ringil → ringil
riser → ormo
River →
(lit.) ♦river-horse → nuinerocco
river-maid → nindari
rivet → tanca
road → tië
robber → pilu
Robbery →
robe → vaima
robin → carniambos
Rock →
thin ♦rod → pirin
Rombaras → rombaras
Roof →
roofing → túpelë
Room →
Rooster →
root → þundo
root-vowel → þundóma
root-word → þundo
Rope →
rose → merillë
rot → quelehtië
row → ríma
rowan → farnë
royalist → arandil
ruby → serciril
rudder → tulla
rue (plant) → laiquelis
ruin → quelmë
rule → axan
ruler → cáno
rumor → eneques
rune → certa
Running →
Russandol → russandol
rustling → hyassë
Ruxöalë → ruxöalë
Rómendacil → rómendacil
Rómestámo → rómestámo
Rúmil (elf of Tirion) → rúmil

s-reversed → silme-nuquerna
sabbath → sendarë
sack-cloth → fillannë
sacrifice → yanca
[act of] ♦sacrificing → yacië
sail → veluntë
Sailor →
saint → aimo
sale → maxë¹
saliva → recca
Salmar → salmar
salt → singë
salvation → þámë
sameness → imyalë
sanctity → airë¹
sandstone → litseon
Sangahyando → sangahyando
sapling → nessornë
sapphire → luilë
Sarafinwë → sarafinwë
sardonyx → fanorcarnë
Saturday → elenya
Sauron →
Saving →
savior → rehto
savour → tyausta
Saw →
Saying →
scales → lunguntë
scandal → váravalmë
scarlet-plumed species of bird → cirincë
scattering → rerestë
scenario → quitulma
sceptre → tarolwen
schadenfreude → harnalassë
schist → þancon
School →
science → ingolë
scope → rahtë
Score →
  • score → nyas
  • (generalized) ♦score (of game or contest) → sár
scorpion → nastaro
scratch → nyas
screen → fanwa
scribbling → sartë
script → tehtalë
scriptures → tehtalë
scroll → teccelma
sculptor in stone → ondomaitar
sculpture → cantemma
scythe → salca
Sea →
Sea-day → eärenya
(lit.) ♦sea-sheen → eärsil
(lit.) ♦sea-star → eärel
Seal →
seamstress → þerindë¹
search → ceþië
seashore → falassë
season → löacasta
Seat →
(lit.) the ♦Second (People) → atan
sedimentary rock → seruinon
seed → ori
Seeking →
seeming → nemesta
seer → apacendo
seizer → arpo
seizure → maptalë
selection → hócilmë
self-control → immoturië
self-name → cilmessë
(lit.) ♦self-perceiving → immotuntië
self-praise → immolaitië
sending → menta
sensation → appalë
Sense →
sentence → quettalë
separation → ciltië
September → yavannië
serenity → calainë
Series →
Serindë → þerindë²
seriousness → sanwelungië
Serpent →
Servant →
(lit.) ♦servant-labour → núromolië
servant-woman → núrë¹
server → veuma
service → veuyalë
Set →
(lit.) ♦settled-rock → seruinon
settler → marindo
sewer → aucelië
sex → puhta
Shade →
Shadow →
shame → naityalë
Shape →
  • dim ♦shape → ausa
  • shape → canta
  • (bright) ♦shape or figure → fana
Share →
wood ♦shaving → cirda
she-lion → ravennë
sheath → vainë
Shed →
(lit.) ♦Sheen → iþil
sheep → máma
sheepfold → mámalin
shelf → palusta
shelter → cauma
shepherd → emerro
shepherdess → emerwen
Shield →
shield-barrier → þandastan
(lit.) ♦shield-being → þandanasto
Shinar → sineär
shingle → sarnië
(sharp-prowed) ♦ship → cirya¹
shipbuilder → ciryatan
shipman → ciryaquen
shipwright → ciryatan
shire → taranna
shirt → laupë
(lit.) little ♦shoe → hyapallë
shoot → tuista
Shore →
shortage → penië
shot → quihta
shoulder(s) → almo
shout → hollë
shove → nista
shovel → sampa
(lit.) ♦showing forth → ettanië
shutter → lattinþan
shuttle → tantal
sibling → hes
sickle → circa
sickness → hlívë
side (of person or shape) → permë
side-street → aramallë
sieve → silta
sighing → siquilë
Sight →
Sign →
signature → vératanna
Silk →
Silmaril → silmaril
Silmariën → silmariën
Silpion → silpion
Silver →
silverfish → telpingwë
silversmith → telpetan
similarity → vélamë
Simultaneity →
sin → úcarë
Sindicollo → þindicollo
Sindo → þindo
Singing →
Singollo → þingollo
singularity → erdë¹
sink (for washing) → sumbanwa
Sinner →
sip → salpë
sir → tar
Siriondil → siriondil
Sister →
Sis’ →
  • ‘lil ♦sis’ (intimate) → netsë
  • ‘big ♦sis’ (intimate) → netto
size → höassë
Skeleton →
Skill →
skillful (?device) → curo
skin-bottle → helmolpë
(lit.) ♦skin-hollow → helmunquë
skirt → perwaima
skull → corpë
skunk → þauroryat
Sky →
(lit.) blessed ♦slain → aimahto
Slaughter →
slave → mól
slavery → mólië
Slayer →
sleight → maitilë
slime → þucul
Slipper →
slush → tiquilin
smell → nus
smile → reo
Smith →
choking ♦smog → quonda
Smoke →
snail → cöacolindo
Snake →
snap of a dog → narcë
snare → remma
snarl → yarra
Sneeze →
Snow →
snow-flake → nixë¹
snow-white → lossë²
snowdrop → niëninquë
Snowflake →
soapstone → canton
society → ólië
sock → tótal
soil → cemen
solitude → eressë
Solomon’s-seal → quinquenna
Solwë → solwë
Somebody →
(lit.) ♦something cut out → hórista
Son →
Song →
sorceress → curuni
(evil) ♦sorceror → ñúlemo
sorcery → ñúlë
sore → sistë
Sorontar → þorontar
Soronto → þoronto
Soronúmë → þoronúmë
sort → nostalë
soul → feä
Sound →
sound-taste → lámatyávë
soup → sulpa
source → celu
south → hyarmen
southeast → hyarrómen
southwest → hyarnúmen
sower → rerindo
Space →
spade → sampa
spark → tinwë
sparkle of dew → titinwë
sparkling → tintilië
sparrow → filit
(lit.) ♦sparrow-camel → filiculumpë
speaker → quentaro
spear → hatal
spearhead → nehtë²
Species →
Spectacle →
spectacles → hencalcat
Speech →
speed → lintië
spell → luhtu
spelling → tengwacilmë
sphere → rahtë
spice → tyávelassë
(monstrous) ♦spider → ungol
(lit.) ♦spike-pig → ehtipolca
spindle → quiril
spindrift → vingë
Spirit →
  • spirit → ainu
  • indwelling ♦spirit → cöacalina
  • (indwelling or incarnate) ♦spirit → feä
  • spirit →
  • angelic ♦spirit → máya
  • (angelic) ♦spirit → maia
  • (angelic) ♦spirit → maiya
  • spirit → þúlë
  • spirit (disembodied) → fairë
  • spirit (not incarnate) → eäla
spirit-impulse → feäfelmë
spittle → recca
splash → falarië
splashing → falarië
splendor → mairië
splendour → alcar¹
splinter → cirda
(lit.) ♦split-rock → þancon
(lit.) ♦sponge-stone → hwandasar
spoon → calampa
spouse (gender neutral) → vesquen
Spray →
Spring →
spring-day → tuilérë
spy → ettirno
spyglass → tirma
square → cantil²
squid → mórolingwë
Squirrel →
Staff →
stag → arasso
stalactite → undalasar
stalagmite → ambalasar
stalk → þirpë
standard → lantanna
Star →
Star-day → elenya
stare → tirmë
starfish → eärel
starlight → silmë
starling → tinwerúmë
state → tarmë
Station →
status → tarmë
statute → namna
staunchness → coloitië
Steadfastness →
steadiness → ruë
steel → axë²
steep [thing] → aiqualë
steepness → aiqualë
stem (of a tengwa symbol) → telco
stench → þávë
Step →
  • step → pat
  • step (in a stairway or ladder) → tyellë
steward → arandur
Sticker-Up →
stiffness → taryassë
stillness → ruë
stink → þávë
(lit.) ♦stink-badger → þauroryat
stirring → coirë
stitch for knitting → quint
stoat → andanyarro
Stone →
  • (lit.) up-growing ♦stone → ambalasar
  • (lit.) mood-change ♦stone → inwissar
  • blue ♦stone → luilë
  • (lit.) broken ♦stone → racon
  • (lit.) ruined ♦stone → rúcinon
  • foundation ♦stone → talmondo
  • (lit.) down-growing ♦stone → undalasar
  • stone (as a material) → ondo
  • stone (small) → sar
stone-cairn → ondolë
stonewain → ondolunca
store → haura
(noise of a) ♦storm → raumo
Story →
storyteller → nyarnamaitar
stove plate → urpalda
(lit.) ♦straightening → tératië
strainer → colucë
strategy → carranta
stream → celumë
strength → turmë
Strengthening →
stretcher → colma
string → þerma
strip → rimpë
stripe → rimpë
(lit.) ♦stripe-horse → rimperocco
(lit.) ♦stripe-lion → rimpira
(lit.) ♦stripe-rock → rimpion
Stronghold →
Structure →
Struggle →
stub → tolbo
student → parmo
Study →
soft ♦stuff → hlintë
stump → tolbo
sublimity → mairië
subordination → nurmë
Substance →
  • poisonous ♦substance → hloima
  • substance → hrón
  • crystal ♦substance devised by Feanor → silima
suburb(s) → arosto
suburbia → arosto
success → túrë
succession → hilyalë
suffixion → mestanyatsë
sulphur → ussar
sum → nonwë
summer → lairë¹
summer-snow-white → lairelossë
summit of a mountain → ingor
Sun →
(lit.) ♦Sun-day → anarya
Sun-fading → narquelië
(lit.) ♦sun-round → coranar
(lit.) ♦sun-star → elanar
Sunday → anarya
Sunlight →
Sunrise →
sunset → andúnë
Supporter →
reflective ♦surface → angal
surname → anessë
surroundings → ossië
swamp → loxor
swan → alqua
sward → palis
swarm → umba
swathe → lapil
sweet → lissimatta
(lit.) ♦sweet-meal → lissimat
sweetness → lisselë
swiftly → lintië
swiftness → lintië
(lit.) ♦swim-thing → lunwa
swoon → lortalë
Sword →
swordsman → macar
Sycamore →
symbol → tehta
sympathy → ofelmë
synagogue → yomencöa
Synchronicity →
syntax → quennasta
System →
Súlimo → súlimo
Súrion → súrion

t-series → tincotéma
table → paluhta
tablet → paluhtincë
tadpole → quaccas
Tail →
long epic ♦tale → nyarna
Talk →
tally → sár
Talon →
tambourine → tontilla
taper → lícuma
Tar-mairon → tar-mairon
Tarannon → tarannon
Tarcil → tarcil
Tarciryan → tarciryan
Tarindor → tarindor
Tarmenel → tarmenel
Tarondor → tarondor
Tarumbar → tarumbar
task → rincuma
tassel → pimpilin
taste → tyávë
(lit.) ♦taste-leaf → tyávelassë
Tatië → tatië
tax → tungwë
tax-collector → tungwemo
tax-office → tungwemen
tea → yullas
Teacher →
tear → narcë
Teat →
technology → curwesta
telecommunication → palancenta
Telemmaitë → telemmaitë
Telemnar → telemnar
telepathy → palanyantië
telephone → palallon
telescope → palantilla
television → palancen
Telperinquar → telperinquar
Telperion →
Telperiën → telperiën
Telpinquar → telpinquar
Telporno → telporno
Telufinwë → telufinwë
Telumehtar → telumehtar
Telumendil → telumendil
tempation → insangarë
temple → corda
Temptation →
Tempter →
tendril → lepsilë
Tense →
tent → lancöa
thanksgiving → hantalë
That →
  • (lit.) ♦that what cramps → þenda
  • (lit.) ♦that which looks far away → palantír
Thaw →
thawing → tiquilë
The →
theater → tirmen¹
theft → pilwë
(musical) ♦theme → panwë
theory → olorië
therapy → haþiëndë
Thief →
thigh → ciuca
thimble → leppa
Thing →
  • holy ♦thing → aian
  • good (or blessed) ♦thing → almë
  • thing → engwë
  • white and shining ♦thing → fanya
  • good ♦thing → mána
  • precious ♦thing → mírë
  • thing → nat
  • pretty little ♦thing → nettë
  • thing → macca
  • welcome ♦thing → maitulië
  • small sparkling ♦thing → titinwë
  • thing → natto
  • thing brought or sent to a person → anna
  • thing brought or sent to a person → anwa
  • thing brought or sent to a person → an(n,w)a
  • thing drunk → yulda
  • (orig.) ♦thing handed → anna
  • (orig.) ♦thing handed → anwa
  • (orig.) ♦thing handed → an(n,w)a
  • thing impossible to be or to be done → únat
  • thing made by handicraft → taman
  • thing of excellence → maina
  • (small) ♦thing of personal adornment → netil
  • thing or place dwelt in → mar
  • thing owned → aura
  • thing that crosses → langa
  • living ♦thing that moves → celva
  • (lit.) ♦thing thrown away → auhanta
Thingol →
thinker → sanar
Thinking →
thirst → soicië
This →
thistle → nelmaþirpë
thorn → necel
(lit.) ♦thorn-hedge → eccahta
Thorondor → þorontar
those who trespass → rohtalië
Thought →
thought-inspection → sanwecenda
thought-opening → sanwe-latya
thought-reading → sanwecenda
thought-sending → sanwementa
thralldom → mólië
Thread →
Threat →
(lit.) ♦three-thorn → nelecco
Throne →
Throng →
(lit.) ♦through-sight → tercen
thrower (of spears and darts) → hatar
thrust → nista
Thumb →
thunder → hundo
Thursday → eärenya
ticket → lelyalávë
tickling → cityalë
tidbit → lupsë
tide → sóla
tiger → rimpira
tile → tesar
tiles → túpelë
Tilion → tilion
Tilë → tilë
Time →
timidity → numbë
tin (metal) → latúcen
tinder → tusturë
Tindómiel → tindómiël
Tintallë → tintallë
Tinwetári → tinwetári
tip → tillë
Today →
Toe →
(lit.) ♦together-feeling → ofelmë
(lit.) ♦together-people → ólië
toilet → hexan
Token →
tomb → noirë
Tomorrow →
Tongue →
tonight → silomë
Tool →
toolsmith → carmatan
tooth → nelet
(lit.) ♦toothed-beam → carcaran
Top →
topaz → ostimmir
torch → narrundo
torment → ñwalmë
torso → pulco
total → nonwë
toughness → taryassë
tourism → lendië
tournament → mahtéma
tourney → mahtéma
towel → parco
Tower →
toy → tyalma
Track →
(lit.) ♦track-wagon → rattaraxa
Trader →
Tradesman →
Train →
trait → lengë
traitor → óricuva
tram → rattaraxa
tranquility → ruë
transcription → tengwelanga
transgressor → ongwemo
translation → lambelanga
transmission → atamentië
transparence → liquis
(lit.) ♦travel-permission → lelyalávë
traveling → lendië
Treasure →
(lit.) base ♦treasures → sundoharmar
treaty → ovesta
Tree →
Tree-day (Nuumenoorean) → aldeä
tree-keep → ornendur
tree-top → aldinga
trembling → pampilë
tremor → pampinë
Trespass →
(lit.) ♦trespass-people → rohtalië
Tress →
tressure → carreä
(lit.) ♦tri-rock → nellon
tribe → nórë
tribunal → námocombë
tributary → anasirë
tribute → rantië²
trick → fintalë
trickle → celeta
trinket → netil
Troll → torco
troop → hotsë
trouble → tarastië
trousers → telcohan
true-being → nassë¹
trumpet → romba
trumpeter → hyólamo
trunk → pulco
trust → estel
Tube →
Tuesday →
tulip → carpaloþ
Tulkas → tulcas
tumor → velet
tune → lindelin
tunic → laupë
Tunnel →
Turambar → turambar
Turcafinwë → turcafinwë
Turn →
turn-table → querma
turning → quermen
turnip → nastyapsul
turret → mindë
turtle → þandanasto
turtledove → cucuollë
Turukáno → turucáno
(lit.) ♦tusk-pig → carcapolca
twig → tuista
Twilight →
twin → onóna
twine → lanya
twinkling → tintilië
(lit.) ♦two-footed → attalya
Tyelcormo → tyelcormo
Tyelperion → tyelperion
Tyelpinquar → tyelpinquar
type → nostalë
Túro → túro

Uinen → uinen
Uinéniel → uinéniël
ulcer → sistë
Ulmo → ulmo
Ulmondil → ulmondil
Umbardacil → umbardacil
Umbarto → umbarto
umbrella → ulutelmë
uncertainty → útancië
under-point → nútil
undertaking → veryandë
Undolaurë → undolaurë
Undómiel → undómiël
unfolding → pantië
Ungoliant → ungweliantë
Ungweliantë → ungweliantë
unicorn → eretildo
union → ertië
Universe →
  • (Material) ♦Universe →
  • universe → ilu
University →
unorder → úpartalë
unreason → úhandë
unrighteousness → úfailië
unwill → avanir
up-point → ortil
upbuilding → amacarastië
upland → orolanda
Uprising →
uprising-flower → ambalotsë
urchin → ecellë
urine → sáralipta
Urundil → urundil
usefulness → yuhtaimalë
(lit.) ♦uva-ness → uvassë

vagina → pucco
Vairë → vairë
Vala-day → valanya
Valacar → valacar
Valacirca → valacirca
Valandil → valandil
Valandur → valandur
Valaróma → valaróma
Vale →
Valimar → valimar
Valinor → valinor
Valley →
valour → astal
value → mirma
Vanimeldë → vanimeldë
Varda → varda
Vardamir → vardamir
Vardilmë → vardilmë
Vault →
Veaneldar → veäneldar
vegetable → queä
Veil →
velvet → quessamin
Vengeance →
vengefulness → paimenë
venom → hloirë
verb → cariquetta
verdigris → lairus
vermin → farinë
Vessel →
  • drinking ♦vessel → yulma
  • [eating] ♦vessel → venë
vest → rotsenca
vestibule → andoþan
vestment → colla
victor → nacil
view → ehten
vigil → tiris
vindictiveness → paimenë
violin → cungandë
Virgin →
virginity → vénë
Vision →
vocabulary → carpassë
voice → óma
vomit → quamna
Vowel →
Vowel-Sign →
Vána → vána
Vëandur → veändur
Vëantur → veäntur

Wagon →
Waif →
wailing → yaimë
Wain →
  • heavy transport ♦wain → lunca
  • heavy transport ♦wain → luqua
  • wain → raxa
waistcoat → rotsenca
wall → ramba¹
wanderer → ranyar
erratic ♦wandering → ranya
want → penië
war → ohta
ward → tiris
wardrobe → hauro
ware → macca
wares → manco
warmth (especially of the sun) → árë
warning → órë¹
warp → lanya
Warrior →
(lit.) ♦wash-bear → sovamorco
washing → sovallë
Watch →
watch-tower → tirion
watcher → tirmo
(lit.) ♦watching over (from above) → ortírië
Water →
  • water → nén
  • bath ♦water → sausa
  • hot ♦water → sausa
  • water falling out swiftly from a rocky spring → celussë
golden ♦water-flower → nendalaurë
(lit.) ♦water-spider → nenungol
(lit.) ♦water-wolf → nengarmo
waterfall → lantasírë
(crested or foaming) ♦wave → falma
(lit.) ♦wave-crystal → falmaril
wax → líco
Way →
Way-Stop →
(lit.) ♦Wayward → rána
wealth [in possessions] → aurië
weapon → carma³
weaponsmith → maicatan
weasel → andanyarro
Weather →
spider's ♦web → ungwë
(lit.) ♦web-spot → natsemen
website → natsemen
wedding → veryanwë
wedge → nehtë²
Wednesday → menelya
(seven-day) ♦week → otsola
weekend → otsolametta
weeping → nyenyë
weight → lungumë
welcome → alatúlië
Well →
  • river-feeding ♦well → lóna
  • river-feeding ♦well → lón
  • river-feeding ♦well → lónë¹
  • well → tampo
welling forth → celundë
werewolf → ñauro
West →
Wet-ness → nénimë
whale → fanto
what is →
spinning ♦wheel → querma
whip → falampa
whirligig → quiril
whirlwind → hwinwaiwa
whisper → hlussë
whistling → þimpisë
wick → urulanya
wickedness → hruo
widow → verulóra
Wife →
wilderness → hravanda
Will →
Willow →
Wind →
windflower → súriëllë
window → lattin
(lit.) ♦window-barrier → lattinþan
Windy-one → þúlimë
Wine →
(lit.) ♦wine-berry → mirupio
(lit.) ♦wine-jewel → mirumírë
wine-press → limpevorma
wine-skin → helmolpë
wing → ráma
winter → hrívë
wisdom → ñólë
(lit.) ♦wisdom-house → ñolmar
wisent → hrambundo
wish → mermë
wisteria → helillos
wit → tunto
witch → curuni
Witness →
(act of) ♦witnessing → vettë
wizard → ingolmo
wolf (not wild wolves) → ñauro
Woman →
womanliness → inimë
Womb →
Wonder →
wonderment → elmenda
Wood →
woodland → tavas
woodsman → ornendur
(lit.) ♦wool-apple → tuorva
(lit.) ♦wool-foot → tótal
Word →
(lit.) ♦word-element → quettapano
(lit.) ♦word-glory → quettalcar
(art of) ♦word-making → quettacarmë
wordbook → quettaparma
wording → quettalë
wordlist → quettaparma
words → quetië
Work →
(lit.) ♦work-steps → móletyeller
worker → mótaro
World →
Worm →
worn → colla
worshiper → aitamo
worth → valda
wound → nahtë
(lit.) ♦wound-joy → harnalassë
wounding → nahtë
(lit.) ♦woven-box → vircolca
wrap → vaima
wrath → rúþë
wreath → ría
Wrestling →
wright → ahto
wrinkle → helmunquë
wrist → málimë
writer → tecindo
Writing →
writing-ink → saramor
(lit.) ♦writing-skin → teccelma
writings → tehtalë

yard → ranga
Yavanna-ness → yavannië
Year →
  • (solar) ♦year → coranar
  • (seasonal) ♦year → löa
  • elvish long ♦year (144 solar years) → yén
(lit.) ♦year-middle → loendë
(lit.) ♦year-quarter → löacasta
yearning → lengwë
yeast → pulmaxë
yellow-flowered tree → laurinquë
yesterday → nöa
yoke → yalta
Younger →
youngster → vinyamo
yours (familiar) → tyenya
Youth →

zebra → rimperocco
zero → munta
zoo → celvatarwa

Éowyn → roccalas

Írildë → írildë
Írimon → írimon
Írimë → írimë

Ñoldóran → ñoldóran
Ñolofinwë → ñolofinwë
Ñolondil → ñolondil
Ñorsus → ñorsus

Úner → úner

—generated by quettali version 0.26.1