Quenya Pangram Composer

Compose a pangram: a text that contains every possible cluster at least once. Use all the clusters, eliminate all the red buttons!

(no buttons yet)

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Why and how

This page can be used to make a pangram, i.e. a piece of text that contains all of the elements of an alphabet. In this case, we are measuring in terms of consonant and vowel clusters; a single cluster may consist of more than one tengwa in the Quenya-mode tengwar script, and vowel clusters may ride on a preceding tengwa or on a carrier of their own. It is different from the tengwar crossword puzzle concept of “whatever fits in a square”.

Pangrams are useful as font proof text, or as hand writing exercises, and making them can be a good project for Quenya study or just for fun.

You can type text directly into the input box, or click on the buttons to enter it. Red buttons identify the clusters that have not been used yet. Clicking on a button below will insert that cluster into the input text box and set the “Search for ...” link below the buttons to do a search for that cluster in the Quenya word list. Caveat: the search link is for dictionary lemma forms only (not inflected forms), and the search page itself does a fuzzy match (ignoring e.g. vowel length).

Unfolding the “Breakdown ...” below will show the exact details of the cluster analysis as you type into the text input box.


Cluster analysis

Text input: (no latin yet)

Canonical: (no canon yet)

Clusters: (no split yet)

Latinized: (no splat yet)

—generated by quettali version 0.28.14