From west to the east,
from north to the south;
Manwe rules Arda -
that is our house.
Audio recordings to accompany the text.
No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | númello rómenna, | | From west to east |
2 | formello hyarmenna: | | from north to south: |
3 | ela! - venya marda | | behold! - our home |
4 | na Manweva ARDA | | is Manwe's Arda |
Rhyme and picture idea for this tengwa contributed by Ránatar/Maivandion on VL, who also provided a translation into Russian:
С запада к востоку, С севера на юг Правит Манве в Арде, Трон - земной весь круг. |
From west to east from north to south Manwe rules in Arda Throne is the whole Circle of the World. |
A translation into Dutch: (WERELD)
Van oost tot west, van zuid tot noord: ons aardrijk, thuis, is Manwe's oord. |
(From east to west, from south to north: our world, home, is Manwe's realm. |
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