Original work by Paul F. Strack, written in 2023, provided here under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Retrieved on 2023-08-30.
Note: The verb norë “runs” can’t be used in the Quenya version of this sentence. The phrase “the river runs” is an example of an Anglicism , a word-usage that is particular to English but not used in Quenya. In Quenya, liquids can’t “run” (nor-) because they don’t have legs, they can only “flow” (celu-).
No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | I rotto latë nu oron. | | The cave lies (is situated) under a mountain. |
2 | Elda séra i opelessë. | | An elf is resting/tarrying in the village. |
3 | Tië tulyanë i atan i nórenna. | | A road led the man to the country. |
4 | I men menë oialë. | | The way goes forever. |
5 | I naucor váner i rottollo. | | The dwarves departed from the cave. |
6 | I hesto tolunë ara raxarya. | | The captain stood up beside his/her wagon. |
7 | I tië mennë et i nandollo. | | The road went out from the valley. |
8 | Sí anyëan i mindon. | | Now I am arriving at the tower. |
9 | Táral nu i telumë. | | You are standing under the roof. |
10 | I sírë celu nu i yanta. | | The river flows under the bridge. |
11 | |||
12 | I atan mennë i ostonna. | | The man went to the city. |
13 | Autëas i taurello. | | He/she is departing from the forest. |
14 | I orcor marir nu i oron. | | The orcs dwell under the mountain. |
15 | I hesto tultanë elda. | | The captain sent for an elf. |
16 | I sírë latë ara nórelya. | | The river lies beside your country. |
17 | Mallë tulya ni i mindonello. | | A street leads me from the tower. |
18 | I noirë harë ambossë. | | The tomb sits on a hill. |
19 | Nauco hárua cöalyassë / mi cöalya. | / | A dwarf is sitting down in your house. |
20 | I mindon tára ar’ ailin. | | The tower is standing by a lake. |
21 | I aran lendë Endorenna. | | The king traveled to Middle-earth. |
22 | |||
23 | Meldonya tyelca. | | My friend [is] hasty. |
24 | I nitya nauco nís. | | The small dwarf [is] a woman. |
25 | I oronti aiquë. | | The mountains [are] steep. |
26 | Seldolya senna quén. | | Your boy [is] a short person. |
27 | I netti náner márë meldi. | | The girls were good friends. |
28 | Nanyë lenca sí. | | I am slow now. |
29 | Nauval qualin. | | You will be dead. |
30 | I raica sírë i celu ar’ i osto núra ná. | | The crooked river that flows by the city is deep. |
31 | I aiwi i atani fárëar lintë nár. | | The birds that men are hunting are swift. |
32 | Quilda ná. | | It is quiet. |
33 | |||
34 | Hínarya nitya. | | His/her child is small. |
35 | I núra nando náha. | | The deep valley is narrow. |
36 | I neri meldor. | | The men [males] are friends. |
37 | Térë síri yánë. | | Straight rivers are wide. |
38 | I hallë mindoni náner raicë. | | The tall towers were crooked. |
39 | Nauvan polda. | | I will be burly. |
40 | I periandi nauvar tiucë. | | The halflings will be fat. |
41 | Urra ná. | | It is bad. |
42 | I perian i nóra i tauressë linta ná. | | The halfling who is running in the forest is swift. |
43 | I eldar i tírar i aran quildë nár. | | The elves who are watching the king are quiet. |
44 | |||
45 | I nissi marir i ostossë. | | The women are in the city [semi-permanently]. |
46 | I cöa harë i ambossë. | | The house is on the hill. |
47 | I tië latë nu i yanta. | | The road is under the bridge. |
48 | I elda serë i cöassë. Alternately harë. | | The elf is in the house [temporarily]. |
49 | I mindoni tarir i tauressë. | | The towers are in the forest. |
50 | |||
51 | I cirya luntë et i ëarello ar mí londenna. | | The ship sailed out of the sea and in to the harbour. |
52 | I nér i hára i falassessë ciryamo ná. | | The man [male] that is sitting on the shore is a sailor. |
53 | I tyulma tára halla i luntessë. | | The mast is standing tall on the boat. |
54 | Ciryar lutir ëaressë mal aiwi vilir vilyassë. | | Ships sail on [the] sea but birds fly in [the] sky. |
55 | Isil sílë i ambonna. | | The moon shone on the hill. |
56 | Lauca hwesta i ostossë mára ná. | | A warm breeze in the city is good. |
57 | |||
58 | Anar cála ar i aiwi vílar vilyassë. | | The sun is shining and the birds are flying in the sky. |
59 | Lumbor lutir fanyaressë. | | Dark clouds float in the sky. |
60 | Falma i ailinessë nitya ná mal falma i ëaressë höa ná. | | A wave on the lake is small, but a wave on the sea is large. |
61 | I súrë turwa sí. | | The wind is strong now. |
62 | Atan hya nauco tirë cemen mal elda tirë menel. | | A man or a dwarf watches the earth but an elf watches the sky. |
63 | I nissi túler i tollenna yassë i eldar marir. | | The women came to the island where (= on which) the elves live. |
64 | |||
65 | Lëa melë Oren ar Oren melë Lëa. | | Lëa loves Oren and Oren loves Lëa. |
66 | Lëa ar Oren vestaner i tauressë. | | Lëa and Oren married in the forest. |
67 | Nosserya túlë i veryanwenna, mal nossë Oreno vánë i taurello. | | Her family came to the wedding, but Oren’s family left the forest. (More literally: ... the family of Oren departed from the forest.) |
68 | Atarya tarnë ara Lëa. | | Her father stood beside Lëa. |
69 | Amillë Lëo tirnë i ambollo. | | Lëa’s mother (or the mother of Lëa) watched from the hill. |
70 | Nilderya Cissë nánë tanomë yú. | | Her [casual] friend Cissë was there also. |
71 | |||
72 | I vesta nánë mára. | | The marriage was good. |
73 | Lëa ar Oren ontaner yondo Miro. | | Lëa and Oren conceived [begat] a son Miro. |
74 | Lëa mélë i yondo veruryo. | | Lëa loved the son of her husband. |
75 | Tá Lëa nostanë yeldë Tilë. | | Then Lëa gave birth to a daughter Tilë. |
76 | Tilë melë hánorya Miro. | | Tilë loves her brother Miro. |
77 | Miro tirë nésarya Tilë yá nostaryar menir i ostonna. | | Miro watches his sister Tilë when his parents go to the city. |
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