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Chapter 5

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Original work by Paul F. Strack, written in 2023, provided here under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Retrieved on 2023-08-30.

Note: Nothing in the story specifies the gender of the captain (atan in the last sentence is a word for human beings of any gender). Either translation “his” or “her” could be a valid; the Quenya phrase covers both. The other individuals in the story are specifically male, so “his” is appropriate in the English translation.


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Halla nér túlë i osto andonna ó raxarya.          A tall man [male] came to the city’s gate (or the gate of the city) with his wagon.
2 “Man tára nu i ando ango?” i hesto quentë.           “Who is standing under the gate of iron” the captain said.
3 “Nányë indyo i arano ar essenya Mico” i nér quentë.            “I am [the] grandson of the king and my name [is] Mico” the man [male] said.
4 “Á yalë i aran!” i hesto quentë.         “Call the king!” the captain said.
5 I hesto ortanë macilya tyelpëo.       The captain raised his/her sword of silver.
6 Aran i ardo tirnë i atani mindonyallo.         [The] king of the realm watched the men from his tower.
8 Hendinyat tírat i orco atta.       My (pair of) eyes are watching the two orcs.
9 I nauco fanga ninquë yo sinda.        The dwarf’s beard [is] both white and grey.
10 Súlerya autëa peu i atano lenca.        His/her breath is leaving the man’s [human’s] lips slow[ly].
11 I hínat samit laurëa findë.       The pair of children have golden hair.
12 I elda nustanë i nísima hwesta.        The elf smelled the fragrant breeze.
13 Hlarin hlón i tauressë.      I hear a noise in the forest.
15 Ma hlarelyat lastat i arano quettain?       Do your ears listen to the king’s words?
16 I aiwet lirnet i aldassë.       The pair of birds sang in the tree.
17 Lambarya tyávë sára quëa.      His tongue tasted a bitter vegetable.
18 Aiwi vilir or nór yo ëar.        Birds fly above both land and sea.
19 I perian mantë lissë orva ar’ i aldu.          The halfling ate a sweet apple beside the pair of trees.
20 Nustan saura orco.     I smell a stinking orc.
22 I perian álëa matta liëryan.       The halfling is growing food for his/her people.
23 I nettë cirnë salquë ataryan.       The girl cut grass for her father.
24 I erdi tuianer úrenen Anaro.       The seeds sprouted in [by means of] the heat of the Sun.
25 I nís tiruva hínali i naucoin.        The woman will watch (some) children for the dwarves.
26 I hesto quentë i aranen.       The captain spoke to the king.
27 Lóti márë nin (nár).      Flowers (are) good to me = I like flowers.
29 I naucor sapir malta aranintan.       The dwarves dig gold for their king.
30 Lóti lostar auressë.     Flowers bloom in daytime.
31 Tarwa mára olvain (ná).      A garden [is] good for plants.
32 I eldar antaner macilli i atanin.        The elves gave some swords to the men.
33 Alda aluva i restassë.      A tree will grow in the field.
34 I nér maxanë mat i perianden.        The man [male] cooked a meal for the halfling.
36 Acápiën minna i sírë.      I have jumped into the river.
37 I cirya ulútië i londessë.       The ship has floated in the harbour.
38 I aran orortanië macilya.      The king has raised his sword.
39 I sírë ecélië i orontello.       The river has flowed from the mountain.
40 I nauco ihílië i atan.       The dwarf has followed the man.
41 I cöa atalantië i lómessë.       The house has collapsed in the night.
43 I elda onórië i taurenna.       The elf has run to the forest.
44 I seldo inírië i nettë.       The boy has pushed the girl.
45 I atan apátië i ostonna.       The man has walked to the city.
46 Alantiës i tarwassë.     He/she has fallen in the garden.
47 I nér orórië i arinessë.       The man [male] has risen in the morning.
48 I hesto ahyaltië i nyellë.       The captain has struck the bell.
50 I nauco ui halla     The dwarf is not tall.
51 Únen verya.    I was not brave.
52 I atani uir laituva i aran.        The men will not praise the king.
53 Áva menë i ostonna síra.       Do not go to the city today.
54 Ván! Ván menuva i ostonna.       I won’t! I will not go to the city.
55 I aran váquentë i voronda hesto auta.         The king forbade the loyal captain to leave.
57 I orco ui vanima.      The orc is not beautiful.
58 Áva verya i raxë i rottossë.        Do not dare the danger in the cave.
59 Ván! Ván caruva ulca nat.       I won’t! I will not do an evil thing.
60 I aran únë manë.      The king was not good [moral].
61 I seldo oluva maira.      The boy will become admirable.
62 I seldo aptanë menë i ostonna.        The boy refused to go to the city.

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