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Chapter 6

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Original work by Paul F. Strack, written in 2023, provided here under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Retrieved on 2023-08-30.


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Ohta túlë i nórenna.      War came to the land.
2 I hesto tirnë i cottor i ambollo.         The captain watched the enemies from the hill.
3 Cánor i orcoron costaner (or orquion).        The commanders of the orcs quarrelled.
4 I hesto ortanë ehtirya ar yallë i ohtari.          The captain raised his/her spear and called the warriors.
5 I ohtari mahtaner i orcor macilínen (or orqui).          The warriors fought the orcs with swords.
6 Varyanentë i hesto sandainen.      They protected the captain with shields.
7 I roqueni turuner i cottor ar rehtaner i eldar.           The knights defeated the enemies and rescued the elves.
8 I taurë nánë varna ar rainë entúlë.         The forest was safe and peace returned (“to return” = entul-).
10 Aiweli viller vilyassë.     Some birds flew in the sky (or in the air).
11 Rácali fárëar lopoldi.     Some wolves are hunting rabbits.
12 Alquali lútar i ailinessë.      Some swans are floating in the lake.
13 Porocéli nostaner ohteli.     Some chickens birthed (or laid) some eggs.
14 Rauroli amátiër mámali.     Some lions have eaten some sheep.
15 Leucali serir salquessë.     Some snakes rest in grass.
17 Lamneli farar ar lamneli uir fara.        Some animals hunt and some animals do not hunt.
18 Lingwili matir ëaruilë.     Some fish eat seaweed (ëaruilë).
19 Miuyeli roitëar nyarroli.     Some cats are chasing (roita-) some rats.
20 Huoli tirner i yaxi.      Some dogs watched the cows.
21 Roccoli onóriër i sírinna.      Some horses have run to the river.
22 Morcoli mahtaner i urulócë.      Some bears fought the dragon.
24 Cennelvë i aran ep’ ambarónë.       We (and you) saw the king after dawn.
25 I yára elda quéta i nessa atanen sí.          The old elf is speaking to the young man now.
26 Andúnë metta i aurëo (ná).       Sunset (is) the end of the day.
27 Á pusta!   Stop!
28 Meluvan lye oialë.     I will love you forever.
29 Tarnes nó i cöa.      He/she stood at the back of the house.
31 Cennen nís. I nís nánë halla.         I saw a woman. The woman was tall.
32 Altáriël Saila.    Altáriel [Galadriel] the Wise.
33 Ranco orco.    The arm of an orc.
34 Á yalë i hesto.      Call the captain.
35 Telda atan.    The last man.
36 I tyulma nirë cirya.      The mast pushes a ship.
37 Eleni silir menelessë.     Stars shine in the heavens.
38 Quetuvantë i aranen.     They will speak to the king.
40 Túves cumna rotto.     He/she found an empty cave.
41 I elda eressëa rimbessë.      The elf [is] lonely in a crowd.
42 Ui métima nótë.     It is not [the] last number.
43 Ilyë atani túler síra.      All [the] men came today.
44 Samilvë fárëa massa.     We (and you) have enough bread.
45 Á quanta i yulma, mecin.        Fill the cup, please.
47 Rauro atta tirnet i máma.       Two lions watched the sheep.
48 I hesto quéta i ohtarin neldë.        The captain is speaking to the three warriors.
49 Atani yuquain tarir i andossë.       Twenty men stand at/in the gate.
50 Á anta min macil nin.       Give one sword to me.
51 Yúyo nauco lórat mí mindon.       Both dwarves are sleeping in the tower.
52 Minya elda tarnë ar’ i ailin.        [The] first elf stood by the lake.

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