No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | Apa nati sinë Yésus öantë lahtala i Ear Alileo, hya Ear Tiverias. | | After these things Jesus went away crossing the Sea of Galilee, or Sea [of] Tiberias. |
2 | Mal haura şanga se-hilyanë, pan cenneltë i tanwar yar carnes i hlaiwassen. | | But a huge crowd followed him, because they saw the signs that he did on the sick. |
3 | Tá Yésus lendë ama mir oron, ar tassë hamunes as hildoryar. | | Then Jesus went up into a mountain, and there he sat down with his disciples. |
4 | Sí i Lahtië, i aşar Yúraron, harë né. | | Now the Passover, the festival of [the] Jews, was near. |
5 | Írë Yésus ortanë henduryat ar cennë haura şanga túla senna, quentes Filipenna: “Massë mancuvalvë ven massar i sinë lertuvar matë?” | | When Jesus raised his eyes and saw a great crowd come to him, he said to Philip: “Where will we buy [lit. trade to ourselves] breads so that these may eat?” |
6 | Mal si quentes tyastiën he, an issë sintë ya carumnes. | | But this he said to test him, for he knew what he was going to do. |
7 | Filip hanquentë senna: “Lenári tuxa atta uar fárië massain faryala tiën, in ilya quén camuva pitya mitta.” | | Philip answered him: “Two hundred denarii are not enough for breads sufficing for them, [so] that each person will receive a small piece.” |
8 | Quén i hildoron, Andréas i háno Símon Pétero, quentë senna: | | One of the disciples, Andrew the brother of Simon Peter, said to him: |
9 | “Ea sís pitya seldo arwa massaron findoriva lempë ar hala atto. Mal mana tai ta rimbë quenin?” | | “[There] is here a small boy having five breads of barley and two fishes. But what are they for so many people?” |
10 | Equë Yésus: “Á tyarë i atani hamuë.” Engë olya salquë i nómessë. Etta i atani hamuner, nótë os húmi lempë. | | Jesus said: “Make the men sit down.” [There] was much grass in the place. Therefore the men sat down, a number [of] around five thousand. |
11 | Tá Yésus nampë i massar ar, apa antávë hantalë, etsanteset i hamila queninnar, ar sië yú i halar, ilya ya merneltë. | | Then Jesus took the breads, and after giving thanks, he distributed them to the sitting people, and so also the fishes, all that they wanted. |
12 | Mal apa aneltë quátinë eques hildoryannar: “Á comya i hehtanë mittar, i munta nauva vanwa.” | | But after they were filled [or, sated] he said to his disciples: “Gather the leftover pieces, that nothing will be lost.” |
13 | Etta comyaneltet, ar quanteltë vircolcar yunquë mittalínen i massaron findoriva lempë – i lembar hehtanë lo i náner mátiéla. | | Therefore they gathered them, and they filled twelve baskets with pieces of the five breads of barley – the leftovers left over by [those] that had eaten. |
14 | Sië, írë i atani cenner i tanwar yar carnes, quenteltë: “Nér sina nanwavë ná i Erutercáno ye tulumnë mir i mar.” | | Thus, when the men saw the signs that he did, they said: “This man truly is the prophet who was to come into the world.” |
15 | Etta Yésus, istala i sí tulumneltë ar mapumneltes cariën se aran, öantë mir i oron, issë erinqua. | | Therefore Jesus, knowing that now they were going to come and take him to make him king, went away into the mountain, he alone. |
16 | |||
17 | Írë şinyë túlë, hildoryar lender undu i eärenna, | | When evening came, his disciples went down to the sea, |
18 | ar mittiéla luntë ménaneltë olla i eär Capernaumenna. Mal sí engë mornië, ar Yésus en únë túliënwa téna. | | and having entered a boat they were going over the sea to Capernaum. But now it was dark [literally: (there) was darkness], and Jesus still had not come to them. |
19 | Entë, i eär amorontë, pan polda súrë surinyë. | | Furthermore, the sea rose up, because a strong wind was blowing. |
20 | Mal círiéla os restandiër lempë yúqueän hya nelequeän, cenneltë Yésus vantala i eäressë ar túla harë i luntenna, ar runceltë. | | But having sailed around twenty-five or thirty furlongs, they saw Jesus walk on the sea and come near to the boat, and they were afraid. |
21 | Mal eques téna: “Inyë ná; áva rucë!” | ; | But he said to them: “[It] is I; do not fear!” |
22 | Etta aneltë merila camitas mir i luntë, ar mí imya lú i luntë engë ara i nór yanna néveltë lelya. | | Therefore they were willing to receive him into the boat, and in the same moment the boat was by the land to which they tried to go. |
23 | I hilyala auressë i şanga ya tarnë i hyana fárassë i eäro cenner i ua engë tassë luntë. Aneltë céniéla i lá eä hyana luntë hequa i er, ar i Yésus ua öantë sánen as hildoryar, mal hildoryar erinquë öanter. | | On the following day the crowd that stood on the other shore of the sea saw that [there] was not there [any] boat. They had seen that [there] was [Q: is] not another boat except the one, and that Jesus did not go away in [-nen] it with his disciples, but his disciples alone had gone away. |
24 | Mal lunteli Tiveriasello túler i nómenna yassë manteltë i massa apa i Heru antanë hantalë. | | But boats from Tiberias came to the place in which they ate the bread after the Lord gave thanks. |
25 | Etta, írë i şanga cennë in uar eä tassë Yésus hya hildoryar véla, menneltë mir lunteltar ar lender Capernaumenna cestiën Yésus. | | Therefore, when the crowd saw that Jesus and his disciples alike were [Q: are] not there, they went into their boats and went to Capernaum to seek Jesus. |
26 | Írë hirneltes han i eär maquenteltë senna: “Ravi, mana i lú yassë túlel sir?” | | When they found him on the other side of the sea they asked him: “Rabbi, at what time did you come here? [literally: what (was) the time when you came here?]” |
27 | Yésus hanquentë téna ar equë: “Násië, násië quetin lenna, cestalden, lá pan cenneldë tanwali, mal pan manteldë i massaron ar náner quátinë. | | Jesus answered them and said: “Truly, truly I say to you, you seek me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the breads and were filled [/sated]. |
28 | Mola, lá i mattan ya autuva, mal i mattan ya lemya oira coiviën, ya i Atanyondo antauva len; an sessë i Atar, Eru, apánië lihtarya.” | ; | Work, not for the food that will pass away, but for the food that remains for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you; for on him the Father, God, has set his seal.” |
29 | |||
30 | Etta quenteltë senna: “Mana caruvalmë cariën i molië Eruo?” | | Therefore they said to him: “What are we to do in order to do God’s work?” |
31 | Yésus hanquentë ar equë téna: “Si Eruo molië ná, i savuvaldë yessë sé mentanë.” | | Jesus answered and said to them: “This is God’s work, that you are to believe in [the one] whom he sent.” |
32 | Etta quenteltë senna: “Mana, tá, cáral ve tanwa, i cenuvalmes ar savuvalmë lyessë? Mana cáral? | | Therefore they said to him: “What, then, are you doing as a sign, [so] that we will see it and we are going to believe in you? What are you doing? |
33 | Atarilmar manter i mán i ravandassë, ve técina ná: Antanes tiën massa menello matiën.” | | Our fathers ate the manna [Hebrew: mán] in the desert, as is written: He gave them bread from heaven to eat.” |
34 | Etta Yésus quentë téna: “Násië, násië quetin lenna: Móses ua antanë len i massa menello, mal Atarinya é anta len i nanwa massa menello. | | Therefore Jesus said to them: “Truly, truly I say to you: Moses did not give you the bread from heaven, but my Father indeed gives you the true bread from heaven. |
35 | An Eruo massa ná ye unta menello ar anta cala i marden.” | | For God’s bread is [he] who comes down from heaven and gives light to the world.” |
36 | Etta quenteltë senna: “Heru, illumë ámen anta massa sina!” | | Therefore they said to him: “Lord, always give us this bread!” |
37 | Equë téna Yésus: “Inyë ná i massa coiviéva. Ye tulë ninna laumë oi nauva maita, ar ye savë nissë laumë oi nauva soica. | | Jesus said to them: “I am the bread of life. [He] who comes to me will not ever be hungry, and [he] who believes in me will not ever be thirsty. |
38 | Mal equétiën lenna: ecéniëlden, ananta ualdë savë. | | But I have said to you: you have seen me, and yet you do not believe. |
39 | Ilquen ye i Atar nin-anta tuluva ninna, ar ye tulë ninna laumë hatuvan ettenna, | | Everyone whom the Father gives me will come to me, and [he] who comes to me I will by no means throw out, |
40 | pan ununtiën menello cariën, lá ninya indómë, mal i indómë yeo mentanë ni. | | because I have come down from heaven to do, not my will, but the will of [him] who sent me. |
41 | Si ná i indómë yeo mentanë ni, i munta nauva nin vanwa ilyo ya ániës nin, mal enortauvanyes i métima auressë. | | This is the will of [him] who sent me, that nothing will be lost to me of all that he has given me, but I will raise it up again at the last day.” |
42 | An si Atarinyo indómë ná, in ilquen ye cenë i Yondo ar savë sessë samuva oira coivië, ar enortauvanyes i métima auressë.” | | [40] |
43 | Tá i Yúrar nurruner senna pan quentes: “Inyë ná i massa ya unta menello.” | | Then the Jews murmurmed at him because he said: “I am the bread that came down from heaven.” |
44 | Ar quenteltë: “Ma nér sina ua Yésus Yosefion, yeo atar ar amil istalvë? Manen lertas quetë: Ununtiën menello – ?” | | And they said: “Is this man not Jesus son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How may he say: I have come down from heaven – ?” |
45 | Yésus hanquentë ar equë téna: “Áva na nurrula mici indë. | | Jesus answered and said to them: “Do not be murmuring among yourselves. |
46 | Úquen polë tulë ninna qui i Atar ye ni-mentanë ua tucë se, ar inyë enortauva se i métima auressë. | | Nobody can come to me if the Father who sent me does not draw him, and I shall raise him up again at the last day. |
47 | An técina ná mí Erutercánor: Ar illi mici te nauvar peäntanë lo i Héru. Ilquen ye ahlárië i Atarello ar apárië tulë ninna. | | For [it] is written in the Prophets: And all among them shall be taught by the Lord. Everybody who has heard from the Father and has learnt comes to me. |
48 | Lá i aiquen ecénië i Atar, hequa ye Erullo ná: issë ecénië i Atar. | | Not that anyone has seen the Father, except [he] who is from God; he has seen the Father. |
49 | Násië, násië quetin lenna: Ye savë samë oira coivië. | | Truly, truly I say to you: [He] who believes has eternal life. |
50 | Inyë ná i massa coiviéva. | | I am the bread of life. |
51 | Atarildar manter i mán i ravandassë, ananta qualleltë. | | Your fathers ate the manna in the desert, and yet they died. |
52 | Si i massa ná ya unta menello, in aiquen polë matë sallo ar ua qualë. | | This is the bread that comes down from heaven, that anyone can eat of it and not die. |
53 | Inyë ná i coireä massa ya unta menello; qui aiquen matë sina masso coituvas tennoio. Ar i massa ya inyë antauva hrávenya ná i mardo coiviën.” | ; | I am the living bread that comes down from heaven; if anybody eats of this bread he will live forever. And the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” |
54 | |||
55 | Etta i Yúrar cóşer quén as i exë, quétala: “Manen nér sina polë anta ven hráverya matiën?” | | Therefore the Jews quarreled one with the other, saying: “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” |
56 | Sië Yésus quentë téna: “Násië, násië quetin lenna, qui ualdë matë i Atanyondo hrávë ar sucë sercerya, ualdë samë coivië indessë. | | Thus Jesus said to them: “Truly, truly I say to you, if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life in yourselves. |
57 | Ye matë hrávenya ar sucë sercenya samë oira coivië, ar enortauvanyes i métima auressë. | | He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up again at the last day. |
58 | An ninya hrávë nanwa matta ná, ar ninya sercë nanwa yulda ná. | | For my flesh is real food, and my blood is a real drink. |
59 | Ye matë hrávenya ar sucë sercenya lemya nissë, ar ní sessë. | | [He] who eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him. |
60 | Tambë i coireä Atar ni-mentanë ar samin coivië i Atarnen, sië yú ye matë ní samuva coivië inyenen. | | As the living Father sent me and I have life by the Father, so also [he] who eats me will have life by me. |
61 | Si ná i massa ya unta menello, lá ve ta ya atarildar manter ananta qualler. Ye matë massa sina coituva tennoio.” | | This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like that which your fathers ate and yet died. [He] who eats this bread will live forever.” |
62 | Nati sinë quentes írë peäntanes yomencöassë Capernaumessë. | | These things he said when he was teaching in a synagogue in Capernaum. |
63 | Etta rimbali hildoryaron, írë hlasseltë si, quenter: “Quetië sina hranga ná; man polë lasta sanna?” | ; | Therefore numerous ones of his disciples, when they heard this, said: “This saying is hard; who can listen to it?” |
64 | Mal Yésus, istala insenen i hildoryar nurruner pa si, quentë téna: “Ma si tarca le? | | But Jesus, knowing by himself that his disiciples murmured about this, said to them: “Does this disturb you? |
65 | Mana, tá, qui cenuvaldë i Atanyondo ortala yanna enges yá? | | What, then, if you will see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? |
66 | I fairë ná ya anta coivië; i hrávë carë munta aşeä. I quetiër yar inyë equétië lenna nar fairë ar nar coivië. | ; | The spirit is what gives life; the flesh does nothing beneficial. The sayings that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. |
67 | Mal eär mici le ennoli i uar savë.” An i yestallo Yésus sintë i uar sávë ar man nánë i quén ye vartumnë se. | | But [there] are among you some people who do not believe.” For from the beginning Jesus knew [those] who did not believe and who was the one who was to betray him. |
68 | Ar eques: “Sina castanen equétiën lenna: Úquen polë tulë ninna qui ta ua antana sen lo i Atar.” | | And he said: “For this reason I have said to you: Nobody can come to me if that is not given him by the Father.” |
69 | Epeta rimbali hildoryaron öanter i natinnar cata te ar uar mernë vanta ósë ambë. | | Thereafter numerous ones of his disciples went away to the things behind them and did not want to walk with him [any]more. |
70 | Etta Yésus quentë i yunquenna: “Ma ualdë merë auta, yú lé?” | | Therefore Jesus said to the twelve: “Do you not want to go away, you too?” |
71 | Símon Péter hanquentë senna: “Heru, ana man menuvalmë? Elyë samë quetiër oira coiviéva, | | Simon Peter answered him: “Lord, to whom are we to go? You have sayings of eternal life, |
72 | ar asáviëlmë ar istalmë in elyë Eruo Airë ná.” | | and we have believed and we know that you are the Holy One of God.” |
73 | Yésus hanquentë téna: “Ma uan icílië lé yunquë? Ar mici lé quén arauco ná!” | | Jesus answered them: “Have I not chosen you twelve? And among you one is a devil!” |
74 | Carampes pa Yúras, yondorya Símon Iscáriot. An nér sina, quén i yunqueo, vartumnë se. | | He talked about Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. For this man, one of the twelve, was going to betray him. |
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