No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | Ar apa nati sinë Yésus vantanë Alileässë, an uas mernë vanta Yúreässë, pan i Yúrar cestaner nahta se. | | And after these things Jesus walked in Galilee, for he did not want to walk in Judea, since the Jews sought to kill him. |
2 | Mal i aşar Yúraron, i Meren Lassemárion, nánë harë. | | But the festival of [the] Jews, the Feast of Leaf-huts, was near. |
3 | Etta hánoryar quenter senna: “Á auta silo ar mena mir Yúreä, i yú hildotyar cenuvar i cardar yar carityë! | | Therefore his brothers said to him: “Go away from here and go into Judea, that also your disciples will see the deeds that you do! |
4 | An úquen carë aiqua nuldavë qui cestas návë sinwa. Qui carityë nati sinë, á apanta immo i marden!” | | For nobody does anything secretly if he seeks to be known. If you do these things, reveal yourself to the world!” |
5 | An hánoryar uar sávë sessë. | | [5] |
6 | Etta Yésus quentë téna: “Lúmenya en ua utúlië, mal lén i lúmë illumë manwa ná. | | Therefore Jesus said to them: “My hour still has not come, but to you the hour is always ready. |
7 | I mar ua polë yelta lé, mal yeltas ní, an vettan pa sa i cardaryar nar ulcë. | | The world cannot hate you, but it hates me, for I witnessed about it that its deeds are evil. |
8 | Aldë lelya amba i aşarenna! Inyë ua lelya amba aşar sinanna, an lúmenya en ua utúlië.” | | You go up to the festival! I do not go up to this festival, for my hour still has not come.” |
9 | Apa quetië téna nati sinë lemyanes Alileässë. | | After saying these things to them he remained in Galilee. |
10 | Mal apa hánoryar lender i aşarenna, yú sé lendë amba, lá pantavë, mal nuldavë. | | But after his brothers went to the festival, he too went up, not openly, but secretly. |
11 | Etta i Yúrar cestaner se i aşaressë ar quenter: “Massë ná sana nér?” | | Therefore the Jews sought him at the festival and said: “Where is that man?” |
12 | Ar engë olya nurrulë pa sé imíca i şangar. Quelli quenter: “Násë manë nér.” Exeli quenter: “Uas, mal tyaris i şanga ranya!” | | And there was much murmuring about him among the crowds. Some people said: “He is a good man.” Others said: “He is not, but he causes the crowd to err!” |
13 | Ve hanyaina, úquen carampë pantavë pa sé, an runceltë i Yúrallon. | | Of course [lit. “as (is) understood” = self-evident], nobody talked openly about him, for they feared the Jews. |
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15 | Írë perta i aşaro nánë autiënwa, Yésus lendë amba mir i corda ar peäntanë. | | When half of the festival had passed, Jesus went up into the temple and taught. |
16 | Etta i Yúrar enger elmendassë, quétala: “Manen nér sina ista i Tehteler írë uas apárië ñólë?” | | Therefore the Jews were in wonder, saying: “How does this man know the Scriptures when he has not learnt lore?” |
17 | Yésus etta hanquentë téna ar equë: “Ya peäntan ui ninya, mal ná yeva ni-mentanë. | | Jesus therefore answered them and said: “What I teach is not mine, but is of [him] who sent me. |
18 | Qui aiquen merë carë indómerya, istuvas pa i peäntië qui nas Erullo hya qui quetin et immollo. | | If anybody wants to do his will, he shall know concerning the teaching if it is from God or if I speak out of myself. |
19 | Ye quetë et immollo cesteä véra alcarerya; mal ye cesta i alcar i queno ye se-mentanë, sé şanda ná, ar lá eä úfailië sessë. | ; | [He] who speaks out of himself is seeking his own glory; but [he] who seeks the glory of the person who sent him, he is true, and there is no unrighteousness in him. |
20 | Ma Móses ua antanë len i Şanyë? Mal úquen mici le carë ve i Şanyë quetë. Mana i casta yanen cesteäldë nahta ni?” | | Did not Moses give you the Law? But nobody among you does as the Law says. For what reason are you seeking to kill me?” |
21 | I şanga hanquentë: “Nalyë haryaina lo rauco! Man cesteä nahta lye?” | | The crowd answered: “You are possessed by a demon! Who is seeking to kill you?” |
22 | Yésus hanquentë ar equë téna: “Erya carda carnen, ar lé enger illi elmendassë. | | Jesus answered and said to them: “One deed I did, and you were all in wonder. |
23 | Sina castanen Móses antanë len i oscirië – lá i nas Mósello, mal i atarillon – ar oscirildë atan sendaressë. | | For this reason Moses gave you the circumcision – not that it is from Moses, but from the fathers – and you circumcise a man at a day of rest. |
24 | Qui atan camë oscirië i sendaressë, i Móseo şanyë lá nauva rácina, ma naldë rúşië nin pan antanen ilvana málë atanen i sendaressë? | | If a man receives circumcision on the day of rest, that the law of Moses is not to be broken, are you angry at me because I gave perfect health to a man on the day of rest? |
25 | Áva namë ve cenildë, mal nama failië!” | | Do not judge as you see, but judge justly!” |
26 | Etta quelli Yerúsalemello quenter: “Ma sé ui i quén ye cesteältë nahta? | | Therefore some people from Jerusalem said: “Is not he the one that they are seeking to kill? |
27 | Ar yé! pantavë quétas, ar quetiltë munta senna. Lau i turcor nanwavë ihíriër i násë i Hristo? | | And look! he is speaking openly, and they say nothing to him. Surely the rulers have not really found that he is the Christ? |
28 | Mal istalvë yallo quén sina ná. Írë Messías tuluva, úquen istuva yallo násë.” | | But we know from where this man is. When [the] Messiah shall come, nobody will know from where he is.” |
29 | Etta Yésus, írë peäntanes i cordassë, etyámë ar quentë: “Ní istaldë, yú istaldë yallo nanyë. Lá utúliën imninen, mal ye ni-mentanë şanda ná, sé ye eldë uar ista. | | Therefore Jesus, when he taught in the temple, cried out and said: “Me you know, you know also from where I am. I have not come by myself, but [he] who sent me is true, he whom you do not know. |
30 | Inyë ista se, an sello tulin, ar sé mentanë ni.” | | I know him, for from him I come, and he sent me.” |
31 | Tá néveltë mapa se, mal úquen panyanë márya sessë, an lúmerya en úmë túliënwa. | | Then they tried to seize him, but nobody laid his hand on him, for his time still had not come. |
32 | Mal rimbali i şango sáver sessë ar quenter: “Írë i Hristo tuluva, lau caruvas cardar rimbë lá yar acárië nér sina?” | | But numerous ones of the crowd believed in him and said: “When the Christ shall come, surely he will not do deeds more numerous than [the ones] that this man has done?” |
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34 | I Farisar hlasser i şanga nurrua nati sinë pa se, ar i hérë airimor ar i Farisar mentaner cánoli se-mapiën. | | The Pharisees heard the crowd murmuring these things about him, and the chief priests and the Pharisees sent some officers to seize him. |
35 | Etta equë Yésus: “En euvan aseldë şinta lúmë, nó autuvan yenna ni-mentanë. | | Therefore Jesus said: “I will still be with you a short time, before I shall go away to [the one] who sent me. |
36 | Cestuvalden, mal ualdë hiruva ni, ar yanna eän lé uar poluva tulë.” | | You will seek me, but you will not find me, for where I am you cannot come.” |
37 | Etta i Yúrar quenter mici intë: “Manna nér sina autuva, i elvë uar hiruva se? Lau autuvas innar nar vintainë mici Hellenyar, peäntiën Hellenyar? | | Therefore the Jews said among themselves: “Where will this man go away to, that we will not find him? Surely he will not go away to [those] who are scattered among the Greek, in order to teach the Greek? |
38 | Mana teä quetië sina ya quentes: Cestuvalden, mal ualdë hiruva ni, ar yanna eän lé uar poluva tulë – ?” | | What does this saying mean that he said: You will seek me, but you will not find me, and where I am you cannot come – ?” |
39 | Mal i métima auressë, i túra aurë i aşaro, Yésus orontë ar etyámë, quétala: “Qui aiquen soica ná, lava sen tulë ninna suciën! | | But on the last day, the great day of the festival, Jesus stood up and cried out, saying: “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me to drink! |
40 | Ye savë nissë, et ammitya rantaryallo ulyuvar celuméli coireä nenwa, ve i Tehtelë equétië.” | | [He] who believes in me, from his innermost part [there] will flow streams of living water, as the Scripture has said.” |
41 | Mal si quentes pa i fairë ya camumner i sáver sessë. An ena lá engë fairë, an Yésus en úmë alcaryaina. | | But this he said about the spirit that [those] were to receive who believed in him. For still there was no spirit, for Jesus still was not glorified. |
42 | Etta quelli i şango i hlasser quettar sinë quenter: “Quén sina é ná i Erutercáno.” | | Therefore some of the crowd that heard these words said: “This person is indeed the Prophet.” |
43 | Exeli quenter: “Si ná i Hristo.” Mal enger i quenter: “Lau i Hristo tulë Alileällo? | | Others said: “This is the Christ.” But [there] were [those] who said: “Surely the Christ does not come from Galilee? |
44 | Ma i Tehtelë ua quetë i tulë i Hristo i erdo Laviro, ar Vet-Lehemello, i masto yassë engë Lavir?” | | Does not the Scripture say that the Christ comes of the seed of David, and from Bethlehem, the village where David was?” |
45 | Etta engë şanca pa se i şangassë. | | Therefore [there] was a split concerning him in the crowd. |
46 | Mal ennoli mici te merner mapatas, mal úquen panyanë mát sessë. | | But some people among them wanted to seize him, but no one laid hands on him. |
47 | Etta i cánor nanwenner i hérë airimonnar ar Farisannar, ar té quenter téna: “Manen ualdë túlua se aseldë?” | | Therefore the officers returned to the chief priests and to the Pharisees, and they said to them: “How [is it that] you are not bringing him with you?” |
48 | I cánor hanquenter: “Atan ua oi acarpië sië.” | | The officers said: “No man has ever spoken like this.” |
49 | I Farisar etta hanquenter: “Lau yú lé nar útulyainë? | | The Pharisees therefore answered: “Sure you are not misled as well? |
50 | Ma aiquen imíca i turcor hya Farisar asávië sessë? | | Has anyone among the rulers or Pharisees believed in him? |
51 | Mal şanga sina ya ua ista i Şanyë, té nar húnë!” | | But this crowd that does not know the Law, they are accursed!” |
52 | Nicorémus, quén imíca te ye nánë túliënwa senna yá, quentë téna: | | Nicodemus, one among them who had come to him formerly, said to them: |
53 | “Lau Şanyelva namë nér qui mo ua minyavë ánië sen hlarië ar ista ya acáriës?” | | “Surely our Law does not judge a man unless one has first given him a hearing and knows what he has done?” |
54 | Hanquenteltë senna: “Ma yú elyë Alileällo ná? Ceşa ar cena i lá nauva Erutercáno ortaina et Alileällo.” | | They answered him: “Are you too from Galilee? Search and see that a prophet will not be raised up out of Galiliee.” |
55 | Tá öanteltë, ilquen maryanna. | | Then they went away, everyone to his house. |
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