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Ranta 21

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No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Apa nati sinë Yésus apantanë insë i hildoin ata ara Ear Tiverias; ar apantanes insë sië:            ;      After these things Jesus revealed himself to the disciples by the Sea [of] Tiberias; and he revealed himself thus:
2 Enger uo Símon Péter ar Tomas, estaina i Onóno, ar Natanael Cánallo Alileo ar Severaio yondor ar exë atta hildoryaron.                        [There] were together Simon Peter and Thomas, called the Twin, and Nathanael from Cana of Galilee and the sons of Zebedee and two other of his disciples.
3 Símon Péter quentë téna: “Ménan raitiën halar.” Quenteltë senna: “Yú elmë túlar aselyë.” Etemenneltë ar lender mir i luntë, mal ter lómë yana raitaneltë munta.                                  Simon Peter said to them: “I am going to catch some fishes.” They said to him: “We too are coming with you.” They went out and went into the boat, but through[out] that night they caught nothing.
4 Mal írë arin túlë, Yésus tarnë i fárassë, ono i hildor uar hanyanë i násë Yésus.                    But when morning came, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not understand that he was Jesus.
5 Tá Yésus quentë téna: “Hinyar, ma ualdë samë halar?” Hanquenteltë senna: “Ualmë.”                  Then Jesus said to them: “My children, have you not got [any] fishes?” They said to him: “We have not.”
6 Quentes téna: “Hata i rembë i foryassë i lunteo ar hiruvaldë halali!” Sië hanteltes, ar tá ualtë poldë tucitas ama i liyúmenen halaiva.                           He said to them: “Throw the net at the right of the boat and you will find some fishes!” So they threw it, and then they could not draw it up for the multitude of fishes.
7 Etta i hildo ye Yésus mélë quentë Péterenna: “Násë i Heru!” Sië Símon Péter, hlarila i násë i Heru, nuntë vaccorya os oşwerya, an anes helda, ar hantexë mir i eär.                                      Therefore the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter: “He is the Lord!” Thus Simon Peter, hearing that he was the Lord, bound his jacket around his waist, for he was naked, and threw himself into the sea.
8 Mal i hyanë hildor túler i luntenen – an úneltë hairë nórello, er os rangar tuxa –tucila i rembë halaron.                        But the other disciples came in the boat – for they were not far from land, only around a hundred yards – drawing the net of fishes.
9 Mal írë hótarneltë nórenna cenneltë caitala tassë hyulmaruinë ar halali caitala sanna, ar massa.                 But when they stood off onto land they saw a coal fire lie there and some fishes lying on it, and bread.
10 Yésus quentë téna: “Á tala halali ion raitaneldë sí.”             Jesus said to them: “Bring some fishes of those you caught now.”
11 Etta Símon Péter lendë mir i luntë ar tuncë i rembë nórenna, quanta hoë halaron, neldë lepenqueän ar tuxa. Mal ómu aneltë ta rimbë, i rembë únë narcana.                                  Therefore Simon Peter went into the boat and drew the net ashore [nórenna, “to land”], full of a hundred and fifty-three huge fishes. But though they were that many, the net was not torn.
12 Equë téna Yésus: “Tula, sama arinwat!” Úner i hildoron veryanë maquetë senna: “Man elyë?”, pan sinteltë i násë i Heru.                          Jesus said to them: “Come, have breakfast!” No man of the disciples dared to ask him: “Who are you?”, since they knew that he was the Lord.
13 Yésus túlë ar nampë i massa ar antanë sa tiën, ar yú i halar.                 Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and also the fishes.
14 Si nánë i neldeä lú yassë Yésus apantanë insë i hildoin apa anes ortana qualinallon.                 This was the third time that Jesus revealed himself to the disiciples after he was raised from [the] dead.
16 Írë aneltë mátiéla i arinwat Yésus quentë Símon Péterenna: “Símon Yohánion, ma melil ní ambë lá té?” Equë senna Péter: “Ná, Heru, istalyë i nalyë melda nin.” Quentes senna: “Á anta matta eulenyain!”                                          When they had eaten the breakfast Jesus said to Simon Peter: “Simon son of John, do you love me more than them?” Peter said to him: “Yes, Lord, you know that you are dear to me.” He said to him: “Give food to my lambs.”
17 Ata eques senna, atteä lú: “Símon Péter, ma melilyen?” Quentes senna: “Ná, Heru, istal i nalyë melda nin.” Eques senna: “Na mavar mámanyain!”                                 Again he said to him, a second time: “Simon Peter, do you love me?” He said to him: “Yes, Lord, you know that you are dear to me.” He said to him: “Be a shepherd for my sheep!”
18 Quentes senna neldeä lú: “Símon Yohánion, ma nanyë melda lyen?” Péter sámë nairë pan quentes senna i neldeä lú: “Ma nanyë melda lyen?” Sië eques senna: “Heru, elyë ista ilqua; elyë ista i nalyë melda nin!” Yésus quentë senna: “Á anta matso eulenyain.                                   ;                He said to him a third time: “Simon son of John, am I dear to you?” Peter had grief because he said to him a third time: “Am I dear to you?” Thus he said to him: “Lord, you know everything; you know that you are dear to me!” Jesus said to him: “Give food to my lambs.
19 Násië, násië quetin lyenna: Írë anel ambë nessa, nuntel i quilta os imlë ar vantanë yassë mernel. Mal írë nauval yára, rahtuval mályanten ar exë lye-nutuva ar lye-tulyauva yanna ual merë.”                                       Truly, truly I say to you: When you were younger, you bound the belt about yourself and walked where you wished. But when you shall be old, you will reach [out] with your hands and another will bind you and lead you where you do not wish.”
20 Si quentes tanáven i nostalë qualmeo yanen talumnes alcar Erun. Ar apa quetië si quentes senna: “Áni hilya.”                       This he said to show the kind of death by which he was going to bring glory to God. And after this he said to him: “Follow me.”
21 Írë quernes insë, Péter cennë i hildo ye Yésus mélë hilyala – i quén ye i şinyematsë nánë talta ambostyanna ar quentë: “Heru, man ná ye varta lye?”                                When he turned [Q: turned himself], Peter saw the disciple whom Jesus loved follow – the person who at the evening meal was leaning towards his chest and said: “Lord, who is [the one] who betrays you?”
22 Etta, írë Péter cennë se, quentes Yésunna: “Heru, mana nér sina caruva?”                 Therefore, when Peter saw him, he said to Jesus: “Lord, what will this man do?”
23 Equë senna Yésus: “Qui şelmanya ná i lemyuvas tenna tulin, mana ta lyen? Elyë áni hilya!”                   Jesus said to him: “If my will is that he will remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!”
24 Etta quetië sina etemennë imíca i hildor: “Sana hildo ua qualuva.” Mal Yésus ua quentë senna in uas qualuva, mal: “Qui şelmanya ná i lemyuvas tenna tulin, mana ta lyen?”                                     Therefore this saying went out among the disciples: “That disciple will not die.” But Jesus did not say to him that he will not die, but: “If my will is that he will remain until I come, what is that to you?”
25 Issë ná i hildo ye vetta pa si ar ye etécië nati sinë, ar istalmë i vettiërya nanwa ná.                      He is the disciple who witnesses about this and who has written these things, and we know that his witness is true.
26 Mal eär yú rimbë hyanë natali yar Yésus acárië. Qui mo tecumnë pa ilya erya natto, intyan i lá eä fáreä nómë mí mar imma i parmain nála técinë.                                 But [there] are also many other things that Jesus has done. If one were to write about every single matter, I suppose that there is not enough place [or, space] in the world itself for the books being written.

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