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Ranta 20

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No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 I minya auressë i otsolo María Mahtalénë túlë i noirinna arinyavë, írë en engë mornië, ar cennes in i ondo mapana öa i noirillo ná.                             On the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, when [it] was still dark, and she saw that the rock was [Q; is] taken away from the tomb.
2 Etta nornes ar túlë Símon Péterenna ar i hyana hildonna, ye Yésus mélë, ar quentë túna: “Amápiëltë i Heru et i noirillo, ar ualmë ista yassë apániëltes.”                                  Therefore she ran and came to Simon Peter and the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and said to them: “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have put him.”
3 Tá Péter etemennë as i hyana hildo, ar lendettë i noirinna.              Then Peter went forth with the other disciple, and they [-tte, dual] went to the tomb.
4 Yúyo nér nornet, mal i hyana hildo nornë linta lá Péter ar túlë minya i noirinna,                   Both men ran, but the other other disciple ran faster than Peter and came first to the tomb,
5 ar cúves ar cennë i lanni caitala tassë, mal uas mittanë.              and he bent and saw the clothes lying there, but he did not enter.
6 Tá Símon Péter túlë, hilyala se, ar mittanes i noirë. Cennes i vaimar caitala tassë,                    Then Simon Peter came, following him, and he entered the tomb. He saw the wraps lying there,
7 ar i lannë ya engë caryassë, lá caitala as i vaimar, mal tolúna satya nómessë.                   and the cloth that was on his head, not lying with the wraps, but rolled up in a separate place.
8 Tá i hyana hildo, ye túlë minya i noirinna, yú mittanë; ar cennes ar sáves.             ;      Then the other disciple, who came first to the tomb, also entered; and he saw and he believed.
9 An en uattë sintë i tehtelë, i mauyanë sen orta qualinallon.              For still they did not know the scripture, that [it] was necessary for him to rise from [the] dead.
10 Tá i hildor nanwenner marittannar.       Then the disciples returned to their [-tta, dual] homes.
12 Mal María tarnë niëssen ara i noirë. Ar lan niëryar uller cúves yétiën mir i noirë,                   But Mary stood in tears by the tomb. And while her tears poured she bent to look into the tomb,
13 ar cennes vala atta mi ninquë háma, quén ara i cas ar quén ara i talu yassë Yésuo hröa nánë caitiënwa.                        and she saw two angels in white sit [there], one by the head and one by the feet where Jesus’ body had been lying.
14 Quentettë senna: “Nís, mana i casta nyenyelyan?” Quentes túna: “Amápiëltë öa Herunya, ar uan ista yassë apániëltes.”                        They [-tte, dual] said to her: “Woman, what is the reason for your tears?” She said to them: “They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have put him.”
15 Quetila si quernes insë ar cennë Yésus tarila tassë, mal uas sintë i hé Yésus ná.                   Saying this, she turned and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that he was [Q: is] Jesus.
16 Yésus quentë senna: “Nís, mana i casta nyenyelyan? Man cestal?” Intyala i hé i tarwandur ná, quentes henna: “Heru, qui elyë se-ocólië öa, nyara nin i nómë yassë apániëlyes, ar inyë se-mapuva öa.”                                           Jesus said to her: “Woman, what is the reason for your weeping? Whom do you seek?” Supposing that he was the gardener, she said to him: “Lord, if you have carried him away, tell me the place where you have put him, and I will take him away.”
17 Yésus quentë senna: “María!” Querila insë, quentes henna Heveryassë: “Rappóni!” – ya teä peäntar.                   Jesus said to her: “Mary!” Turning, she said to him in Hebrew: “Rabboni” – which means teacher.
18 Yésus quentë senna: “Ávani appa, an en uan orortië ama Atarinyanna. Mal mena hánonyannar ar queta téna: Ortan Atarinyanna ar Atareldanna, Ainonyanna ar Ainoldanna.”                                Jesus said to her: “Do not touch me, for I have not yet risen up to my Father. But go to my brothers and say to them: I ascend to my Father and your Father, my God and your God.”
19 María Mahtalénë túlë ar tallë i vinyar i hildonnar: “Ecéniën i Heru!”, ar i quentes nati sinë senna.                      Mary Magdalene came and brought the news to the disciples: “I have seen the Lord!”, and that he said these things to her.
21 I şinyessë aurë yano, i minya ré i otsolo, írë i fennar náner pahtë yassë i hilmor enger, ruciénen i Yúrallon, Yésus túlë ar tarnë mici te ar quentë téna: “Rainë na len!”                                       On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, when the doors were closed where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them: “Peace be to you!”
22 Apa quetië si tannes tiën máryat ar etserya. Tá i hildor náner valimë írë cenneltë i Heru.                    After saying this she showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were happy when they saw the Lord.
23 Yésus enquentë téna: “Rainë na len! Tambë i Atar ementayë ní, sívë inyë menta lé.”                    Jesus repeated to them: “Peace be to you! As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”
24 Ar apa quetië si şúyanes téna ar quentë téna: “Cama i Airë Feä!               And after saying this he breathed on them and said to them: “Receive the Holy Spirit!
25 Qui apsenildë quenion úcari, naltë apséninë tiën; qui tulcaldë quenion úcari, naltë tulcanë.”        ;          If you forgive peoples’ sins, they are forgiven them; if you retain [tulca- “establish”] peoples’ sins, they are retained.”
26 Mal Tomas, quén i yunqueo, estaina i Onóno, únë aseltë írë Yésus túlë.                  But Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came.
27 Sië i hyanë hildor quenter senna: “Ecéniëlmë i Heru!” Mal quentes téna: “Qui uan cenuva máryatsë i tehtar i taxion, ar uan panya ninya má etseryassë, lá savuvan.”                                   Thus the other disciples said to him: “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to them: “If I will not see in his hands the marks of the nails, and I do not put my hand in his side, I will not believe.”
28 Auri tolto apa si hildoryar enger ata i cöassë, ar Tomas engë aseltë. I fennar náner pahtë, mal Yésus túlë téna ar quentë: “Rainë na len!”                               Eight days after this his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. The doors were closed, but Jesus came to them and said: “Peace be to you!”
29 Tá quentes Tomanna: “Á panya leperelya sís, ar cena mányat, ar á menta málya, ar ása panya etsenyassë; áva na pen savië, mal savila.”                      ;          Then he said to Thomas: “Put your finger here, and see my hands, and send your hand, and put it in my side; do not be without belief, but believing.”
30 Tomas hanquentë senna: “Herunya ar Ainonya!”        Thomas answered him: “My Lord and my God!”
31 Yésus quentë senna: “Ma savil ceniénen ni? Valimë nar i uar ecénië ananta savir.”                  Jesus said to him: “Do you believe because of seeing me? Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.”
32 Yésus carnë yú rimbë hyanë tannali epë i hildor, yar uar técinë parma sinassë;               ; Jesus did also many other signs before the disciples, that are not written in this book;
33 mal sinë nar técinë i savuvaldë i Yésus ná i Hristo, i Eruion, ar i sávala samuvaldë coivië esseryanen.                       but these are written that you will believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you will have life by his name.

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