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Original work by Luinyelle, written in 2022, provided here under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Retrieved on 2023-07-30.

See also the youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aNztFsWm08


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
2 Vanima ná Valimar    Beautiful is Valimar
4 Nyellion lingë lamya, palan or palar yána,          The musical sound of bells sounds, far over the wide plain,
5 Malina tópalillon, Valaron osto mána.        Away from golden roofs, the blessed city of the Valar.
6 Telperin talalmissen, lilta liruila rimbë,        On silver floors, a singing host dances,
7 Netina lótelínen, mairë or'mardi imbë.        Adorned with many flowers, between splendid lofty halls.
8 Epë calassinë andor, Aldu ambossë alat,         Before gates of brass, the Two Trees grow on a hill,
9 Ilvana márië antat, fainat voronwa calat.         Give perfect goodness, send forth (two) long-lasting lights.
10 Silmë yo laurë, aireä yo ainima -         Silver and gold, holy and blessed -
11 Á! vanima ná Valimar!     Oh! beautiful is Valimar!
13 Falmar falastar voro, itara falassenna,        Waves surge continually, onto the gleaming beach,
14 Coron ciryassë tarë, tirila eärenna.        A mound stands in a cleft, looking towards the sea.
15 Ilma min perta nevë, hyan' alcarinquë linqui,          One half faces starlight, the other glorious light-substances,
16 Vaina vaimassë laica, rína rambainen ninqui.         Clad in a green robe, crowned with white walls.
17 Mírië maller tás locir, nindë mindonna casta,          Jewelled streets there bend, upwards to a slender tower,
18 Losseä ornë erinqua losta pandassë alasta.        A snow white tree alone blooms in a courtyard of marble.
19 Osto pá Túna, Tirion mimírima -        Town upon Túna, Tirion the beautiful -
20 Elmendeä ná Eldamar!    Wonderful is Eldamar!
22 Cala ninquirya silmen, yualë ailinyassen,        Light is whitening to silver, twilight on the pools,
23 Hlusseär lassi sussë, hlápuar aldingassen.        Leaves are whispering in the sound of wind, flying in the wind in the treetops.
24 Lorda lómissë quíra pílion hosto rindë.        In a drowsy twilight is spinning the circle of a swarm of insects.
25 Áneä en hlarunqua ñandion quilda lindë.        Our ears still reaches a quiet tune of harps.
26 Tarwa sinassë sendanquë, níþimë lotsi míca,         In this garden the two of us are at peace, amidst the fragrant flowers,
27 Yúyo indonqua luhtaina, turmeninquassë níca.        Both our minds enchanted, in our small realm.
28 Malya ninyassë, sinomë oménala -       Your hand in mine, meeting in this place -
29 Yé! mélima ná mélamar!     Lo! loveable is home!

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