Text index

Lirilla Valinorello Noldorinwa

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Original work by Christopher Gilson, written in 2022, shown here with his permission (via VL). Retrieved on 2024-04-01.


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Lirilla Valinorello Noldorinwa    A Song of the Noldor of Valinor
3 San tulcaner órë Findecan     Then Fingon has his heart set upon
4 costallon otorni hostiën,     saving his sworn brothers from their strife
5 ar lomba nu mandulumbulë     and secretly beneath dark clouds from hell
6 nilmon yetuváro yáreän;   ; he searched to find his friend of old;
7 er lendië sangorontion    and coming to the base of the mountains
8 talmanna, i tarna tápina,       that press together to block the way
9 nandelleä noldo lírinen    the noldo played a song on his harp
10 mir tárië óma ortaner,      and raised his voice to the heights
11 quettar leocarco lámina:     words echoing from the shadowy crag:
13 --  (chorus:)
14 Toron, linnuvalvë ailinon     Brother, let us go out on the bay
15 ondolinnar undu Eldamar,     to the rocks beneath Eldamar
16 yar i wingerondi tyalinen     where the merfolk who play in the foam
17 eller elveällo Ambalar.     came from the starry East.
18 Ai nilmo, lendiévan ingo      Ah friend, I would have been the first
19 falman Ilmarinda fascala,     among the waves near Ilmarin,
20 nán ranconya rúsë ringo;    ; but my arm is cold and weary
21 málo, merin málya ractala.       my dear, I pray stretch out thy hand to me
23 San quettali quingë Maryarus,      Then Maedros intoned these words
24 formaitë tarassë temneä    his right-hand trapped in a manacle, high above
25 haryon Feänáro martanen,     by his fate as the heir of Feanor
26 lammar ve pilindi, lasta lús       sounds like arrows heard in silence
27 terhantë olóri lindova    broke through the singer's dream
28 ar quentalë querna mir niër;     ; and history was turned into tears;
29 yondoinen onóru costanë    the quarrel that once held two brothers apart
30 úy' enyaliën; ve yáreo  ;   was forgotten by their sons; as of old
31 nandellë ar óma tyáliër:      the harp and the voice entwined:
33 --  (repeat chorus)
35 San lencanë nandë Findecan     Then Fingon let go of his harp
36 camballo, i quinga mápala      took up his bow and strung it taut;
37 ar tunga pilindo tixenen,      he firmly held the pointed shaft,
38 Manwenna i téra mentë mán      and asking Manwe to guide his hand
39 an nilmova cyermë naicelë.      he prayed to end the suffering of his friend.
40 Súrissë Ṣorontar ortanë    On the wind the King of the Eagles lifted
41 vor nilda i noldo tar teä,        the always loving noldo straight up
42 ar Maryarus angayassenen    to where Maedhros hung in anguish
43 temnallo i ranco lehtanë.      and he freed his arm from the bond
45 --  (repeat chorus)

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