Original work by Delle, written in 2023, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Retrieved on 2024-03-28.
No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | Quetuvan lenna sa nyárë ve quétaina ostolmassë. | | I will tell you this legend the way it is being told in our city. |
2 | Andanéya lómessë herulma oryanë minassenna ar tirnë pella i taurë, ya oscaitanë i osto. | | Once upon a time, at night, our lord went up to the tower and looked beyond the forest that surrounded the city. |
3 | Anés perestaina pá arimaitë larmolma, ye tensi lá nanwennë. | | He was worried about our best scout that still has not returned. |
4 | En vahayallo, rimpa aiwë hortanë senna, ar ú pusto i alta corco serunë rancurya. | | Then from far away a bird rushed toward him, and suddenly a large raven came to rest on his forearm. |
5 | Cennesses áyassë, pan langossë corco né i feänarel, ya larmolma colilánë. | | He beheld it with awe, for around its neck there was the star of Feanor that our scout had always been wearing. |
6 | I corco quernë nengirya sercessë rómenna, ar holtunë lúmi neldë. | | The raven turned its blooded beak eastward and cawed thrice. |
7 | Epetai herulma hanyanë, sa larmolma né qualtaina, ar leltanë san mina ostolma métimë sinyaressar: | | Then our lord understood that our scout was killed and had thus sent his last tidings to the city: |
8 | sa i cotto me nalantuva rómello nó ré neldë... | | that the enemy will attack us from the east within three days. |
9 | -- | | -- |
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11 | Corco morna, corco morna | | Black raven, black raven, |
12 | Manan rinyat or ni san? | | Why do you circle above me like that? |
13 | Cillet farna anastorna | | You chose a tough prey |
14 | Corco morna, tyenya lán(ye)! | | Black raven, I am not yours! |
15 | Cillet farna anastorna | | You chose a tough prey |
16 | Corco morna, tyenya lán! | | Black raven, I am not yours! |
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18 | Etecésiët, sa ni harna? | | Did you spy that I am wounded? |
19 | Láta nengitya ar maica... | | Your beak is open and sharp |
20 | Mana cesteät, merit farna? | | What are you looking for, do you want quarry? |
21 | Tensi coitan, corco saiqua! | | I still live, ye hungry raven! |
22 | Mana cesteät, merit farna? | | What are you looking for, do you want quarry? |
23 | Tensi coitan, heca sí! | | I still live, get away now! |
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25 | Áva þorya, verya larmo, | | Fear not, brave scout |
26 | Ványë tensi analenna | | I shall not approach thee yet; |
27 | Telda föatyo nán astarmo | | I shall witness your last breath, |
28 | Mal vá himya sina tenna (sí) | | But do not dwell on this thought for now. |
29 | Telda föatyo nán astarmo | | I shall witness your last breath, |
30 | Tá selyanyë núya tyenna. | | And then I intend to descend to you. |
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32 | Haimë eldaron ná fara, mal | | It is elvish custom to hunt |
33 | Ulquo farnan láldë merë | | Yet you wish no evil on your prey: |
34 | Sermo, nillo avatyara | | Friend, do forgive me, |
35 | Merin matenyë mi sérë (yú) | | I also just want to have my meal quietly. |
36 | Sermo, nillo avatyara | | Friend, forgive me |
37 | Ar nai firuvat mi sérë | | And may you die in peace! |
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39 | Corco, merin firë raina, mal | | O raven, I would die in peace, |
40 | Penin quildë súlenyassë | | But my heart is troubled: |
41 | Ai, ostonya ná úmartaina, qui | | Alas my city is doomed, |
42 | Sinyar lauvar sinwë tassë! | | If the tidings never reach it! |
43 | Ai, ostonya ná úmartaina, qui | | Alas my city is doomed, |
44 | Sinyar lauvar sinwë tassë! | | If the tidings never reach it! |
45 | |||
46 | Iquin, wilë ostonyanna, | | I beg you, fly to my city |
47 | Epë matiëtya telyaina, | | After your meal is finished, |
48 | Cotto me rómello nalantuva, | | The enemy will attack us from the east! |
49 | Quetë herunyan pá sa. | | Tell my lord about it. |
50 | Colë sinyar nossenyanna | | Bring the tidings to my people, |
51 | Ar nai matiëtya mantaina... | | And may your meal be blessed... |
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