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Vinyë Lambengolmor

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Original work by Vyacheslav Stepanov, written in 2022, provided here under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Retrieved on 2023-08-30.

Hymn to Vinyë Lambengolmor


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Alvë nar alassië    Let us be happy
2 Sí, lan vinyë nalvë;     ; Now, while we are young;
3 Epë vinyarë felminqua,     After youth full of feeling,
4 Epë yárië nurrinqua    After old age full of complaints
5 Cemenell' auvalvë.    We will depart from the Earth.
7 Coiviëlva þenna ná,     Our life is short,
8 Rongo teluvassa,    Soon it will end,
9 Mal vanessë lambion,     But the beauty of languages,
10 Arcastarwa lambion   Of Tolkien’s languages
11 Anta ven alassë.     Gives us joy.
13 Aiya Mar Istarion,     Hail the House of Scholars,
14 Aiya Lambengolmor,    Hail Lambengolmor,
15 Aiya Quentari ar Parmor,      Hail Speakers and Learners,
16 Ill' i lorur imbi parmar,       All who fall asleep among books,
17 Len suilantan holmo!    I give you greetings heartily!
19 Alvë hantar Aratain,     Let us give thanks to the High Ones,
20 I Andúnë pella,     Who are beyond the West,
21 Alvë hantar Ataren,     Let us give thanks to the Father,
22 Yeva saila indonen    By whose wise thought
23 Eleni pepellar!   The stars orbit!
25 Nai amanya ólië,     May the society be blessed,
26 Nai amanya ñolmar,     May the school be blessed,
27 Nai amanya otornassë,     May the brotherhood be blessed,
28 Nai amálië alassë,     May it flourish with great prosperity,
29 Vinyë Lambengolmor!   Vinyë Lambengolmor!

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