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A hook here holds
firm in its grasp
a loop or folds.
It's called a clasp.


Audio recordings to accompany the text.
By Caliel
By Chaered
By espeak-ng TTS


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 AMPA ve quárë    A hook, like a fist
2 napa ascarë   easily holds
3 i quint harpessë    the loop on the garment
4 tancal i essë    clasp is the name


The first translation into Dutch: (HAAK)

   De haak houdt de lus in
een stevige greep;
bij kleding, zo tussenin,
zit 'm de kneep.
The hook keeps the loop in
a solid grip;
in clothing, in between like that,
that's the trick.

The second translation into Dutch: (HAAK)

   In kleding daar mogen
ze zich samen vinden:
de haken en ogen
die alles verbinden.
In clothing they may
find themselves together:
the hooks and eyes
that connect everything.

A translation into Esperanto: (HOKO)

   Pugnece kaptas hoko
la banton sur la tuko
por fiksi ĝin en loko.
Tio nomiĝas buko.
Fist-like a hook grabs
the loop on the cloth
to hold it in place.
That is called a clasp.

Ránatar/Maivandion on VL provided a translation into Russian: (КРЮЧОК)

   Крючок как будто кулаком
Скрепляет одеяние.
Он петли держит так легко,
Застёжка - вот название.
Hook like a fist
fastens the garment.
He holds the loops so easily,
clasp is the name.

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