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The valar sing the world to be
Oh let us praise their deeds we see
As Ulmo, Loorien, Manwe fine
in concert with the maiar shine


Audio recordings to accompany the text.
By Caliel
By Chaered
By espeak-ng TTS


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Ilya VALA liru 'n Arda      Each vala sings the Earth
2 laituvalvë ilya carda    we will praise each deed
3 Ulmo, Lóriën ar Manwë      Ulmo, Lórien and Manwe
4 as i maiar im' ósanwë      with the Maiar in communion


Ránatar/Maivandion on VL provided a translation into Russian: (ВАЛА)

   Каждая Вала для Арды поёт.
Славим дела их века напролёт.
Ульмо, Ниенна, Варда и Манве
С Майяр едины в творящем сиянии.
Each Vala sings for Arda.
We glorify their deeds throughout the ages.
Ulmo, Nienna, Varda and Manwe
They are united with Maiar in the creating radiance.

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