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A bridge can cross a torrid stream
that else unfordable may seem.
The only path I seek to find
is to your inner heart and mind.


Audio recordings to accompany the text.
By Caliel
By Chaered
By espeak-ng TTS


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 YANTA langa sír    A bridge crosses a river
2 lá síry' avanir    across the river's unwill,
3 apa céþan rië    but I am searching only
4 endatyanna tië   a road to your heart.


Ránatar/Maivandion on VL provided a translation into Russian:

   Мост наводят через реку -
Хоть бы кто её спросил.
Я же к сердцу человека
Путь ищу, не щадя сил.
The bridge is built across the river -
if only someone had asked it.
But I'm to the heart of man
looking for a way, sparing no effort.

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