This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)
The purpose of writing this text was threefold: to practice my Quenya, to generate a little more copyright-unencumbered Quenya reading material, and to have less "unused" vocabulary in the dictionary files.
The idea was to have a small story, using basic Q/NQ and maybe some MQ, including a decent number of words not used in any sample text currently at my disposal. I pulled a list of "unused" words for the current Q/NQ/MQ dictionary lists in quettali, versus the public-and non-public samples, but excluding NQNT. The list has a lot of words for plants, animals, food, and landscape items; also a bunch around weather and fire.
I decided to write a story about a forest fire and people dealing with it. The text is intended to be released under Creative Commons license (free to use) once complete and reviewed. The unused-word list had about 3000 words. Obviously I can't put all of those into one short story, but the first draft covered 493 of them, about 1/6.
Note: This text does not use any "compound tense" forms, it only uses plain imperfect/perfect past to express the aspect. The vocabulary is pre-PE23.
—generated by quettali version 0.28.33