This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)
No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | Nólöa, coirë mennë arrongo. | | Last year, the start of spring came early. |
2 | I cuiviëssë taureo, i þindië hríveva nannemnë ar i taurë vaimatanë insa linquileä fananen. | | In the awakening of the forest, the wintry greyness disappeared and the forest garbed itself in a colorful raiment. |
3 | Callessë tuilérelion, ilya erdevainë pantanë lepsilyéli, vinyë nessorneli húmë launer, ar nendalauri tumper i lóna. | | In the fair weather of spring days, every seed-pod spread out tendrils, a great many new saplings flourished, and golden water-flowers covered the pond. |
4 | I yára norno ca mar nánë quanta etilo ar lómo nu martorya olasseo. | | The old oak tree behind the house was full of ivy and moss under its tower of foliage. |
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6 | Únelmë vorotaita alië i olvar yaustalman i pellauca mixa cemenna, estelyailë i salcessë nauva láreä. | | We did not procrastinate with planting the plants for our crop into the lukewarm moist earth, hoping the harvest would be abundant. |
7 | Aldelmë findori ar porisalquë restalissen, ar colostali yó rassulcali queätarwassë. | | We planted barley and corn in fields, and cucumbers together with carrots in a vegetable plot. |
8 | I ehten coranarenna nánë vanimelda, alquen uva saica. | | The outlook of the year was great, nobody would be hungry. |
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10 | Arinwatessë senyavë mantelmë mulessë porisalquë mulmo tolpollo, lé peccoli hya listaina nehtelénen. | | At breakfast we usually ate corn flower porridge from a bowl, with nuts or sweetened with honeycomb. |
11 | Þinyemat ataquantanë me tarquinánen ar tyurmenen lé sinapio, ar mastacorni nu mandya, laucë mastaþambello. | | The evening meal sated us again by means of salted meat and cheese with mustard, and buttered loaves, warm from the kitchen. |
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13 | Þinyessë ecë hlarë lalië onnalion i querdassen tyalmeo, lan i olanwar yuller miruvor ar nyanter. | | At dusk, one could hear laughter from children taking turns in a game, while the adults drank mead and chatted. |
14 | Naitië, márië amaquátië cilinyulelma, almiën! | | Truly, happiness had filled our glass, cheers! |
15 | Nairenyanna, ron anyauvalmë talda tana cilinyulessë. | | Unfortunately, we would soon reach the bottom of that glass. |
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