Text index

Part 12


This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Minya ye hententanë i mar né i hína hyanina talo, silumë nortaila ataryava almossë.                 The first one to spot the house was the child with the injured foot, who now rode his father's shoulders.
2 “Á tirë, atya” holtunes, “Cénan i mar!          "Look, dad," he called out, "I see the house!
3 En táras!”   It still stands!"
4 Epë telima þenna vanta, ron elmë ilyë hostaner os i mar.              After a final short march, soon we were all around the house.
5 Rossë ulo ar litteo utyúrië ilqua þindiën, ar immë nér tupinë söanen, mal cenë mar tarila né mimírima.                      A spray of rain and ash had made everything grey, and we ourselves were covered in filth, but to see the house standing was beautiful.
7 Veävë, i ruivë héravë apantanië hróvavë númessë mardo, ar rië emehtië nícë lilmali mardessë, i nér níti ulo mal en yolilë.                          Apparently the fire had mostly run wild west of the house, and only aimed at small patches of the house, that were damp from rain but still smouldering.
8 Lintië etevattanelmë tai.     We quickly stamped those out.
9 I oloirë uluhtyanië i areä ruivë mixa loxonen, racila linë urtainë aldar menyassë.                The flood had extinguished the fire near us with wet mud, felling many charred trees in its path.
10 Linë restalmali vanwë, ar ilqua os i nendë.           Many of our fields were gone, and everything around the pond.
11 I relyávaldar vin óliër yúlali.       The fig-trees were just embers.
12 Ono i mar ánë elmen sótë ló vilwis, ar matta.             But the house gave us refuge from the weather, and food.
13 Lio ullë neuna otsolassë, i luhtyanë i fár ambela han i loxo.               It rained much over the next week, which doused the flames beyond the mud.
15 Apanainanelmë i vanwë, mal aryë alastanelmë i annún uië fírië.             We regretted our losses, but also rejoiced that at least there had been no death.

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