Lyrics for a hobbit drinking song, in memory of Bilbo.
This is original text by Chaered, first posted on VL. Not reviewed yet. The translation is semi-literal.
Intended to be sung to the tune of "What do you do with a drunken sailor".
Text provided here by Chaered under CC-BY-SA 4.0 license.
Audio recordings to accompany the text.
No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | Mana caruval limpunqua naucon | | What will you do to a drunken dwarf |
2 | Mana caruval limpunqua naucon | | What will you do to a drunken dwarf |
3 | Mana caruval limpunqua naucon | | What will you do to a drunken dwarf |
4 | Rongo amauressë | | Soon in the early morning |
5 | |||
6 | Cirá tuacc' alaicanen fangarya | | Cut his beard with a blunt battle-axe |
7 | Cirá tuacc' alaicanen fangarya | | Cut his beard with a blunt battle-axe |
8 | Cirá tuacc' alaicanen fangarya | | Cut his beard with a blunt battle-axe |
9 | Yulda sí maurassë | | Now he needs a drink |
10 | |||
11 | Éya yulmanya quanta | | As soon as my cup is full |
12 | Éya yulmanya quanta | | As soon as my cup is full |
13 | Éya yulmanya quanta | | As soon as my cup is full |
14 | Tenna amauressë | | Until in the early morning |
15 | |||
16 | Mana caruval limpunqua eldan | | What will you do to a drunken elf |
17 | Mana caruval limpunqua eldan | | What will you do to a drunken elf |
18 | Mana caruval limpunqua eldan | | What will you do to a drunken elf |
19 | Rongo amauressë | | Soon in the early morning |
20 | |||
21 | Sestá se saunessë tenna hautas lirë | | Put him in a bath until he stops singing |
22 | Sestá se saunessë tenna hautas lirë | | Put him in a bath until he stops singing |
23 | Sestá se saunessë tenna hautas lirë | | Put him in a bath until he stops singing |
24 | Yulda sí maurassë | | Now he needs a drink |
25 | |||
26 | Éya yulmanya ama | | As soon as my cup is up |
27 | Éya yulmanya ama | | As soon as my cup is up |
28 | Éya yulmanya ama | | As soon as my cup is up |
29 | Tenna amauressë | | Until in the early morning |
30 | |||
31 | Mana caruval limpunqua orquen | | What will you do to a drunken orc |
32 | Mana caruval limpunqua orquen | | What will you do to a drunken orc |
33 | Mana caruval limpunqua orquen | | What will you do to a drunken orc |
34 | Rongo amauressë | | Soon in the early morning |
35 | |||
36 | Tiucatá i lócë naqui uhtuvaila | | Feed him to the dragon even though he's going to be disgusted |
37 | Tiucatá i lócë naqui uhtuvaila | | Feed him to the dragon even though he's going to be disgusted |
38 | Tiucatá i lócë naqui uhtuvaila | | Feed him to the dragon even though he's going to be disgusted |
39 | Yulda sí maurassë | | Now he needs a drink [the dragon that is...] |
40 | |||
41 | Éya yulmanya lusta | | As soon as my cup is empty |
42 | Éya yulmanya lusta | | As soon as my cup is empty |
43 | Éya yulmanya lusta | | As soon as my cup is empty |
44 | Tenna amauressë | | Until in the early morning |
45 | |||
46 | Mana caruval i perianden | | What will you do to the halfling |
47 | Mana caruval i perianden | | What will you do to the halfling |
48 | Mana caruval i perianden | | What will you do to the halfling |
49 | Rongo amauressë | | Soon in the early morning |
50 | |||
51 | Úval carë munta, allum' atuvalyes | | You won't do squat, you'll never catch him |
52 | Úval carë munta, allum' atuvalyes | | You won't do squat, you'll never catch him |
53 | Úval carë munta, allum' atuvalyes | | You won't do squat, you'll never catch him |
54 | Hlicis endoressë | | He sneaks [around] in Middle-Earth |
55 | |||
56 | Tenna yulmanya ranca | | Until my cup breaks |
57 | Tenna yulmanya ranca | | Until my cup breaks |
58 | Tenna yulmanya ranca | | Until my cup breaks |
59 | Laitá arpo essë! | | Praise the name of the burglar! |
Timing of the syllables into bars (beat fall on first each):
Mana caru/val lim/punqua / naucon
Rongo / amau/res/se
Cirá tuacc' a/laica/nen fan/garya
Yulda / sí mau/ras/se
É/ya yul/manya / quanta
Tenna / amau/res/se
Sestá se sau/nessë tenna / hautas / lirë
Tiucatá i / lócë naqui / uhtu/vaila
Mana caru/val i / peri/anden
Úval carë / munta, allum' / atu/valyes
Hlicis / endo/res/se
Ten/na yul/manya / ranca
Laitá / arpo / essë!
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