Text index

Part 14


This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Síra, neldë coranári ulútaniër apa i aparuivë ar oloirë.            Today, three years have passed since the great fire and flood.
2 I minya coranar collë linë hrangwi.        The first year had many problems.
3 Permë hempelmaron né vanwa, i restali urtainë; lamni aquáliër hya elerenciër taurello.        ;       Half our supplies were gone, the fields were burned; animals had died or fled from the forest.
4 Avamantelmë ilya atteä ré.      We fasted every second day.
5 Tá luqua hairë asambarólion ofelmenen mennë elmen, colila matta, ar i tuluhta sinë maicarindoron alyanë elmë ter i minya hrívë.                        Then a wagon from remote neighbors with sympathy arrived, carrying food, and the support of these benefactors helped us through the first winter.
6 Hailë litteva ar loxova mauranë linë otsolar, sampar, ar máli.              The removal of ash and mud took many weeks, spades and hands.
7 Mo ar hye elmeo lórer lancöalissë, mennai i tópa en tancanta.              Some of us slept in tents until the roof was made firm again.
8 Aryatanelmë i mar napaniénen tirionwa, itan polelmë palantirë i taurë os elmë.               We improved the house by adding a look-out tower, so we can watch out over the forest near us.
10 Síra, merenyalmë i atyenárë amenyalima rélmo, ar rénalmë i atauviëlmë, ve enontië.                 Today, we celebrate the anniversary of our most memorable night, and remember what we have endured, like a rebirth.

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