This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)
No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | Síra, i híni tyaller tyalmë lócion: | | Today, the children played a game of dragons: |
2 | hína er cóla cinta narrundo, il-hyë híni nórar ca se, colilë calpali quantë neno, ricilë luhtya sa. | | One child carries a small torch, the others run behind with pails of water, and try to extinguish it. |
3 | Qui i hína anya mar, sé ná i urulócë i utúrië. | | If the child reaches the house, he is the fire-dragon who wins. |
4 | Hyaqui, i hína as calpa ye uluhtyanië i fá narrundo ná i turuila neno-lócë. | | Otherwise, the child with a pail that extinguished the flame of the torch is the victorious water-dragon. |
5 | I paityalë ná i vacco i turuina urulóceva, hya i hinwa as i telima calpa i oloitanië. | | The prize is the coat of the losing fire-dragon, or of the child with the last pail that missed. |
6 | Valyaneltë; engë lio norië ar lalië. | ; | They were excited, there was much running and laughing. |
7 | Verressenya holtunë tén á cimba, mal yú raines. | | My sister-in-law yelled at them to be careful, but she was smiling too. |
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9 | Undómessë, hánonya ar i rendo nár i nyarnamaitaru. | | In the evening, my brother and the cousin are the story-tellers. |
10 | Hárattë arë ruimen ar ilquenen ettë quétar i nyarna: | | They sit by the hearth and tell everybody the story: |
11 | I urulócë, milca vanima mardelman ar tauren, tuldë atar matë me. | | The fire-dragon, greedy for our beautiful home and forest, came to devour us. |
12 | Lendelmë sírinna ar arcanelmë i tári nindaríva, antaila sen aranaitë fanta ve rantië. | | We traveled to the river and petitioned the queen of the river spirits, giving her a royal mantle as tribute. |
13 | Fasta annanen, mennes veruryanna, i neno-lócë, oíla ailinessë imbë i oronti. | | Pleased with the gift, she went to her husband, the water-dragon living in a lake between the mountains. |
14 | Se cuitanë hye hundonen et anda laire-lorië, ar mirquetë hye rehta elmë. | | She awoke him, with thunder, from a long summer slumber, and persuaded him to help us. |
15 | I heru neno-lócë, rehtolma, tuldë ar carnë mahtalë ó i urulócë, ar turunes. | | The lord water-dragon, our savior, came and fought the fire-dragon, and defeated him. |
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17 | I híni tyaþir ar savir sina nyarna; ar nótimë ressen, apa ulma, inyë yú carë. | ; | The children love and believe this story; and on some days, after a flagon, so do I. |
18 | I veri i rendo néma alasseä, lië sí equë sen anessë Tárindil, meldë tário siryo. | | The wife of the cousin looks happy, others now call her Tárindil, the friend of the river queen. |
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20 | Síra, coiteälmë. | | Today, is when we are alive. |
—generated by quettali version 0.28.33