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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

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This is a partial translation of Frank Baum's 1900 book "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", which is now in the public domain.

Retrieved 2024-04-19, minus pictures, which are available through: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Wonderful_Wizard_of_Oz

Title: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Author: L. Frank Baum
Release Date: February, 1993 [eBook The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum

The original English text is complete, but at this point only a subset of the sentences have been translated. Getting the whole thing translated may take a long time, since I'm not very fast, and it will involve coining new words, and figuring out equivalent grammatical constructs.

Anything translated below is a first-pass result. Feedback is welcome! Name translations:

Dorothy = Valanna (from realelvish.net)
Uncle Henry = Peratar Martar (Martar from realelvish.net)
Aunt Em = Peramil Voriël (vor- + -iel, from Latin Aemilia meaning "industrious"
Glinda = Failissë (faila + -isse), from Welsh Glinda meaning "fair, good"
Toto = Ilwë (il- + -we), from Latin toto meaning "all-encompassing"
Tin Woodman = Latúcen Ornendur
Cowardly Lion = Úverya Rauro
Scarecrow = Corcurco (corco + urco), "bogeyman to the crows"
Boq = Poco "bag" (...of money)
Gayelette = Alanette (ala- + nette), from French Gaye (Lat. Gaius) "cheerful" + -ette (fem.) "little"
Quelala = Cellala (cel(u)- + lala-), he is a source of laughter
Kalidah = Calicat/dak- (cal(i)- + ndak), kills what is bright ?
King Crow = Aran-Corco
Wicked Witch of the West = Olca Curuni Númeno
Wicked Witch of the East = Olca Curuni Rómeno
Wizard of Oz = Istyar Ózwa
Land of Oz = Nóre Óþwa
Great Oz = Túra Óþ
Oz = Óþ
Winged Monkey = Rámaitë Maimun
Munchkin = Nauco
Quadling = Quatalino (quat- + lin-), they are plump and prosperous
Winkie = Malwince (mal(-wa?)- "yellow" + -ince [diminutive])

Land of Oz = Óþnór/nor- (Óþ + -nór)
Emerald City = Laimarilinon (laimaril + -non)
Kansas = Hyarveästa (hyar- + vea + -sta), from Kanza-Sioux Kansas meaning "(south) wind people"; also play on Q veasta "comparison"
Omaha = Hansiriën (han- + sir- + -ien), from Omaha-tribe Omaha meaning "(those who) go against the current"


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 I Elmendeä Istyar Óþwa     The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
2 --  --
3 1. I hwinwaiwa     I. The Cyclone
4 2. I ?? ó i Naucor        II. The Council with the Munchkins
5 3. Manen Valanna rehtanë i Corcurco        III. How Dorothy Saved the Scarecrow
6 4. I tië ter i taurë        IV. The Road Through the Forest
7 5. I rehtië i Latúcen Ornenduro        V. The Rescue of the Tin Woodman
8 6. I úverya rauro      VI. The Cowardly Lion
9 7. I lenda i Túra Óþonna        VII. The Journey to the Great Oz
10 8. I qualmeä lórelot palar       VIII. The Deadly Poppy Field
11 9. I tári i palar-nyarrincion       IX. The Queen of the Field Mice
12 [. I varno i Andondo       X. The Guardian of the Gate
13 ]. I elmendeä osto Óþo       XI. The Wonderful City of Oz
14 01. I ceþië i Olca Curunio        XII. The Search for the Wicked Witch
15 11. I rehtië     XIII. The Rescue
16 21. I rámaiti maimuni      XIV. The Winged Monkeys
17 31. I avatupië Óþo, i Rúcima         XV. The Discovery of Oz, the Terrible
18 41. I sairina curu i Túra Cuptamo         XVI. The Magic Art of the Great Humbug
19 51. Manen i pusulpë ?? ??        XVII. How the Balloon Was Launched
20 61. Enera hyarmenna     XVIII. Away to the South
21 71. Nalantaila ló i mahtale-aldar       XIX. Attacked by the Fighting Trees
22 81. I netya silcemna nórë       XX. The Dainty China Country
23 91. I Rauro olë i aran hravanion         XXI. The Lion Becomes the King of Beasts
24 [1. I nórë i Quatalinoron       XXII. The Country of the Quadlings
25 ]1. Failissë i Manë Curuni amaquatë Valanno mermë          XXIII. Glinda The Good Witch Grants Dorothy’s Wish
26 02. Marya ata     XXIV. Home Again



Some idioms currently missing:

after all, all right, at all, be of service to, bless your heart, catch sight of, caught in the rain, do away with (< kill), don't mention it (< don't speak of it), don't mind, figure it out, find oneself [in/at/-ing], for my part, for the world, good gracious, help oneself to some [item], how about, in return for, in the blink of an eye (< in the wink of an eye), in time to, keep a promise, lose heart, lose your footing, never fear, never mind, no matter (...how/what/where), now and then, not even, oh dear, oh my, set eyes on, take care, think deeply, wait a minute, you see.

Some word-play to resolve:

bright (polished tin vs. intelligent), bran-new (cf. "brand-new", grain-husks vs. being novel), heart (hoon/hom- vs. oore), sharp [16.17] (pointy vs. smart), [16.22] heart (to chest of woodman, from chest of drawers)

The original text contains about 2400 unique words, after mostly culling inflected forms. There is a separate document (wooznote.pdf) with translation notes and a list of words for which I have no (good) Quenya translation yet.

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