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Part 10


This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 I rendo equë, apantaila necestel cendeleryassë, equë: “Ai, lustavë avantaniëlvë!               The cousin, with hopelessness in his face, said: "Alas, we walked in vain!
2 I ruivë oiórië elvë, aþcénië lá ecë elven póna tervanta i sinya ruivë rómessë, ar yola ecë nóquista hótulë i ruivë can' elvë!                          The fire has surrounded us, obviously we cannot go forward to traverse the new fire in the east, and we can neither assume to get away from the fire behind us!
3 Urulócetya camyeä vé nelquë, rainë remmassë.         Your fire-dragon holds us cornered, trapped in a snare.
4 Lintië orturuvas ar mammatauvas elvë.       It will quickly overpower us and gobble us up.
5 Lá ecë nin silumë nauya aima enga unqualelva.          I cannot conceive of anything now but our final agony.
6 Noirelvar nauvar i cumbor corcoron.”        Our tombs will be the bellies of crows."
8 Andalúmë vé ná quildë, ar hundo-lumbor hlapuner ener i orontinnar.             For a while we were quiet, and the thunderclouds drifted onwards to the mountains.
9 I vinya ruivë sí nécavë callë romessë, aimanen i ul-mixa hlöa únë apanta imbalandë i haura urþan taure-ruiveo.                     The new fire dimly lit up the east now, although the rain-soaked fenland provided no equal for the towering rage of the forest fire.
11 Hen-raiqua tirmenen i rendo ulquentë hánonya: “Lemië lónalvassë né elven arya ecesta, manan ityë saptanë vé ranya sir sana auciënna, urtuo umbenna?”                          With an angry glare the cousin accused my brother: "Remaining by our lake was the best chance, why did you convince us to wander here to this foolishness, to a frightful death?"
12 Nemesteä nin, hánonya avaleryanë narca hanquenta, ar as reo aumentaleo, equë: “Ruivë sillë aupsaruva ilya lónassë, úrenen ar qualmeä quondanen, capanda mina lóna ui varyalë.”                                  Obvious to me, my brother repressed an acerbic response; and with a dismissive smile, said: "A fire like this will wipe out everyone in a pond, with heat and deadly smoke, a jump into a pond is no defense."
13 Tana ataquetië nuo quettaryaiva né cahta aho i rendon, ye equë: “Vá nyarda nin os ecestar!                   This repetition of his words of the day before were a cause of rage to the cousin, who said: "Do not preach to me about chances!
14 Apacenitya anaië cuilórë, i nancalë sana ocombeo nauva nembalë laistatyo, i hlöa vetto sáralelvan.”                   Your foresight has been a day-dream, the slaughter of this gathering will be evidence of your ignorance, the fenland a witness to our bitterness."
16 Analelyaniësses, ar þoronyen i costetta oryuva peullo quárunna.           He had approached him, and I feared their argument would escalate from words to fists.
17 Mal talumë, ilya ahyanë...         But then, everything changed...

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