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XVI. The Magic Art of the Great Humbug

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This is a translation in progress by chaered. It is INCOMPLETE and UNREVIEWED! (Caveat lector.)


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Neuna amauressë i Corcurco equë máloryain:        Next morning the Scarecrow said to his friends:
2 ???  “Congratulate me. I am going to Oz to get my brains at last. When I return I shall be as other men are.”
3 ???  “I have always liked you as you were,” said Dorothy simply.
4 “Tyaþë Corcurco ná nilda elyeo,” hanquentes. “Mal tancavë ambë mirtauvalden yá hlárauva i alcarini tennë yar vinya sanarinya yávauva.” Tá eques namárië ilyë inten alasseä ómanen ar mennë i Tarhanwa Þambenna, yassë nonces i fennassë.                                           “It is kind of you to like a Scarecrow,” he replied. “But surely you will think more of me when you hear the splendid thoughts my new brain is going to turn out.” Then he said good-bye to them all in a cheerful voice and went to the Throne Room, where he rapped upon the door.
5 “Á tulë mir,” equë Óþ.         “Come in,” said Oz.
6 I Corcurco mittanë ar túvë i nerincë harila ara i lattin, caraitë orda sanwenen.                 The Scarecrow went in and found the little man sitting down by the window, engaged in deep thought.
7 ???  “I have come for my brains,” remarked the Scarecrow, a little uneasily.
8 “A, þa; á haru tana hanwassë, iquista,” hanquentë Óþ. “Mauva lyen apsenë nin aucoliënya carelyo, mal é caruvan sa itan sesta sanarelya téra nómeryanna.”   ;                              “Oh, yes; sit down in that chair, please,” replied Oz. “You must excuse me for taking your head off, but I shall have to do it in order to put your brains in their proper place.”
9 ???  “That’s all right,” said the Scarecrow. “You are quite welcome to take my head off, as long as it will be a better one when you put it on again.”
10 ???  So the Wizard unfastened his head and emptied out the straw. Then he entered the back room and took up a measure of bran, which he mixed with a great many pins and needles. Having shaken them together thoroughly, he filled the top of the Scarecrow’s head with the mixture and stuffed the rest of the space with straw, to hold it in place.
11 Yá táciénes Corcurquo cas pulcossë ata, eques senna, “Epesi nauvalyë túra nér, pan ániën lyen amë anwa-inya sanar.”                        When he had fastened the Scarecrow’s head on his body again he said to him, “Hereafter you will be a great man, for I have given you a lot of bran-new brains.”
12 I Corcurco nánë fasta yo valateä i amaquatiën alta mermeryo, ar holmo hantiéla Óþ nannes máloryannar.                   The Scarecrow was both pleased and proud at the fulfillment of his greatest wish, and having thanked Oz warmly he went back to his friends.
13 ???  Dorothy looked at him curiously. His head was quite bulged out at the top with brains.
14 “Yallë félal?” maquentes.     “How do you feel?” she asked.
15 “Felinyë é istima,” hanquentes holmo. “Yá sítuyévan sanarinya, inyë istuva ilqua.”                  “I feel wise indeed,” he answered earnestly. “When I get used to my brains I shall know everything.”
16 “Manan tanë nelmar ar pirindi rásar carelyassë?” maquentë i Latúcen Ornendur.             “Why are those needles and pins sticking out of your head?” asked the Tin Woodman.
17 “Ta ná nembalë i nás mixa,” equë i Rauro.             “That is proof that he is sharp,” remarked the Lion.
18 “Mára, é menuvan Óþen ar cavë hominya,” equë i Ornendur. San patanes i Tarhanwa Þambenna ar tonnë i fenna.                         “Well, I must go to Oz and get my heart,” said the Woodman. So he walked to the Throne Room and knocked at the door.
19 “Á tulë mir,” holtunë Óþ, ar i Ornendur mennë mir ar equë, “Utúliën pá hominya.”                      “Come in,” called Oz, and the Woodman entered and said, “I have come for my heart.”
20 “Máravë,” hanquentë i nerincë. “Mal mauruvan cirë assa amborelyassë, itan polinyë sesta homelya i téra nómessë. Merin i sa úva hyanë lye.”                              “Very well,” answered the little man. “But I shall have to cut a hole in your breast, so I can put your heart in the right place. I hope it won’t hurt you.”
21 ???  “Oh, no,” answered the Woodman. “I shall not feel it at all.”
22 ???  So Oz brought a pair of tinsmith’s shears and cut a small, square hole in the left side of the Tin Woodman’s breast. Then, going to a chest of drawers, he took out a pretty heart, made entirely of silk and stuffed with sawdust.
23 ???  “Isn’t it a beauty?” he asked.
24 “Nás, é!” hanquentë i Ornendur, ye nánë anfasta. “Mal nás nilda hón?”                “It is, indeed!” replied the Woodman, who was greatly pleased. “But is it a kind heart?”
25 ???  “Oh, very!” answered Oz. He put the heart in the Woodman’s breast and then replaced the square of tin, soldering it neatly together where it had been cut.
26 “Ela,” eques; “sí samin hón pá ya aitë nér polë ná valateä. Lunyë i maunë nin napanë lilma amborelyassë, mal sa naitië turindura.”    ;                          “There,” said he; “now you have a heart that any man might be proud of. I’m sorry I had to put a patch on your breast, but it really couldn’t be helped.”
27 “I lilma ui valda,” holtunë i alasseä Ornendur. “Nanyë lai hantaitë elyen, ar allumë lityuva nillo ofelmelya.”                        “Never mind the patch,” exclaimed the happy Woodman. “I am very grateful to you, and shall never forget your kindness.”
28 “Ui maura atesta,” hanquentë Óþ.         “Don’t speak of it,” replied Oz.
29 ???  Then the Tin Woodman went back to his friends, who wished him every joy on account of his good fortune.
30 I Rauro sí patanë i Tarhanwa Þambenna ar tonnë i fennassë.             The Lion now walked to the Throne Room and knocked at the door.
31 “Á mitta,” equë Óþ.        “Come in,” said Oz.
32 “Utúliën na veriënya,” eccannë i Rauro, mittaila i þambë.              “I have come for my courage,” announced the Lion, entering the room.
33 “Lai mai,” hanquentë i nerincë; “Ñetuvanyes lyen.”       ;     “Very well,” answered the little man; “I will get it for you.”
34 ???  He went to a cupboard and reaching up to a high shelf took down a square green bottle, the contents of which he poured into a green-gold dish, beautifully carved. Placing this before the Cowardly Lion, who sniffed at it as if he did not like it, the Wizard said:
35 “Á yulë.”     “Drink.”
36 “Mana nás?” maquentë i Rauro.       “What is it?” asked the Lion.
37 “Márë,” hanquentë Óþ, “quíta nás mi lye, san sa nauva verië. Elyë ista, aþahanya, i verië ná illumë mi mo; etta naitië ui polë esta si verië mennai uhlúciëlyes. Potai ósananyë lyen yulë sa éya cárima.”                           ;                    “Well,” answered Oz, “if it were inside of you, it would be courage. You know, of course, that courage is always inside one; so that this really cannot be called courage until you have swallowed it. Therefore I advise you to drink it as soon as possible.”
38 ???  The Lion hesitated no longer, but drank till the dish was empty.
39 “Yallë félal sí?” maquentë Óþ.       “How do you feel now?” asked Oz.
40 “Quanta veriénen,” hanquentë i Rauro, ye alasseä nannë máloryannar na nyarë ten pá almarya.                   “Full of courage,” replied the Lion, who went joyfully back to his friends to tell them of his good fortune.
41 Óþ, sí erinqua, rainë lan sannes pá túrerya antiéo i Corcurquen ar i Latúcen Ornenduren ar i Rauron poicavë so ya sáveltë yesta. “Manen polinyë ana ná cuptamo,” eques, “yá sinë quanë lië tyarë ni carë nateli yar ilquen ista i ui polë car? Alasta i Corcurco ar i Rauro ar i Ornendur nánë hraia, pan nóquistaneltë i inyë polë carë aima. Mal mauruva ma han síma na colë Valanna ata Hyarveästanna, ar nanyë tanca i uinyë ista yallë ecë carë sa.”                                                                                              Oz, left to himself, smiled to think of his success in giving the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman and the Lion exactly what they thought they wanted. “How can I help being a humbug,” he said, “when all these people make me do things that everybody knows can’t be done? It was easy to make the Scarecrow and the Lion and the Woodman happy, because they imagined I could do anything. But it will take more than imagination to carry Dorothy back to Kansas, and I’m sure I don’t know how it can be done.”

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