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Neo-Quenya word-use examples


This sample collection provides, for a given Neo-Quenya word, examples of the proper and intended use of that word, with a translation that is presented as correct and either approved or authored by the originator of the NQ word. The entries will be grouped by originator; in case of doubt, or if there are multiple, they will come under "Various".

The purpose of these examples is to disambiguate the potential meanings of words with respect to the bare translations given in dictionary entries. It is also often easier to study how words can best be used through seeing examples.

Especially for verbs, it can be difficult to see how all of the various potential slots involved are to be expressed by noun cases, position, prepositions, or other auxiliary means; what is the direct object of a verb in one language may be the indirect object in another, reflexive objects may be implied or required in one but not the other, etc.

It is hoped that this set of examples will grow to provide a resource of some use to the community of Qyenya enthusiasts. If you have examples to add, please post them on the Quettali thread under the VL


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