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The Nose


This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)

This chapter has not been revised on VL yet.


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Neldeä lómenna, Marco lenwentë colila i vircolca ar cirmo.            Near the third evening, Marco left the house with a basket and a knife.
2 Amilya maquentë: Manna ménat?      His mother asked, where are you going?
3 Se equë: Ménan taurenna, meter comya telumbeli.           He said: “I am going into the forest, to gather mushrooms.”
4 Mennes mina palan tauressë, ar untumpes insë litsenen ar mulunen.             He went deep into the forest, and covered himself in sand and rock dust.
5 Tá laryanes tenna hlariërya hlón.       Then he waited until he heard noise.
6 Né i urco lennaila ter taurë, lucila per-matina rocco.            It was the orc, coming in the woods, dragging a half-eaten horse.
7 Marco lencavë hilyanë urco estoliëryanna.       Marco slowly followed the orc to his camp.
8 Ve Marco hornë, né ara höa ondo.          As Marco expected, it was near a big rock again.
9 Yá i urco aháruyë, Marco tirítevë rentë cas ondo.            When the orc sat down, Marco carefully climbed the rock.
10 Retiërya carnë hlussë, ar i urco tolunë ostirila, mal únes cenë hye.                His climbing made some noise, and the orc stood up and looked around, but did not see him.
11 I litsë ar mulo Marcossë nurtaner se i ondossë.           The sand and rock dust hid Marco on the rock.
12 Yá i urco enaháruyë, Marco quantanë i vircolca sarnelínen, ar tumbanes i carenna i urco.                   When the orc sat down again, Marco filled the basket with rocks, and dropped it on the orc’s head.
13 I orco talantë ar lantanë undu.        The orc swayed and fell over.
14 Marco rentë undu ar hócirnë i cas i urco.           Marco climbed down and cut off the orc’s head with his knife.
15 Ralles cöattanna, sí amilya quentë: Yassë eä i telumbeli?            He came back to the house, and his mother asked him “Where are the mushrooms?”
16 Se hanquentë: susteä quelehtiëo i tauressë, únë ecë nin nusta auqueriën hloireä telumbeli.                 He said: “It was too musty in the forest, I could not smell to distinguish the poisonous mushrooms.”
17 Amil nainanë: vilya silomë niþa!       His mother cried: “The air is sweet tonight.
18 Cé nengwitya óla quolina, ar sina umbenya nin, pan mauratyë nengwë máleo tauressë meter i nauvat varna i urcullo.                       Maybe your nose is going bad, and I worry, for you need a good nose to stay safe from the orc in the forest.”
19 Epta Marco quentë: lelyauvan i minassenna ar cestauvan aþaro.            Marco said: “I will travel to the city and ask a doctor.”
20 Arinessë, Marco enlendë minassenna ar iquiryanë encenë aran.           In the morning, Marco went to the city again and asked to see the king once more.
21 Apantaila i cas urco i aranna, quentë: elépiën sina i urcullo ahtariën.                He showed the orc head to the king, and said: “I have taken this in vengeance from the orc.
22 Mana antauvalyë nin ovéallo, ve evestaniëlyë?        What will you give me in kind, as you have promised?”
23 I aran quentë: equétiën antaitan o imni yan i tulyal, apa vá antaitanya lyen carinya.                   The king spoke: “I have said I would give my own for what you bring, but I will not give you my head.
24 Quita céla nályë ohtar, san antanyë lyen min pelmar.            If you were a soldier, I would give you a farmstead.
25 Quita roquen, yacinyë taras.       If you were a knight, I would offer you a castle.
26 Quita cundo, i hanwa ara seldenya.         If you were a prince, the seat beside my daughter.
27 Aimanen uil.    But you are not.
28 Minomë, antauvanyë lyen ya harë carinyassë: carpë heletso ar maltaina rínata.               Instead, I will give you what rests on my head: a fur cap with a golden crown.
29 Issë valdë aranen, ar ecë lyen cenë imlë ve astamo nossenyo.              It is an item fit for royalty, and you may consider yourself like a member of my family.”
30 Silumë, Marco quentë: Mai, qui tallë inyë ná ve cundo araniëlyo, nai ecë nin vesta seldelya?                     This time, Marco said: “Well, if I am now like a prince of the realm, may I wed your daughter?”
31 I aran yesentë nemë rúþeä, mal talo rainë, ar quentë: Elyë né verya nevë i urco rafila cirmalya, elyë ná ve verya nevë aranelya rafila lambalya!                               The king first looked angry, but then he smiled, and said: “You were brave to face the orc brandishing your knife, you are as brave to face your king brandishing your tongue!”
32 Opo Marco nanewénië mar, quentes amilyan: Uiën hirë aþaro, mal hirnen ma i hepuva carinya ná laucar.                      After Marco returned home, he told his mother: “I did not find a doctor, but I found something to keep my head warm.”
33 Amilya hanquentë: Manen lauca cas varyauvar tye i urcullo?           His mother replied: “How will a warm head keep you safe from the orc?”
34 Marco quentë: Nán naityana nát colonda inyenen.          Marco said: “I am sorry to be a worry to you.
35 Þá, mo maura márë hendu, márë hlaru, mára nengwë.              You are right, one needs good eyes, ears and nose.
36 Entan lelyauvan ar tultauvan aiti i minassello.         I will go fetch and bring some back from the city tomorrow.”
37 Amilya yainë: Almelóra yonyonya ólië hwinda!        His mother wailed: “My poor son has gone mad!
38 Si penteäs hendyat, ta penteäs hlaryat, en penteäs nengwirya ar teldavë epentanië sámarya!                First he loses his eyes, then he loses his ears, then he loses his nose, and now he has lost his mind!”

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