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The Ears


This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)

This chapter has not been revised on VL yet.


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Tá andunessë, Marco lenwentë colila i luhta ar pilindeli.            That evening at dusk, Marco left the house with his bow and arrows.
2 Amilya maquentë: Manna ménat?      His mother asked: “Where are you going?”
3 Se equë: Ménan taurenna, meter fara celvë.           He said: “I am going into the forest, to hunt deer.”
4 Mennes mina taurenna, ar untumpes insë tuistar ar aldaparma.            He went into the forest, and covered himself in twigs and treebark.
5 Tá laryanes tenna hlariërya hlón.       Then he waited until he heard noise.
6 Né i urco hraipataila i tauressë, colila per-matina máma.            It was the orc, limping in the woods, with a half-eaten sheep.
7 Marco piluccavë hilyanë urco sinya estoliënna, i ta ara höa ondo.              Marco stealthily followed the orc to his new camp, which was near a big rock too.
8 Yá i urco aháruyë, Marco rentë amba aldassë ar talo quihtanë pilin.               When the orc sat down, Marco climbed a tree, and shot an arrow.
9 I pilin cirnë min lepsë urcullo.        The arrow chopped off one of the orc's fingers.
10 I urco rúþeävë rávë ar ostirnë, mal únes cenë Marco.             The orc roared and looked around, but he did not see Marco.
11 I tuistar ar aldaparma Marcossë nurtaner se aldassë.          The twigs and bark on Marco hid him in the tree.
12 I urco lerencë hútaila.      The orc ran away, shouting curses.
13 Marco lempë i lepsë urco.       Marco took the orc finger.
14 Ralles cöattanna, sí amilya quentë: Yassë eä i celvë?            He came back to the house, and his mother asked him “Where is the deer?”
15 Se hanquentë: romya i tauressë, únen hlarë lamni.            He said: “It was too loud in the forest, I could not hear the animals.”
16 Amil nainanë: súrë silomë váva moica!        His mother cried: “The wind blows softly tonight.
17 Cé hlarityat ólar quolina, ar sina umbë nin, pan mauratyë hlaru máleo tauressë meter i nauvat varna i urcullo.                       Maybe your ears are going bad, and I worry, for you need good ears to stay safe from the orc in the forest.”
18 Epta Marco quentë: lelyauvan i minassenna ar cestauvan aþaro.            Marco said: “I will travel to the city and ask a doctor.”
19 Arinessë, Marco entullë minassenna ar iquiryanë atacenë aran.           In the morning, Marco went to the city and asked to see the king again.
20 Apantaila i lepsë urco i aranna, quentë: elépiën sina i urcullo ahtariën.                He showed the finger to the king, and said: “I have taken this in vengeance from the orc.
21 Mana antauvalyë nin ovéallo, ve evestaniëlyë?        What will you give me in kind, as you have promised?”
22 I aran quentë: equétiën antaitan o imni yan i tulyal, apa vá antaitanya lyen lepsenya.                   The king spoke: “I have said I would give my own for what you bring, but I will not give you my finger.
23 Quita céla nályë ohtar, san antanyë lyen min yaxë.            If you were a soldier, I would give you one cow.
24 Quita roquen, yacinyë þanda.       If you were a knight, I would offer you a shield.
25 Quita cundo, min miquelis seldenyo.        If you were a prince, a kiss with my daughter.
26 Aimanen uil.    But you are not.
27 Minomë, antauvanyë lyen i vaita lepsenya: mantalu samindo ar alta corma tyelpeo.                Instead, I will give you what girds my finger: silk gloves and a large silver ring.
28 Ettë valdë aráton, ar ecë lyen cenë imlë ve roquen araniënyo.              It is an item fit for a noble, and you may consider yourself a knight of my realm.”
29 Opo Marco nanewénië mar, quentes amilyan: Uiën hirë aþaro, mal hirnen ma i hepuva mányat ná laucar.                      After Marco returned home, he told his mother: “I did not find a doctor, but I found something to keep my hands warm.”
30 Amilya hanquentë: Manen lauca mát varyauvar tye i urcullo?           His mother replied: “How will warm hands keep you safe from the orc?”

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