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This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)

This chapter was revised on VL, in whole or part, by Gilruin, Roandil, Raccoon, and Luinyelle.


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Andanéya, engë penya yondo i oianë nóressë taurelion, halla orontelion ar imbi ta laica restalion.                   Once upon a time, there was a poor boy, who lived in a land of forests, tall mountains and green fields between them.
2 Estar i yondo Marco.      The boy’s name was Marco.
3 I nórë né vanima, mal tarastaina ló i urqui i marner i tauressen.                The land was beautiful, but troubled by orcs living in the forest.
4 Er tarastaitë urco amátië lina yaxeli ar mámar liélion, ar ipílië aurantali.               One troublesome orc had eaten many cows and sheep of the people, and stolen their possessions.
5 Aran i nóreo eleltanië ohtalli, ono i urco anácië te.             The king of the land had sent soldiers, but the orc had killed them.
6 I aran equë: aiquenen i nantulya ma i urcullo, antauvan imma harmanyallon.                The king declared: “To whoever brings us back something from the orc, I will grant the same from my riches.
7 Ar qui ohtar qualta i urco, antauvan sen tiuca yaxë ar mámar yunquë.                And if a soldier kills the orc, I will grant him a fat cow and twelve sheep.
8 Ar qui roquen nahta i urco, antauvan sen póldoreä rocco ar mixa macil.                And if a knight slays the orc, he will receive a strong horse and a sharp-pointed sword.
9 Ar qui cundo telta i eästa urco, ecuva sen vesta seldenya.              And if a prince ends the orc, my daughter he may wed.”

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