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Chapter 8

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Original work by Paul F. Strack, written in 2023, provided here under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Retrieved on 2023-08-30.


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Mólë tyarnë i olanenyë turca.       Work caused me to become strong [= that I became strong].
2 Mára cardalya tulyauva lyen alassë (or morë simply tulyuva).           Your good deed will bring you happiness.
3 Naucoli rancer i orcoron macili.       Some dwarves broke the orcs’ swords.
4 Aiwi atambaniër aldassen mí taurë.       Birds have knocked on trees in the forest.
5 Roccor tucuvar i raxa linta.       Horses will pull the wagon swift[ly].
6 I sírë cúna pella i osto.        The river bends beyond the city.
8 Man melilyë?   Who do you love?
9 Ma i elda rëantë?     Did the elf smile?
10 Ma micuvalyë ni?    Will you kiss me?
11 Massë i netti tyálar?     Where are the girls playing?
12 Manen polin fasta i aran?      How can I please the king?
13 Ma i atani alassië?     Are the men happy?
15 Mana hanquentalya?   What is your answer?
16 Man lálëa?   Who is laughing?
17 Ma nántë avaldë?    Are they excited?
18 Mallo i orcor túler?     Where did the orcs come from?
19 Ma cenuvalyë i hesto?     Will you see the captain?
20 Ma merilyë tirë i ohtari?      Do you want to watch the warriors?
22 Orcor ruhtaner i taurëo periandi.       Orcs terrified the forest’s halflings.
23 Soronyentë i orcor merner nahta te.        They were afraid that orcs wanted to slay them.
24 Orcor tevir periandi ar naucor ar eldar ar atani.           Orcs hate halflings and dwarves and elves and men.
25 Hrávë orcor marner rottossen nu i oronti.         Wild orcs dwelled in caves under the mountains.
26 Nwalmë periandion fastanë i orcor.       Torment of halflings pleased the orcs.
27 I periandi nainaner umbartinta.      The halflings lamented their fate.
29 Naicë ui ruhta naucor.      Pain does not terrify dwarves.
30 Raiquë naucor faraner orcor i tauressë.        Angry dwarves hunted orcs in the forest.
31 I orcor yarraner sossessë.      The orcs growled in fear.
32 Aha i naucoron nánë turwa.       The rage of the dwarves was powerful.
33 I eldar náner nairië i mahtië quantanë i taurë.           The elves were sorrowful that fighting filled the forest.
34 Niër i eldaron sirinyer ve síri.        The tears of the elves flowed like rivers.

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