These are sentences meant to illustrate the correct and intended use of Neo-Quenya words, to provide context for study and documentation.
The words below are from user Luinyelle on the Vinye Lambengolmor forum on, with permission.
No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | (emmata): Man cárat? Emmateän. | | (photograph (v.)): What are you doing? I am taking pictures. |
2 | : Man emmateät? Emmateän i nórecanta. | | : What are you photographing? I am photographing the landscape. |
3 | (lalta): Laltanyes lillumë. | | (make laugh (v.)): I often make him laugh. |
4 | (lulúta): Lulútanen i eäressë quana aurë. | | (keep floating (v.)): I was floating on the sea all day long. |
5 | (melta): I aranel melta ilquen vaniëryanen. | | (melta (v.)): The princess enamoured everybody with her beauty. |
6 | (merya): Hristonostassë illi merenyer. | | (celebrate (v.)): At christmas all were festive. |
7 | (milihta): Möa nin milihta fendeo queren. | | (oil (v.)): I have to oil the door's hinge. |
8 | (nanya): Áva nanya lenna/anat le(?)! | / | (resist (v.)): Do not resist him. |
9 | : Tuluvan ó-lë, ván nanyuva. | | : I will come with you, I will not struggle. |
10 | (nenta): Áva savë quetiërya, nenteäs rië i nás aran. | | (pretend (vt.)): Don‘t believe his words, he just pretends that he is a king. |
11 | : Lás capuva i varassello, nenteäs rië. | | (= (vi.)): He won‘t jump off the cliff, he‘s just pretending. |
12 | (nista): Lávari sina aldo nistar quana tarwa. | | (perfume (v.)): Blossoms from this tree perfume an entire garden. |
13 | (pententa): Á pententa ilyë curwelyar! | | (mention (v.)): Mention all your skills! |
14 | (tiucata) Langë linë lissimattar tiucatauvar tye. | | (fatten (v.)): Too many desserts will fatten you up. |
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