No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | Engë nér ye hlaiwa né, Lasarus Vetaniallo, i masto Mário yo Marşa néşaryo. | | [There] was a man who was ill, Lazarus from Bethany, the village of Mary and Martha her sister. |
2 | I María yeo háno Lásarus nánë hlaiwa i nís né ye elpanë i Heru níşima millonen ar parahtanë taluryat findileryanen. | | The Mary whose brother Lazarus was ill was the woman who anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and dried his feet with her hair. |
3 | Etta i néşar mentaner quetta senna, quétala: “Heru, yé! ye melilyë hlaiwa ná.” | | Therefore the sisters sent word to him, saying: “Lord, see! [he] whom you love is ill.” |
4 | Mal írë Yésus sa-hlassë quentes: “Hlívë sina ua qualmen, mal Eruo alcaren, in i Atanyondo samuva alcar sanen.” | | But when Jeus heard it he said: “This illness is not for death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of Man will have glory by it.” |
5 | Yésus mélë Marşa ar néşarya ar Lasarus. | | Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. |
6 | Mal írë hlasses i hé hlaiwa ná, lemnes ré attassë mí nómë yassë enges. | | But when he heard that he was [Q: is] ill, he remained for two days in the place where he was. |
7 | Epeta, apa si, quentes i hildonnar: “Alvë menë mir Yehúra ata.” | | Thereafter, after this, he said to the disciples: “Let us go into Judea again.” |
8 | I hildor quenter senna: “Ravi, şintanéya i Yúrar cestaner nahta lye sarnínen, ar ménal tar ata?” | | The disciples said to him: “Rabbi, a short time ago the Jews sought to kill you with stones, and you are going there again?” |
9 | Yésus hanquentë: “Ear lúmi yunquë aureo, lá? Qui aiquen vanta auressë, uas talta, pan cenis mar sino cala. | | Jesus answered: “[There] are twelve hours of a day, no? If anyone walks at day, he does not fall, since he sees the light of this world. |
10 | Mal qui aiquen vanta i lómissë, taltas, pan i cala lá eä sessë.” | | But if anyone walks at night, he falls, since the light is not in him.” |
11 | Quentes nati sinë, ar tá eques téna: “Lasarus meldolva acainuyë seriën, mal menuvan tar eccoitáven se.” | | He said these things, and then he said to them: “Lazarus our friend has lain down to rest, but I will go there to wake him up.” |
12 | Etta i hildor quenter senna: “Heru, qui acainuyes seriën, nauvas alwa.” | | Therefore the disciples said to him: “Lord, if he has lain down to rest, he will be well.” |
13 | Yésus carampë pa qualmerya, mal té sanner i carampes pa serië lorniëssë. | | Jesus spoke about his death, but they thought that he spoke about resting in sleep. |
14 | Etta Yésus tá quentë téna pantavë: “Lásarus aquálië; | ; | Therefore Jesus then said to them openly: “Lazarus has died; |
15 | ar máriëldan nanyë valima in únen tanomë, i savuvaldë. Mal alvë lelya senna.” | | and for your good I am glad that I was not there, that you will believe. But let us go to him.” |
16 | Etta Tomas, ye estaina né i Onóno, quentë i hyanë hildonnar: “Alvë lelya, yú elvë, i qualuvalvë ósë.” | | Therefore Thomas, who was called the Twin, said to the other disciples: “Let us go, we too, that we will die with him.” |
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18 | Sië Yésus, írë túles, hirnë i Lasarus nollo cainë rí canta i noirissë. | | Thus Jesus, when he came, found that Lazarus had already been lying four days in the grave. |
19 | Vetania harë né Yerúsalemenna, ve er ar perta lár sallo. | | Bethany was near to Jerusalem, like one and a half league from it. |
20 | Sië rimbali i Yúraron náner túliënwë Marşa yo Maríanna tiutáven tú pa hánotta. | | Thus many of [the] Jews were come to Martha and to Mary to comfort them [tú, dual] about their [-tta, dual] brother. |
21 | Etta Marşa, írë hlasses i túlë Yésus, veldë se; mal María lemnë i cöassë. | ; | Therefore Martha, when she heard that Jesus came, met him; but Mary remained in the house. |
22 | Sië Marşa quentë Yésunna: “Heru, au anel sís, hánonya únë qualina. | | Thus Martha said to Jesus: “Lord, if you were here, my brother was not dead. |
23 | Ananta istan in ilqua ya arcal Erullo, Eru antauva lyen.” | | And yet I know that everything that you make petition about from God, God will give you.” |
24 | Equë senna Yésus: “Hánolya ortuva.” | | Jesus said to her: “Your brother will rise.” |
25 | Marşa quentë senna: “Istan in ortuvas i enortiëssë i métima auressë.” | | Martha said to him: “I know that he will rise in the resurrection [enortie, “re-rising”] on the last day.” |
26 | Equë senna Yésus: “Inyë i enortië ar i coivië ná. Ye savë nissë, ómu cé qualis, tuluva coiviënna, | | Jesus said to her: “I [am] the resurrection and the life. [He] who believes in me, [even] though if he dies, shall come to life, |
27 | ar ilquen ye coireä ná ar savë nissë laumë oi qualuva. Ma savil si?” | | and everyone who is alive and believes in me shall not ever die. Do you believe this?” |
28 | Eques senna: “Ná, Heru, savin in elyë ná i Hristo, i Eruion ye tulumnë mir i mar.” | | She said to him: “Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God who was to come into the world.” |
29 | Ar quétiéla si lendes öa ar yaldë María néşarya, quetila nuldavë: “I Peäntar eä sís, ar yálas tye.” | | And after saying this she went away and called Mary her sister, saying secretly: “The Teacher is here, and he is calling you.” |
30 | Hé, hlarila si, orontë lintiénen ar lendë senna. | | She, hearing this, arose quickly and went to him. |
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32 | Yésus en únë túliënwa mir i masto, mal enges hinna i nómessë yassë Marşa veldë se. | | Jesus still had not come into the village, but he was still in the place where Martha met him. |
33 | Írë i Yúrar i enger as María mí cöa tiutáven se cenner in ortas ar menis ettenna, etta hilyaneltes, intyala i ménanes i noirinna nítiën tassë. | | When the Jews who were with Mary in the house to comfort her saw that she arose and went out [Q: she arises and goes out], they therefore followed her, supposing that she was going to the grave to weep there. |
34 | Ar sië María, írë túles i nómenna yassë engë Yésus ar cennë se, lantanë epë taluryat, quétala senna: “Heru, au anel sís hánonya únë qualina!” | | And so Mary, when she came to the place where Jesus was and saw him, fell before his feet, saying to him: “Lord, if you were here my brother was not dead!” |
35 | Sië Yésus, írë cennes i nítas, ar i nítar i Yúrar i enger ósë, ñónanë faireryassë ar nánë pálina. | | Thus Jesus, when he saw that she cried [Q: cries], and that the Jews who were with her cried [Q: cry], groaned in his spirit and was shaken. |
36 | Ar eques: “Massë apániëldes?” Quenteltë senna: “Heru, tula ar cena.” | | And he said: “Where have you put him?” They said to him: “Lord, come and see.” |
37 | Yésus nítanë. | | Jesus cried. |
38 | Etta i Yúrar quenter: “Yé manen méleses!” | | Therefore the Jews said: “See how he loved him!” |
39 | Mal ennoli mici te quenter: “Ma nér sina ye latyanë i lacenítio hendu ua poldë pusta quén sina qualiëllo?” | | But some among them said: “Could not this man who opened the blind [man]’s eyes stop this man from dying?” |
40 | Sië Yésus, ñóniéla ata insessë, túlë i noirinna. Sá nánë rotto, ar ondo cainë epë sa. | | Thus Jesus, after groaning again in [him]self, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone lay before it. |
41 | Equë Yésus: “Á mapa öa i ondo!” Marşa, i qualino néşa, quentë senna: “Heru, sí eä holmë, an acaitiës tassë auressen canta!” | | Jesus said: “Take away the stone.” Martha, the sister of the dead, said to him: “Lord, [by] now [there] is a stench, for he has lain there for four days!” |
42 | Equë senna Yésus: “Ma uan quentë lyenna i qui savil, cenuval Eruo alcar?” | | Jesus said to her: “Did I not say to you that if you believe, you will see God’s glory?” |
43 | Tá nampeltë öa i ondo. Yésus ortanë henyat ar quentë: “Atar, hantan tyen pan ahláriëtyen. | | Then they took away the stone. Jesus raised his eyes and said: “Father, I thank you because you have heard me. |
44 | Inyë ista in illumë hlarityen, mal i máriën i şango ya tára sís carampen, i savuvaltë i tyé mentanë ni.” | | I know that you always hear me, but for the good of the crowd that is standing here I spoke, that they will believe that you sent me.” |
45 | Ar quétiéla si yámes taura ómanen: “Lasarus, ettula!” | | And after saying this he cried out in a mighty voice: “Lazarus, come out!” |
46 | Ar i quáliéla nér ettúlë, hampa taluryatsë ar máryatsë vaimainen, ar arwa lanneo nútina or cendelerya. Equë téna Yésus: “Ásë lerya ar lava sen lelya!” | | And the man having died came out, restrained on his feet and on his hands by wraps, and having a cloth bound over his face. Jesus said to them: “Release him and let him go!” |
47 | |||
48 | Etta rimbali i Yúraron i náner túliënwë Maríanna ar cenner ya carnes sáver sessë. | | Therefore many of the Jews who had come to Mary and saw what he did believed in him. |
49 | Mal ennoli mici te lender i Farisannar ar nyarner tiën i nati yar Yésus carnë. | | But some among them went to the Pharisees and told them the things that Jesus did. |
50 | Etta i hérë airimor ar i Farisar ócomner i Combë ar quenter: “Mana caruvalvë, pan atan sina carë rimbë tanwali? | | Therefore the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered the Council and said: “What are we to do, since this man does many signs? |
51 | Qui lavilvë sen cacarë sië, illi savuvar sessë, ar Rómeär tuluvar ar mapuvar öa yúyo airë nómelva ar liëndelva.” | | If we let him continue so, all will believe in him, and [the] Romans will come and will take away both our holy place and our nation.” |
52 | Mal quén mici te, Caiafas, ye nánë i héra airimo löa yanassë, quentë téna: “Laumë istaldë erya nat, | | But one among them, Caiaphas, who was the chief priest that year, said to them: “You do not know a single thing, |
53 | ar ualdë hanya i ná len aşeä in er atan qualuva rá i liën, in i quanda liëndë lá nauva nancarna.” | | and you do not understand that it is beneficial for you that a single man is to die on behalf of the people, that the whole nation will not be undone.” |
54 | Mal ta uas quentë insenen, mal pan anes i héra airimo, quentes ve Erutercáno i nánë Yésus martyana qualiën i liënden, | | But that he did not say of himself, but because he was the chief priest, he spoke as a prophet that Jesus was destined to die for the nation, |
55 | ar lá rië i liënden, mal poliëryan comya mir er i Eruhíni i nar vintanë. | | and not only for the nation, but for him to be able to gather into one the Children of God that are scattered. |
56 | Etta sana aurello carneltë panor nahtiën se, | | Therefore from that day they made plans to kill him. |
57 | Etta Yésus ua ambë vantanë pantavë mici Yúrar, mal öantes talo i nórenna harë i ravandanna, ostonna estaina Efraim, ar tassë lemnes as hildoryar. | | Therefore Jesus did not [any]more walk openly among [the] Jews, but he went away from there to the land near to the desert, to a city called Ephraim, and there he remained with his disciples. |
58 | Sí i Lahtië Yúraron harë né, ar rimbali lender ama et i ménallon poitiën intë. | | Now the Passover of [the] Jews was near, and many came up out of the regions to purify themselves. |
59 | Etta cestaneltë Yésus ar quenteltë, quén i exenna: “Mana sánaldë? I laumë tuluvas i aşarenna?” | | Therefore they sought Jesus and said, one to the other: “What are you thinking? That he will not come to the festival at all?” |
60 | I hérë airimor ar i Farisar náner cániéla i qui aiquen ista massë eäs, mauya sen nyarë, poliëltan mapa se. | | The chief priests and the Pharisees had commanded that if anyone knew [Q: knows] where he was [Q: is], it obliges for him to tell, for them to be able to seize him. |
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