No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | ”Násië, násië quetin lenna: Ye ua tulë minna i mámannar ter i fenna, mal retë ama hyana nómessë, sana quén arpo ar pilu ná. | | “Truly, truly I say to you: [He] who does not come in to the sheep through the door, but climbs up in another place, that person is a thief and a robber. |
2 | Mal ye tulë minna ter i fenna mavar ná i mámaron. | | But [he] who comes in through the door is [the] shepherd of the sheep. |
3 | Issen i fennatir latya, ar i mámar lastar ómaryanna, ar yalis vérë mámaryar essenen ar te-tulya etsenna. | | To him the door-watcher opens, and the sheep listen to his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them outside. |
4 | Írë utúliës véraryar etsenna, vantas epë te, ar i mámar hilyar se, pan istaltë ómarya. | | When he has led his own outside, he walks before them, and the sheep follow him, since they know his voice. |
5 | Etteleä quén laumë hilyaltë, mal uşuvaltë sello, pan ualtë ista i óma etteleäron.” | | A strange person they do not follow, but they flee from him, since they do not know the voice of strangers.” |
6 | Yésus quentë sestië sina téna, mal ualtë hanyanë yar quentes téna. | | Jesus spoke this comparison to them, but they did not understand [the things] that he said to them. |
7 | Etta Yésus quentë ata: “Násië, násië quetin lenna: Inyë ná i fenna i mámaron. | | Therefore Jesus said to them again: “Truly, truly I say to you: I am the door of the sheep. |
8 | Illi i túler nó ni nar arpor ar pilur, mal i mámar uar lastanë téna. | | All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. |
9 | Inyë i fenna ná; aiquen ye tulë minna ter ní nauva rehtana, ar menuvas minna ar ettenna ar hiruva nesselë. | ; | I am the door; anyone who comes in through me will be saved, and he will go in and out and will find pasturage. |
10 | I arpo ua tulë hequa piliën ar nahtiën ar nancariën. Inyë utúlië i samuvaltë coivië ar samuvaltë úvë. | | The thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they will have life and they will have abundance. |
11 | Inyë i manë mavar ná; i manë mavar anta coiviërya rá i mámain. | ; | I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd gives his life on behalf of the sheep. |
12 | I paityaina nér, ye ua mavar ar yeva i mámar uar véraryar, cenë i ñarmo túla ar uşë – ar i ñarmo mapa te ar vinta te – | | The paid man, who is not a shepherd and [yeva =] of whom the sheep are not his own, sees the wolf come and flees – and the wolf seizes them and scatters them – |
13 | pan násë paityaina nér ar i mámar uar valdië sen. | | since he is a paid man and the sheep are not important to him. |
14 | Inyë i manë mavar ná, ar istan mámanyar ar mámanyar istar ní, | | I am the good shepherd, and I know my sheep and my sheep know me, |
15 | sívë i Atar ista ni ar inyë ista i Atar, ar antan coiviënya rá i mámain. | | as the Father knows me and I know the Father, and I give my life on behalf of the sheep. |
16 | Samin yú hyanë mámali, i uar mici mámar sinë; yú té mauya nin tulya, ar lastuvaltë ómanyanna, ar nauvaltë erya lámárë, erya mavar. | ; | I have also some other sheep, that are not among these sheep; them as well [it] is necessary for me to lead, and they will listen to my voice, and they will be a single flock, a single shepherd. |
17 | Sina castanen i Atar melë ni, pan antan coiviënya, i camuvanyes nan. | | By this reason the Father loves me, since I give my life, that I can receive it back. |
18 | Úquen amápië sa nillo, mal antanyes véra nirmenen. Samin hérë antáven sa, ar samin hérë camiën sa nan. I canwa pa si camnen Atarinyallo.” | | Nobody has taken it from me, but I give it by my own will. I have authority to give it, and I have authority to receive it again. The command about this I received from my Father.” |
19 | Sinë quettainen engë hyana şanca imíca i Yúrar. | | Because of these words there was another split among the Jews. |
20 | Rimbali mici te quenter: “Násë haryaina lo rauco ar eä sámaryo ettessë! Manen ná i lastaldë senna?” | | Numerous ones among them said: “He is possessed by a demon and is out of his mind! How is [it] that you listen to him?” |
21 | Exeli quenter: “Sinë uar i quetiër raucoharyaina nero. Rauco lau polë latya i hendu lacenítion?” | | Others said: “These are not the sayings of a demon-possessed man. Surely a demon cannot open the eyes of blind [people]?” |
22 | |||
23 | Lúmë yanassë engë i aşar ceutáveva Yérusalemessë. Engë hrívë, | | At that time there was the festival of renewal in Jerusalem. It was winter, |
24 | ar Yésus vantanë i cordassë, Solomondo tarmatémassë. | | and Jesus walked in the temple, in Solomon’s columnade. |
25 | Etta i Yúrar pelder se ar quenter senna: “Manen andavë me-hepuval útanciëssë? Qui elyë i Hristo ná, ámen nyarë pantavë!” | | Therefore the Jews surrounded him and said to him: “How long will you keep us in uncertainty? If you are the Christ, tell us openly!” |
26 | Yésus hanquentë téna: “Nyarnen len, ananta ualdë savë. I cardar yar inyë cára Atarinyo essenen, tai vettar pa ni. | | Jesus answered them: “I told you, and yet you do not believe. The deeds that I am doing in my Father’s name, they witness about me. |
27 | Mal eldë uar savë, pan ualdë ninyë mámaron. | | But you do not believe, since you are not of my sheep. |
28 | Ninyë mámar lastar ómanyanna, ar istanyet, ar hilyalten. | | My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. |
29 | Ar antan tiën oira coivië, ar laumë nauvaltë oi nancarnë, ar úquen te-rafuva et mányallo. | | And I give them eternal life, and they will by no means ever be destroyed, and nobody will snatch them out of my hand. |
30 | Atarinya, ye ánië te nin, ná túra lá ilyë exi, ar úquen polë te-rafë et máryallo i Atar. | | My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all others, and nobody can snatch them out of the Father’s hand. |
31 | Inyë yo i Atar er nát.” | | I and the Father are [nát, dual] one.” |
32 | Ata i Yúrar leptaner sarni hatiën tai senna. | | Again the Jews picked up stones to throw them at him. |
33 | Yésus hanquentë téna: “Tannen len rimbë márë cardali i Atarello. Pa mana sanë cardaron merildë hatë sarni ninna?” | | Jesus answered them: “I showed you many good deeds from the Father. Concerning what [or, which] of those deeds do you want to throw stones at me?” |
34 | I Yúrar hanquenter senna: “Hátalmë sarni lyenna, lá pa mára carda, mal pa naiquetië, ar pan elyë ye atan ná carë imlë aino!” | | The Jews answered him: “We are throwing stones at you, not concerning [any] good deed, but concerning blasphemy, and since you who are a man makes [your]self a god!” |
35 | Yésus hanquentë téna: “Ma ua técina Şanyeldassë: Quenten: Naldë ainor – ? | | Jesus answered them: “Is it not written in your Law: I said: You are gods – ? |
36 | Qui estanes ainor i queni innar Eruo quetta túlë – ar i Tehtelë mo ua polë aupanya – | | If he called gods the people to whom God’s word came – and the Scripture one cannot put away – |
37 | ma quetildë ninna ye i Atar airitánë ar mentanë mir i mar: Naiquétal, pan quenten: Nanyë Eruion – ?” | | do you say to me whom the Father hallowed and sent into the world: You blaspheme, since I said, I am God’s son – ? |
38 | Qui uan carë Atarinyo cardar, áva savë quetiënyar. | | If I do not do my Father’s deeds, do not believe what I say [quetienyar “my sayings”]. |
39 | Mal qui cáran tai, ar eldë uar savë quetiënyar, sava i cardar, in istuvaldë ar hanyuvaldë in eä i Atar inyessë ar inyë i Ataressë.” | | But if I am doing them, and you do not believe my sayings, believe the deeds, that you will know and you will understand that the Father is in me and I [am] in the Father.” |
40 | Etta néveltë ata mapa se, mal úşes et máltalto. | | Therefore they tried again to seize him, but he escaped out of their hands [máltalto, distributive dual in ablative]. |
41 | Ar öantes ata han Yordanna, i nómenna yassë sumbanë Yoháno i yestassë, ar tassë lemnes. | | And he went away again beyond Jordan, to the place where John baptized in the beginning, and there he remained. |
42 | Ar rimbali túler senna, ar quenteltë: “Yoháno ua carnë erya tanwa, mal ilqua ya Yoháno quentë pa nér sina nanwa né.” | | And numerous [people] came to him, and they said: “John did not do a single sign, but everything that John said about this man was true.” |
43 | Ar rimbali sáver sessë tanomë. | | And many believed in him there. |
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