No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | ”Inyë i nanwa liantassë, ar Atarinya i alamo ná. | | “I [am] the true vine, and my Father is the cultivator. |
2 | Ilya olva nissë lá colila yávë mapas öa, ar ilya ya colë yávë poitas, coliëryan amba yávë. | | Every branch in me not bearing fruit he takes away, and every [one] that bears fruit he cleanses, for it to bear more fruit. |
3 | Eldë nar nollo poicë i quettanen ya equétiën len. | | You are already clean, by the word that I have spoken to you. |
4 | Á lemya nissë, ar inyë lessë. Tambë i olva ua polë colë yávë qui uas lemya mí liantassë, sívë eldë uar polë, qui ualdë lemya nissë. | | Remain in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit if it does not remain in the vine, so you cannot [either], if you do not remain in me. |
5 | Inyë i liantassë ná, eldë nar i olvar. Ye lemya nissë, ar ní sessë, issë colë olya yávë; pan öa nillo polildë carë munta. | ; | I am the vine, you are the branches. [He] who remains in me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for away from me you can do nothing. |
6 | Qui aiquen ua lemya nissë, násë hátina ettenna ve olva ar olë parca, ar queni hostar tanë olvar ar hatir tai mir i ruinë, ar naltë urtanë. | | If anybody does not remain in me, he is thrown outside as a branch and becomes dry, and people gather those branches and throw them into the fire, and they are burnt. |
7 | Qui lemyaldë nissë ar quetiënyar lemyar lessë, á arca ilqua ya merildë, ar martuvas len. | | If you remain in me and my sayings remain in you, pray for everything that you want, and it will happen for you. |
8 | Atarinya alcaryaina ná sinen, i colildë olya yávë ar tanar indë ve hildonyar. | | My father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and show yourselves as my disciples. |
9 | Sívë i Atar emélië ní ar inyë emélië lé, á lemya melmenyassë! | | As the Father has loved me and I have loved you, remain in my love! |
10 | Qui himyaldë axaninyar, lemyuvaldë melmenyassë, sívë inyë ihímië i Ataro axani ar lemya melmeryassë. | | If you abide by my commandments, you will remain in my love, as I have abided by the Father’s commandments and remain in his love. |
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12 | Nati sinë equétiën len, in alassenya euva lessë ar alasselda nauva carna quanta. | | These things I have spoken to you, that my joy will be in you and your joy will be made full. |
13 | Si axaninya ná, i melildë quén i exë ve eméliën lé. | | This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. |
14 | Úquen samë melmë túra lá si, i quén anta coiviërya meldoryain. | | Nobody has a love greater than this, that a person gives his life for his friends. |
15 | Eldë nar meldonyar qui carildë ya canin len. | | You are my friends if you do what I command you. |
16 | Uan ambë esta le móli, pan mól ua ista ya herurya carë. Mal estaniënyë le meldor, an ilqua ya ahláriën Atarinyallo acáriën sinwa len. | | I do not [any]more call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his lord does. |
17 | Eldë uar cillë ní, mal inyë cillë lé, ar apániën le etemeniën ar coliën yávë, ar yávelda lemyuva, in i Atar len-antauva ya arcaldë essenyanen. | | You did not choose me, but I chose you, and I have appointed you to go out and to bear fruit, and your fruit will remain, [so] that the Father will give you what you pray for in my name. |
18 | Nati sinë canin len, i meluvaldë quén i exë. | | These things I command you, that you will love one another. |
19 | Qui i mar tevë le, istaldë i téves ní nó le. | | If the world hates you, you know that it hated me before you. |
20 | Au aneldë ranta i mardo, i mar mélë vérarya. Mal pan ualdë ranta i mardo, mal inyë icílië le et i mardello, sinen i mar tevë le. | | If you were a part of the world, the world loved its own. But because you are not a part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, for this [reason] the world hates you. |
21 | Enyala i quetta ya quenten lenna: Mól ua túra lá herurya. Qui ní roitaneltë, yú lé roituvaltë. Qui ihímiëltë quettanya, himyuvaltë yú lenya. | | Recall the word that I spoke to you: A slave is not greater than his lord. If they persecuted me, you too they will persecute. If they have abided by my word, they will abide by yours also. |
22 | Mal caruvaltë ilyë nati sinë len essenyanen, pan ualtë ista ye ni-mentanë. | | But they will do all these things to you because of my name, since they do not know [the one] who sent me. |
23 | Au uan túlë ar carampë téna, ualtë sámë úcarë; mal sí ualtë samë casta antáven pa úcarelta. | ; | If I did [or, had] not come and talked to them, they did [/would] not have [any] sin; but now they do not have [any] reason to give concerning their sin. |
24 | Ye tevë ní tevë yú Atarinya. | | [He] who hates me hates also my Father. |
25 | Qui uan acárië mici te i cardar yar úquen hyana acárië, ualtë sámë úcarë; mal sí ecéniëltë ar eyétiëltë ní ar Atarinya véla. | ; | If I had not done among them the deeds that nobody else has done, they did not have [any] sin; but now they have seen and they have looked at me and my Father alike. |
26 | Mal martas amaquatiën i quetta técina Şanyeltassë: Tévelten pen casta. | | But it happens in order to fulfill the word written in their Law: They hated me without reason. |
27 | Írë i Şámo tuluva ye inyë mentuva lenna i Atarello, i Fairë nanwiéva, ye ettulë i Atarello, issë vettuva pa ní; | ; | When the Helper shall come whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of Truth, who comes forth from the Father, he will witness about me; |
28 | yú lé vettuvar, pan engiëldë asinyë i yestallo.” | | you as well will witness, because you have been with me from the beginning.” |
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