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Ranta 16

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No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 ”Nati sinë equétiën lenna i lá nauvaldë tyárinë lanta.           “These things I have spoken to you that you will not be made to fall.
2 Queni le-hehtuvar et i yomencöallo. É i lúmë túla yassë ilquen le-nahtala savuva i sië veuyas Eru.                    People will exclude you from the synagogue. Indeed the hour is coming when everyone killing you will believe that so he serves God.
3 Mal caruvaltë nati sinë pan ualtë ista i Atar hya ní véla.              But they will do these things since they do not know the Father or me alike.
4 Ono nati sinë equétiën lenna in enyaluvaldë i nyarnen len pa tai írë lúmelta tulë. Nati sinë uan quentë lenna i yestallo, pan engen aseldë.                             But these things I have spoken to you that you will recall that I told you about them when their time comes. These things I did not say to you from the beginning, since I was with you.
5 Mal sí autan yenna ni-mentanë, ananta úner mici le maquetë ninna: Manna autal?                But now I go away to [him] who sent me, and yet no man among you says to me: Where do you go away to?
6 Mal pan equétiën nati sinë, nairë aquantië endalta.           But since I have spoken these things, grief has filled your heart.
7 Mal nyáran len i nanwië: Ná len aşeä i autan. An qui uan auta, i Şámo laumë tuluva lenna, mal qui autan, mentauvanyes lenna.                               But I am telling you the truth: It is beneficial for you that I am going away. For if I do not go away, the Helper will by no means come to you, but if I go away, I will send him to you.
8 Ar írë issë tuluva tyaruvas i mar savë, pa úcarë ar pa failië ar pa namië:                   For when he shall come, he will make the world believe, concerning sin and concerning righteousness and concerning judgement:
9 pa úcarë, pan ualtë savë nissë,         concerning sin, since they do not believe in me;
10 pa failië, pan autan i Atarenna ar ualdë cenuva ni ambë,              concerning righteousness, since I am going away to the Father and they will not see me [any]more,
11 pa namië, pan mar sino turco anaië námina.           concerning judgement, because the ruler of this world has been judged.
12 En samin rimbë natali quetiën lenna, mal ualdë polë colitat sí.              I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.
13 Ono írë issë tuluva, i Fairë nanwiéva, tulyauvas le mir i quanda nanwië, an uas quetuva et immollo, mal yar hlaris quetuvas, ar caruvas sinwë len yar tuluvar.                                   But when he shall come, the Spirit of truth, he shall lead you into the whole truth, for he shall not speak out of [him]self, but [the things] that he hears he will speak, and he will make known to you [the things] that will come.
14 Issë taluva nin alcar, pan camuvas et ninyallon ar caruvas tai sinwë len.                He will bring me glory, since he will receive out of my [things] and will make them known to you.
15 Ilyë i nati yar i Atar samë ninyë nar. Tanen quenten i camis et ninyallon ar carë tai sinwë len.                       All the things that the Father has are mine. Because of that I said that he receives out of my [things] and makes them known to you.
16 Apa şinta lúmë ualdë cenuva ni ambë, ar apa an şinta lúmë encenuvalden.”                 After a short time you will not see me [any]more, and after another short time you will see me again.”
18 Etta ennoli hildoryaron quenter, quén i exenna: “Mana teä si ya quetis venna: Apa şinta lúmë ualdë cenuva ni ambë, ar apa an şinta lúmë encenuvalden, ar: Pan autan i Atarenna – ?”                                        Therefore some of his disciples said, one to the other: “What does this mean that he said to us: After a short time you will not see me [any]more, and after another short time you shall see me again, and: Because I go away to the Father – ?”
19 Sië quenteltë: “Mana teä si ya quetis: şinta lúmë? Ualvë hanya ya quétas.”                  Thus they said: “What does this mean that he says: a short time? We do not understand what he is saying.”
20 Yésus sintë i merneltë ceşitas, ar quentes téna: “Ma céşaldë mici indë pa si, pan quenten: Apa şinta lúmë ualdë cenuva ni, ar apa an şinta lúmë encenuvalden – ?                                    Jesus knew that they wanted to inquire of him, and he said to them: “Are you inquiring among yourselves about this, because I said: After a short time you will not see me, and after another short time you will see me again – ?
21 Násië, násië quetin lenna: Samuvaldë niër ar nauvaldë yaimië, mal i mar nauva valima; ono nairelda nauva vistana mir alassë.                 ;        Truly, truly I say to you: You will have tears and you will be wailing, but the world will be happy; but your grief will be changed into joy.
22 Nís, írë cólas lapsë, samë nairë, pan lúmerya utúlië; mal írë ocóliës i hína, uas ambë enyalë şangiërya, alasseryanen in atan anaië nóna mir i mar.            ;                     A woman, when she is bearing a baby, has grief, because her time has come; but when she has borne the child, she does not [any]more recall her tribulation, because of her joy that a man has been born into the world.
23 Sië yú eldë samir nairë sí. Mal cenuvan le ata, ar endalda samuva alassë, ar úquen mapuva alasselda lello.                        So you too have grief now. But I will see you again, and your heart shall have joy, and nobody will take your joy [away] from you.
24 Ar aurë entassë ualdë maquetuva ninna pa erya nat. Násië, násië quetin lenna: Ilqua ya arcaldë i Atarello essenyanen antauvas len.                          For in that day you will not ask me about a single thing. Truly, truly I say to you: Everything that you pray for from the Father in my name he will give to you.
25 Tenna sí ualdë ararcië erya nat essenyanen. Á arca ar camuvaldë, i alasselda nauva quanta.                   Until now you have not prayed for a single thing in my name. Pray and you shall receive, that your joy will be full.
26 Nati sinë equétiën lenna sestiëssen. Lúmë túla yassë uan ambë quetuva len sestiëssen, mal pantavë nyaruvan len pa i Atar.                        These things I have spoken to you in comparisions. An hour is coming when I will no more speak to you in comparisons, but openly I will tell you about the Father.
27 Lúmë entassë ualdë arcuva erya nat essenyanen, ar uan quetë len in inyë arcuva i Atarello pa le.                     In that time you will not ask a single thing in my name, and I do not say to you that I will ask [anything] of the Father concerning you [, either].
28 An i Atar immo melë le, pan eldë eméliër ní ar asáviër in inyë ettúlë Erullo.                   For the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me and have believed that I came forth from God.
29 Etutúliën i Atarello ar utúlië mir i mar. Entë, autan i mardello ar menë i Atarenna.                    I have come forth from the Father and have come into the world. Furthermore, I go away from the world and go to the Father.
30 Hildoryar quenter: “Yé! Sí quétal pantavë, ar ual quetë sestië!             His disciples said: “Look! Now you are speaking openly, and you do not speak [any] comparison!
31 Sí istalmë in istal ilyë nati ar ual samë maurë in aiquen ceşuva lye. Sinen istalmë in ettúlel Erullo.”                       Now we know that you know all things and you do not have need that anyone inquires of you. By this we know that you came forth from God.”
32 Yésus hanquentë téna: “Sí savildë?       Jesus answered them: “Now you believe?
33 Yé! I lúmë túla, é utúliës, yassë nauvaldë vintanë ilquen véra cöaryanna, ar ní hehtuvaldë erinqua, ananta uan erinqua, pan i Atar eä óni.                               Look! The hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you shall be scattered everyone to his own house, and me you will leave [hehta- “forsake”] alone, and yet I am not alone, since the Father is with me.
34 Equétiën nati sinë lenna, in inyenen samuvaldë rainë. Mar sinassë samildë şangië, mal sama verië! Inyë utúruyë i mar.”                         I have spoken these things to you, that by me you will have peace. In this world you have tribulation, but have courage! I have conquered the world.”

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