No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | ”Nati sinë equétiën lenna i lá nauvaldë tyárinë lanta. | | “These things I have spoken to you that you will not be made to fall. |
2 | Queni le-hehtuvar et i yomencöallo. É i lúmë túla yassë ilquen le-nahtala savuva i sië veuyas Eru. | | People will exclude you from the synagogue. Indeed the hour is coming when everyone killing you will believe that so he serves God. |
3 | Mal caruvaltë nati sinë pan ualtë ista i Atar hya ní véla. | | But they will do these things since they do not know the Father or me alike. |
4 | Ono nati sinë equétiën lenna in enyaluvaldë i nyarnen len pa tai írë lúmelta tulë. Nati sinë uan quentë lenna i yestallo, pan engen aseldë. | | But these things I have spoken to you that you will recall that I told you about them when their time comes. These things I did not say to you from the beginning, since I was with you. |
5 | Mal sí autan yenna ni-mentanë, ananta úner mici le maquetë ninna: Manna autal? | | But now I go away to [him] who sent me, and yet no man among you says to me: Where do you go away to? |
6 | Mal pan equétiën nati sinë, nairë aquantië endalta. | | But since I have spoken these things, grief has filled your heart. |
7 | Mal nyáran len i nanwië: Ná len aşeä i autan. An qui uan auta, i Şámo laumë tuluva lenna, mal qui autan, mentauvanyes lenna. | | But I am telling you the truth: It is beneficial for you that I am going away. For if I do not go away, the Helper will by no means come to you, but if I go away, I will send him to you. |
8 | Ar írë issë tuluva tyaruvas i mar savë, pa úcarë ar pa failië ar pa namië: | | For when he shall come, he will make the world believe, concerning sin and concerning righteousness and concerning judgement: |
9 | pa úcarë, pan ualtë savë nissë, | | concerning sin, since they do not believe in me; |
10 | pa failië, pan autan i Atarenna ar ualdë cenuva ni ambë, | | concerning righteousness, since I am going away to the Father and they will not see me [any]more, |
11 | pa namië, pan mar sino turco anaië námina. | | concerning judgement, because the ruler of this world has been judged. |
12 | En samin rimbë natali quetiën lenna, mal ualdë polë colitat sí. | | I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. |
13 | Ono írë issë tuluva, i Fairë nanwiéva, tulyauvas le mir i quanda nanwië, an uas quetuva et immollo, mal yar hlaris quetuvas, ar caruvas sinwë len yar tuluvar. | | But when he shall come, the Spirit of truth, he shall lead you into the whole truth, for he shall not speak out of [him]self, but [the things] that he hears he will speak, and he will make known to you [the things] that will come. |
14 | Issë taluva nin alcar, pan camuvas et ninyallon ar caruvas tai sinwë len. | | He will bring me glory, since he will receive out of my [things] and will make them known to you. |
15 | Ilyë i nati yar i Atar samë ninyë nar. Tanen quenten i camis et ninyallon ar carë tai sinwë len. | | All the things that the Father has are mine. Because of that I said that he receives out of my [things] and makes them known to you. |
16 | Apa şinta lúmë ualdë cenuva ni ambë, ar apa an şinta lúmë encenuvalden.” | | After a short time you will not see me [any]more, and after another short time you will see me again.” |
17 | |||
18 | Etta ennoli hildoryaron quenter, quén i exenna: “Mana teä si ya quetis venna: Apa şinta lúmë ualdë cenuva ni ambë, ar apa an şinta lúmë encenuvalden, ar: Pan autan i Atarenna – ?” | | Therefore some of his disciples said, one to the other: “What does this mean that he said to us: After a short time you will not see me [any]more, and after another short time you shall see me again, and: Because I go away to the Father – ?” |
19 | Sië quenteltë: “Mana teä si ya quetis: şinta lúmë? Ualvë hanya ya quétas.” | | Thus they said: “What does this mean that he says: a short time? We do not understand what he is saying.” |
20 | Yésus sintë i merneltë ceşitas, ar quentes téna: “Ma céşaldë mici indë pa si, pan quenten: Apa şinta lúmë ualdë cenuva ni, ar apa an şinta lúmë encenuvalden – ? | | Jesus knew that they wanted to inquire of him, and he said to them: “Are you inquiring among yourselves about this, because I said: After a short time you will not see me, and after another short time you will see me again – ? |
21 | Násië, násië quetin lenna: Samuvaldë niër ar nauvaldë yaimië, mal i mar nauva valima; ono nairelda nauva vistana mir alassë. | ; | Truly, truly I say to you: You will have tears and you will be wailing, but the world will be happy; but your grief will be changed into joy. |
22 | Nís, írë cólas lapsë, samë nairë, pan lúmerya utúlië; mal írë ocóliës i hína, uas ambë enyalë şangiërya, alasseryanen in atan anaië nóna mir i mar. | ; | A woman, when she is bearing a baby, has grief, because her time has come; but when she has borne the child, she does not [any]more recall her tribulation, because of her joy that a man has been born into the world. |
23 | Sië yú eldë samir nairë sí. Mal cenuvan le ata, ar endalda samuva alassë, ar úquen mapuva alasselda lello. | | So you too have grief now. But I will see you again, and your heart shall have joy, and nobody will take your joy [away] from you. |
24 | Ar aurë entassë ualdë maquetuva ninna pa erya nat. Násië, násië quetin lenna: Ilqua ya arcaldë i Atarello essenyanen antauvas len. | | For in that day you will not ask me about a single thing. Truly, truly I say to you: Everything that you pray for from the Father in my name he will give to you. |
25 | Tenna sí ualdë ararcië erya nat essenyanen. Á arca ar camuvaldë, i alasselda nauva quanta. | | Until now you have not prayed for a single thing in my name. Pray and you shall receive, that your joy will be full. |
26 | Nati sinë equétiën lenna sestiëssen. Lúmë túla yassë uan ambë quetuva len sestiëssen, mal pantavë nyaruvan len pa i Atar. | | These things I have spoken to you in comparisions. An hour is coming when I will no more speak to you in comparisons, but openly I will tell you about the Father. |
27 | Lúmë entassë ualdë arcuva erya nat essenyanen, ar uan quetë len in inyë arcuva i Atarello pa le. | | In that time you will not ask a single thing in my name, and I do not say to you that I will ask [anything] of the Father concerning you [, either]. |
28 | An i Atar immo melë le, pan eldë eméliër ní ar asáviër in inyë ettúlë Erullo. | | For the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me and have believed that I came forth from God. |
29 | Etutúliën i Atarello ar utúlië mir i mar. Entë, autan i mardello ar menë i Atarenna. | | I have come forth from the Father and have come into the world. Furthermore, I go away from the world and go to the Father. |
30 | Hildoryar quenter: “Yé! Sí quétal pantavë, ar ual quetë sestië! | | His disciples said: “Look! Now you are speaking openly, and you do not speak [any] comparison! |
31 | Sí istalmë in istal ilyë nati ar ual samë maurë in aiquen ceşuva lye. Sinen istalmë in ettúlel Erullo.” | | Now we know that you know all things and you do not have need that anyone inquires of you. By this we know that you came forth from God.” |
32 | Yésus hanquentë téna: “Sí savildë? | | Jesus answered them: “Now you believe? |
33 | Yé! I lúmë túla, é utúliës, yassë nauvaldë vintanë ilquen véra cöaryanna, ar ní hehtuvaldë erinqua, ananta uan erinqua, pan i Atar eä óni. | | Look! The hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you shall be scattered everyone to his own house, and me you will leave [hehta- “forsake”] alone, and yet I am not alone, since the Father is with me. |
34 | Equétiën nati sinë lenna, in inyenen samuvaldë rainë. Mar sinassë samildë şangië, mal sama verië! Inyë utúruyë i mar.” | | I have spoken these things to you, that by me you will have peace. In this world you have tribulation, but have courage! I have conquered the world.” |
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