No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | Apa quetië nati sinë, Yésus etemennë as hildoryar olla i nellë estaina Cirron, nómenna yassë engë tarwa, ar issë ar hildoryar mittaner sa. | | After saying these things, Jesus went out with his disciples across the brook called Kidron, to a place where [there] was a garden, and he and his disciples entered it. |
2 | Mal yú Yúras, ye vartanë se, sintë i nómë, pan Yésus rimbë lúlissen veldë as hildoryar tassë. | | But also Judas, who betrayed him, knew the place, since Jesus at numerous times met with with his disciples there. |
3 | Etta Yúras nampë i ohtarhosta ar cánoli i hérë airimoron ar Farisaron ar túlë tanna, talala narrundor ar calmar ar carmar. | | Therefore Judas took the soldier host and officers of the chief priests and Pharisees and came there, bringing torches and lamps and weapons. |
4 | Sië Yésus, istala ilyë i nati tuluvaila senna, lendë ompa ar quentë téna: “Mana cestaldë?” | | Thus Jesus, knowing all the things going to come upon him, went forward and said to them: “What do you seek?” |
5 | Hanquenteltë: “Yésus Nasaretello.” Eques téna: “Inyë sé.” Yú Yúras, ye vartanë se, tarnë mici te. | | They said: “Jesus from Nazareth.” He said to them: “I [am] he.” Also Judas, who betrayed him, stood among them. |
6 | Mal írë quentes téna: “Inyë sé,” tarneltë nan ar lantaner i talamenna. | | But when he said to them: “I [am] he,” they stood back and fell to the ground. |
7 | Etta hanquentes téna ata: “Man cestaldë?” Quenteltë: “Yésus Nasaretello.” | | Therefore he answered them again: “Whom do you seek?” They said: “Jesus from Nazareth.” |
8 | Yésus hanquentë: “Equétiën lenna in inyë ná sé. Etta, qui ní cestaldë, lava tiën auta” | | Jesus answered: “I have said to you that I am he. Therefore, if [it is] me you seek, let them go away” |
9 | – amaquatiën i quetta ya quentes: “Imíca i antanetyë inyen úner ná nin vanwa.” | | – in order to fulfill the word that he said: “Among [the ones] that you gave to me no man is lost to me.” |
10 | Tá Simon Péter, ye sámë macil, tuncë sa ar pentë i héra airimo núro ar aucirnë forya hlarya. I núro essë Malcus né. | | Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the servant of the chief priest and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus. |
11 | Mal Yésus quentë Péterenna: “Á panya macilelya i vainessë! I yulma ya i Atar ánië nin, lau sucuvanyes?” | | But Jesus said to Peter: “Put your sword in the sheath! The cup that the Father has given me, am I really not to drink it?” |
12 | Tá i ohtarhosta ar i tuxantur ar i cánor i Yúraron namper Yésus ar nunter se. | | Then the soldier host and the centurion and the officers of the Jews took Jesus and bound him. |
13 | Tulyaneltes minyavë ana Annas, an sé nánë i atar veriryo Caiafas, ye nánë i héra airimo löa yanassë. | | They brought him first to Annas, for he was the father of the wife of Caiaphas, who was the chief priest in that year. |
14 | Caiafas né ye quentë i Yúrannar i nánë tiën aşeä i erya atan quallë rá i liën. | | Caiaphas was [the one] who said to the Jews that it was beneficial for them that one man died on behalf of the people. |
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16 | Mal Símon Péter ar hyana hildo hilyanet Yésus. Sana hildo nánë sinwa i héra airimon ar túlë as Yésus mir i paca i héra airimóva, | | But Simon Peter and another disciple followed Jesus. That disciple was known to the chief priest and came with Jesus into the courtyard of the chief priest, |
17 | mal Péter lemnë i ettessë ara i ando. Etta i hyana hildo, ye nánë sinwa i héra airimon, ettúlë ar carampë yenna tirnë i ando ar tulyanë Péter minna. | | but Peter remained on the outside by the gate. Therefore the other disciple, who was known to the chief priest, came out and spoke to [the one] who watched the gate and led Peter inside. |
18 | Tá i vendë ye tirnë i ando quentë: “Ma ua yú elyë i hildoron sana atano?” Issë hanquentë: “Uan.” | | Then the maid who watched the gate said: “Are not you too of the disiples of that man?” He answered: “I am not.” |
19 | I núror ar i cánor náner cáriëla hyulmaruinë, an ringa né, ar tarneltë lautala intë. Yú Péter tarnë aseltë lautala insë. | | The disciples and the officers had made a coal fire, for [it] was cold, and they stood warming themselves. Also Peter stood with them warming himself. |
20 | Tá i héra airimo maquentë Yésunna pa hildoryar ar pa peäntáverya. | | Then the chief priest asked Jesus about his disciples and about his teaching. |
21 | Yésus hanquentë senna: “Acarpiën i mardenna pantavë. Illumë peäntanen yomencöassë ar i cordassë, yassë ilyë Yúrar tulir uo, ar quenten munta nuldiëssë. | | Jesus answered him: “I have spoken to the world openly. Always I taught in synagogue and in the temple, where all Jews come together, and I said nothing in secret. |
22 | Mana i casta yanen ní céşal? Ceşa i hlasser ya quenten téna. Yé! Té istar ya quenten.” | | For what reason are you inquiring of me? Inquire of [those] who heard what I said to them. Look! They know what I said.” |
23 | Apa quentes nati sinë, quén i cánoron i tarner ara se palpanë Yésus i cendelessë ar equë: “Ma hanquétal i héra airimonna sië?” | | After he said these things, one of the officers that stood by him beat Jesus in the face and said: “Are you answering the chief priest so?” |
24 | Yésus hanquentë senna: “Qui quetin ya raica ná, á vetta pa i raicië, mal qui quenten ya vanima ná , mana castalya palpiën ni?” | | Jesus answered him: “If I say what is bad, witness about the badness, but if I said what is right, what is your reason for beating me?” |
25 | Tá Annas se-mentanë nútina Caiafas i héra airimonna. | | Then Annas sent him bound to Caiaphas the chief priest. |
26 | Sí Símon Péter tarnë lautala insë. Tá quenteltë senna: “Ma ua yú elyë mici hildoryar?” Sa-lalanes ar eques: “Uan.” | | Now Simon Peter stood warming himself. Then he said to him: “Are not you too among his disciples?” He denied it and said: “I am not.” |
27 | Imíca i móli i héra airimo engë quén i onosso i nero yeo hlas Péter aucirnë, ar eques: “Ma uan cennë lyé i tarwassë ósë?” | | Among the slaves of the chief priest [there] was one of the family of the man whose ear Peter cut off, and he said: “Did I not see you in the garden with him?” |
28 | Mal Péter lalanë sa ata, ar mí imya lú tocot lamyanë. | | But Peter denied it again, and in the same moment a cock crowed [lit. “sounded”, as in the Greek]. |
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30 | Tá tulyaneltë Yésus Caiafasello i túriondenna i nórecánova. Sí arinya né. Mal té uar mittanë i túrion i nórecánova, lá oliën úpoicë, mal lertumneltë matë i lahtiémat. | | Then they led Jesus from Caiaphas to the palace of the governor. Now [it] was early. But they did not enter the palace of the governor, in order not to become unclean, but they might eat the pascal meal. |
31 | Tá Piláto ettúlë téna ar quentë: “Mana i ongwë ya quétaldë nér sina acárië?” | | Then Pilate came outside to them and said: “What is the crime that you are saying this man has committed?” |
32 | Hanquenteltë senna: “Au nér sina únë ongwemo, ualmë antanë se olla lyenna.” | | They answered him: “If this man was not a criminal, we did not turn him over to you.” |
33 | Tá equë téna Piláto: “Eldë ásë mapa ar ásë namë şanyeldanen.” I Yúrar quenter senna: “Ualmë lerta nahta aiquen” | | Then Pilate said to them: “You take him and judge him by your law.” The Jews said to him: “We may not kill anyone” |
34 | – amaquatiën i quetta ya Yésus quentë tanáven i nostalë qualmeo ya qualumnes. | | – in order to fulfill the word that Jesus spoke to indicate the kind of death that he was to die. |
35 | Etta Piláto lendë mir i túrion i nórecánova ar yaldë Yésus ar quentë senna: “Ma elyë ná i aran Yúraron?” | | Therefore Pilate went into the palace of the governor and called Jesus and said to him: “Are you the king of [the] Jews?” |
36 | Yésus hanquentë: “Ma quetil si imlenen, hya ma exeli acarpiër lyenna pa ní?” | | Jesus answered: “Do you say this by yourself, or have others talked to you about me?” |
37 | Piláto hanquentë: “Lau inyë Yúra ná? Véra liëndelya ar i hérë airimor antaner lye olla inyen. Mana acáriël?” | | Pilate answered: “Surely I am not a Jew? Your own nation and the chief priests gave you over to me. What have you done?” |
38 | Yésus hanquentë: “Araniënya ua mar sino. Au araniënya né mar sino, núronyar mahtaner, in inyë lá nauva antana olla i Yúrain. Mal sí araniënya ua silo.” | | Jesus answered: “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom was of this world, my servants would have fought, that I would [Q: will] not be given over to the Jews. But now my kingdom is not from here.” |
39 | Etta Piláto quentë senna: “Sië nalyë aran?” Yésus hanquentë: “Elyë quéta i nanyë aran. Nat sinan anaiën nóna, ar nat sinan utúliën mir i mar, i vettuvan pa i nanwië. Ilquen ye ná i nanwiéno lasta ómanya.” | | Therefore Pilate said to him: “Thus you are a king?” Jesus answered: “You yourself are saying that I am a king. For this thing I have been born, and for this thing I have come into the world, that I am to witness about the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” |
40 | Equë senna Piláto: “Mana nanwië?” | | Pilate said to him: “What is truth?” |
41 | Quétiëla si etemennes ata i Yúrannar ar quentë téna: “Uan hirë cáma sessë. | | After saying this he went out again to the Jews and said to them: “I do not find [any] guilt in him. |
42 | Mal samildë haimë i senin len nér i Lahtiëssë. Ma merildë, tá, i senuvan len i aran Yúraron?” | | But you have a custom that I release to you a man at the Passover. Do you wish, then, that I release to you the king of [the] Jews?” |
43 | Tá yámeltë ata, quetila: “Lá nér sina, mal Varavas!” Ono Varavas nánë pilu. | | Then they cried again, saying: “Not this man, but Barabbas!” But Barabbas was a robber. |
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