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Ranta 19

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No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Tá Piláto etta nampë Yésus ar rípë se.          Then Pilate therefore took Jesus and flogged him.
2 Ar i ohtari carner ríë neceliva ar sa-panyaner caryassë ar hanter helinwa larma os se,                 And the soldiers made a crown of some thorns and put it on his head and threw a violet raiment around him,
3 ar túleltë epë se ar quenter: “Aiya, Aran Yúraron!” Ar palpaneltes i cendelessë.                 and they came before him and said: “Hail, King of [the] Jews.” And they beat him in the face.
4 Ar Piláto etelendë ata ar quentë téna: “Cena! Talanyes ettenna lenna ata, in istuvaldë in uan hirë cáma sessë.”                        And Pilate went out again and said to them: “Look! I am bringing him out to you again, that you can know that I do not find [any] guilt in him.”
5 Etta Yésus ettúlë, colila i ríë neceliva ar i helinwa larma. Ar quentes téna: “Ela i atan!”                     Therefore Jesus came out, bearing the crown of thorns and the violet raiment. And he said to them: “Behold the man!”
6 Mal írë i hérë airimor ar i cánor cenner se, yámeltë quetila: “Ásë tarwesta! Ásë tarwesta!” Piláto quentë téna: “Eldë ásë mapa ar ásë tarwesta, an inyë ua hirë cáma sessë.”                                      But when the chief priests and the officers saw him, they cried [out] saying: “Crucify him! Crucify him!” Pilate said to them: “You take him and crucify him, for I do not find [any] guilt in him.”
7 I Yúrar hanquenter senna: “Samilmë şanyë, ar sana şanyenen násë valda qualmeo, pan acáriën insë Eruo yondo.”                       The Jews answered him: “We have a law, and by that law he is worthy of death, since he has made [him]self God’s son.”
8 Etta, írë Piláto hlassë quetië sina, anes ambë ruhtana,             Therefore, when Pilate heard this saying, he was more frightened,
9 ar lendes mir i túrion ata ar equë Yésunna: “Mallo tulilyë?” Mal Yésus ua antanë sen hanquenta.                    and he went into the palace again and said to Jesus: “Where do you come from?” But Jesus did not give him [any] answer.
10 Etta Piláto quentë senna: “Ma ual carpa ninna? Ma ual ista in inyë samë hérë lye-seniën ar hérë lye-tarwestiën?”                     Therefore Pilate said to him: “Do you not talk to me? Do you not know that I have authority to release you and authority to crucify you?”
11 Yésus hanquentë senna: “Laumë sámel hérë or ní qui únes antana lyen táriëllo. Sinen i nér ye antanë ni olla lyen samë ambë túra úcarë.”                              Jesus answered him: “You had no authority at all over me if it was not given you from on high. Because of this the man who turned me over to you has greater [ambe túra = more great] sin.”
13 Etta Piláto cestanë lé seniën se. Mal i Yúrar yámer, quétala: “Qui senil nér sina, ualyë meldo i Táraráno! Ilquen ye carë insë aran amorta i Táraranna!”                                Therefore Pilate sought a way of releasing him. But the Jews shouted, saying: “If you relase this man, you are not a friend of the High King [or, Emperor]! Anyone who makes [him]self a king rises up against the High King!”
14 Etta Piláto, hláriéla quettar sinë, tallë Yésus ettenna, ar hamunes to námohammarya nómessë estaina i Sarna Paca, hya Heveryassë Appaşa.                          Therefore Pilate, after hearing these things, brought Jesus outside, and he sat down on his judge[ment] seat in a place called the Stone Court, or in Hebrew Gabbatha.
15 Sí engë i manwië i Lahtiéva; nánë os i nerteä lúmë. Ar quentes i Yúrannar: “Ela aranelda!”      ;              Now [it] was the preparation of the Passover; [it] was around the night hour. And he said to the Jews: “Behold your king!”
16 Mal yámeltë: “Ásë mapa öa, ásë mapa öa! Ásë tarwesta!” Piláto quentë téna: “Ma tarwestuvan aranelda?” I hérë airimor hanquenter: “Ualmë samë aran hequa i Táraran!”                               But they cried: “Take him away, take him away! Crucify him!” Pilate said to them: “Am I to crucify your king?” The chief priests answered: “We do not have [any] king except the High King!”
17 Tá, etta, antanes Yésus olla tiën tarwestiën.           Then, therefore, he gave Jesus over to them for crucifixion.
18 Sië nampeltë Yésus.     So they took Jesus.
19 Colila tarwerya insen etemennes i nómenna estaina Caraxomen, yó Heverya essë Olyoşa ná.                Carrying his cross for [him]self he went out to the place called Skull Place, the Hebrew name of which is Golgotha.
20 Tassë tarwestaneltes, ar exë atta ósë, quén foryaryassë ar quén hyaryaryassë, as Yésus i endessë.                    There they crucified him, and two others with him, one on his right and one on his left, with Jesus in the middle.
21 Piláto tencë yú tanwa ar panyanë sa i tarwessë. Nánë técina: “Yésus Nasaretello, Aran Yúraron.”                     Pilate wrote also a sign and put it on the cross. [It] was written: “Jesus from Nazareth, King of [the] Jews.”
22 Sië rimbali i Yúraron hentaner tanwa sina, pan i nómë yassë Yésus nánë tarwestana cainë har i ostonna, ar anes técina Heveryassë, Latindë ar Hellenyassë.                              Thus many of the Jews read this sign, since the place where Jesus was crucified lay near to the city, and it was written in Hebrew, in Latin and in Greek.
23 Mal i hérë airimor Yúraron quenter Pilátonna: “Áva tecë: Aran Yúraron, mal i quentes: Inyë ná Aran Yúraron.”                         But the chief priests of [the] Jews said to Pilate: “Do not write: King of [the] Jews, but that he said: I am King of [the] Jews.”
24 Piláto hanquentë: “Ya etéciën etéciën.”         Pilate answered: “What I have written I have written.”
26 I ohtari, írë tarwestaneltë Yésus, namper larmaryar ar carner mittar canta, er mitta ilya ohtaren, ar nampeltë yú lauperya. Mal i laupë nánë pen yanwë, vérina ve erya mitta telmello talmanna.                                       The soldiers, when they crucified Jesus, took his raiments and made four pieces, one piece for each soldier, and they took also his tunic. But the tunic was without [any] seam [yanwe “joining”], woven as a single piece from top to bottom.
27 Etta quenteltë, quén i exenna: “Ávalvë narca sa, mal alvë hatë şanwar pa man samuva sa” – amaquatiën i tehtelë ya quetë: “Hyarneltë larmanyar mici intë, ar pa laupenya hanteltë şanwar.” Ar i ohtari é carner sië.                                              Therefore they said, one to the other: “Let us not rend it, but let us cast lots about who will have it” – in order to fulfill the scripture that says: “They parted my robes among themselves, and about my tunic they cast lots.” And the soldiers indeed did so.
28 Tarner ara Yésuo tarwë amillerya ar amilleryo néşa, María verirya Clópas, ar María Mahtalénë.                  [There] stood beside Jesus’ cross his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the mother of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.
29 Sië, írë Yésus cennë amillerya ar i hildo ye méles tarila tassë, quentes amilleryanna: “Nís, ela yondotya!”                      Thus, when Jesus saw his mother and the disciple that he loved standing there, he said to his mother: “Woman, behold your son!”
30 Tá quentes i hildonna: “Ela amillelya!” Ar sana lúmello i hildo nampë se mir véra cöarya.                   Then he said to the disciple: “Behold your mother!” And from that hour the disciple took her into his own house.
31 Epeta, írë Yésus cennë in ilqua telyana ná, quentes amaquatiën i tehtelë: “Nanyë soica.”                    Thereafter, when Jesus saw that everything was [Q: is] completed, he said in order to fulfill the scripture: “I am thirsty.”
32 Engë tassë salpa quanta sára limpeo, ar panyaneltë hwan ehtissë ar tulunë sa antoryanna.                 [There] was there a bowl full of sour wine, and they put a sponge on a spear and brought it to his mouth.
33 Apa camië i sára limpë, Yésus quentë: “Nás telyana!”, ar láves caryan lanta ar effirnë.                    After receiving the sour wine, Jesus said: “It is completed!”, and he let his head drop and expired.
35 Pan si martanë i auressë Manwiéva, i Yúrar arcaner Pilálollo i telcoltat nauvat rácinë ar i hröar mapanë öa, i lá lemyumneltë i tarwessë i sendaressë, an sana sendarë túra né.                                    Since this happened on the day of Preparation, the Jews requested from Pilate that their legs were to be [Q: will be] broken and the bodies taken away, that they would not remain on the cross on the day of rest, for that day of rest was great.
36 Etta i ohtari túler ar rancer i telcu i minyo ar i exeo yet nánet tarwestanë ósë.                   Therefore the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first and the other who [yet, dual] were crucified with him.
37 Mal tulila Yésunna cenneltë i násë qualina novo, ar uar rancë telcoryat.               But coming to Jesus they saw that he was [Q: is] dead already and did not break his legs.
38 Ananta quén i ohtarion ternë etterya ehtinen, ar mí imya lú sercë ar nén ettúlet.                  And yet one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and in the same moment blood and water came out.
39 Ar ye sa-ecénië evettië, ar vettiërya nanwa ná, ar issë ista i nyáras nanwali, i yú eldë savuvar.                       And [he] who has seen it has witnessed, and his witness is true, and he knows that he is telling true things, that also you will believe.
40 An nati sinë martaner amaquatiën i tehtelë: “Erya axo hröaryo lá nauva rácina.”                 For these things happened to fulfull the scripture: “A single bone of his body will not be broken.”
41 Ar ata, hyana tehtelë quetë: “Yétuvaltë yenna etériëltë.”             And again, a different scripture says: “They will look at [him] whom they have pierced.”
42 Apa nati sinë Yósef Arimaşeällo, ye nánë Yésus hildo, mal nuldiëssë ruciénen i Yúrallon, arcanë Pilátollo mapávë öa Yésuo hröa, ar Piláto lávë sa. Etta túles ar nampë hröarya öa.                                     After these things Joseph from Arimathea, who was a disciple of Jesus, but in secred for fear of the Jews, made request from Pilate to take away Jesus’ body, and Pilate allowed it. Therefore he came and took his body away.
43 Yú Nicorémus, i nér ye túlë senna lómissë i yestassë, túlë talala ostimë níşima suhteva ar şortöava, os lungwi tuxa.                         Also Nicodemus, the man who came to him at night in the beginning, came bringing a blend of fragrant resin and eaglewood [a.k.a. aloe], around a hundred pounds.
44 Sië nampettë Yésuo hröa ar vaitanet sa vaimassen as i níşimë laiqui, ve Yúraron haimë írë manwaltë loico i sapsan.                       Thus they [-tte, dual] took Jesus’ body and wrapped it in wraps with the fragrant herbs, according to [the] Jews’ custom when they prepare a corpse for the grave.
45 Mal i nómessë yassë anes tarwestana engë tarwa, ar i tarwassë vinya noirë, yassë úquen en nánë panyana.                      But in the place where he was crucified [there] was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which nobody was yet put [/where nobody had yet been put].
46 Etta panyanettë Yésuo hröa sanomë, pan ta nánë Yúraron aurë Manwiéno, ar pan i noirë harë né.                     Therefore they put Jesus’ body there, since that was [the] Jews’ day of Preparation, and since the tomb was near.

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