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Ranta 4

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No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Írë i Heru sintë in i Farisar ahláriër i Yésus cára ar sumba hildor rimbë lá i hildor Yoháno –                     When the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard [Q: has heard] that Jesus was making and baptized [Q: is making and baptizes] disciples more numerous than the disciples of John –
2 ómu Yésus ua sumbanë, mal hildoryar carner –          though Jesus did not baptize, but his disciples did –
3 öantes Yúreällo ar lendë ata Alileänna.        he went away from Judea and went again to Galilee.
4 Mal mauyanë sen lelya ter Samária.        But [it] was necessary for him to go through Galilee.
5 Etta túles ostonna Samário estaina Sícar, harë i restanna ya Yácov antanë Yósef yondoryan.                 Therefore he came to a city of Samaria called Sychar, near to the field that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.
6 Tassë engë Yácovo ehtelë. Sië Yésus, lumba i lendanen, hamunë ara i ehtelë. I lúmë nánë os i enqueä.                         There was Jacob’s spring. Thus Jesus, tired by the journey, sat down by the spring. The hour was around the sixth.
7 Nís Samáriallo túlë calpiën. Yésus quentë senna: “Ánin anta yulda.”               A woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her: “Give me a drink.”
8 An hildoryar náner méniënwë mir i osto manciën inten matta.            For his disciples were gone into the city to buy [lit. trade to themselves] food.
9 Etta i nís Samáriallo quentë senna: “Manen elyë, ye Yúra ná, arca yulda nillo ye Samáreä nís ná?” An Yúrar ar Samáreär samir munta uo.                              Therefore the woman from Samaria said to him: “How do you, who are a Jew, ask for a drink from me who is a Samaritan woman?” For Jews and Samaritans have nothing together.
10 Yésus hanquentë ar equë senna: “Au sintel Eruo anna ar i nassë yeo quéta lyenna: Ánin anta yulda, elyë arcanë sello, ar antanes lyen coireä nén.”                                 Jesus answered and said to her: “If you knew God’s gift and [the] true-being of [him] who is saying to you: Give me a drink, you asked him, and he gave you living water.”
11 Eques senna: “Heru, ual samë calpa, ar i tampo núra ná. Mallo, tá, samil i coireä nén?                        She said to him: “Lord, you have no water-vessel, and the well is deep. From where, then, do you have the living water?
12 Lau elyë ná túra lá Yácov aterelma, ye antanë men i tampo ar ye immo suncë sallo as yondoryar ar celvaryar?”                       Surely you are not greater than Jacob our father, who gave us the well and who himself drank from it with his sons and his animals?”
13 Yésus hanquentë ar equë senna: “Ilquen ye sucë nén sino nauva soica ata.                Jesus answered and said to her: “Everyone who drinks of this water shall be thirsty again.
14 Aiquen ye sucë i neno ya inyë antauva sen laumë nauva soica, mal i nén ya inyë antauva sen nauva sessë ehtelë nenwa ya orta amba mir oira coivië.”                                 Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will by no means be thirsty, but the water that I will give him will be in him a spring of water that rises up into eternal life.”
15 I nís quentë senna: “Heru, ánin anta nén sina, i lá nauvan soica ar lá mauyuva nin tulë sinomenna calpiën.”                          The woman said to him: “Lord, give me this water, that I will not be thirsty and [it] will not be necessary for me to come here to draw water.”
17 Eques senna: “Mena, yala verulya ar tula sir!”           He said to her: “Go, call your husband and come here!”
18 I nís hanquentë ar equë: “Uan samë veru.” Equë senna Yésus: “Quentel mai: Veru uan samë.                       The woman answered and said: “I do not have a husband.” Jesus said to her: “You spoke well: A husband I do not have.
19 An asámiël veruvi lempë, ar ye samil sí ua verulya. Pa nat sina quentel i nanwië.”                     For you have had five husbands, and [the one] whom you have now is not your husband, Of this thing you spoke the truth.”
20 I nís quentë senna: “Heru, cenin in elyë Erutercáno ná.              The woman said to him: “Lord, I see that you are a prophet.
21 Atarilmar antaner tyermë oron sinassë, mal eldë quetir i Yerúsalem i vanima nómë ná antáven tyermë.”                    Our fathers gave worship on this mountain, but you [pl.] say that Jerusalem is the proper place for giving worship.”
22 Equë senna Yésus: “Sava quetiënya, nís: I lúmë túla yassë ualdë antauva tyermë i Ataren oron sinassë hya Yerúsalemessë véla .                         Jesus said to her: “Believe my word, woman: The hour is coming when you [pl.] will not give worship on this mountain or in Jerusalem alike.
23 Eldë antar tyermë yan ualdë ista; elmë antar tyermë yan istalmë, an rehtië tulë Yúrallon.      ;            You give worship to what you do not know; we give worship to what we know, for salvation comes from [the] Jews.
24 Mal i lúmë túla, ar eäs sí, yassë i nanwë tyerindor antauvar tyermë i Atar fairenen ar nanwiénen, an taiti tyerindor i Atar cesta.                             But the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the father with spirit and with truth, for such worshippers the Father seeks.
25 Eru fairë ná, ar mauya in se-tyerir anta tyermë fairenen ar nanwiénen.”                God is a spirit, and [it] is necessary for [those] who worship him to worship with spirit and with truth.”
26 I nís quentë senna: “Istan i túla Messías, ye estaina Hristo ná. Quiquië issë tuluva, nyaruvas men ilqua.”                         The woman said to him: “I know that [the] Messiah is coming, [he] who is called Christ. Whenever he shall come, he will tell us everything.”
27 Equë senna Yésus: “Inyë ye quéta aselyë ná sé.”             Jesus said to her: “I who am speaking with you am he.”
28 Sí hildoryar nanwenner, ar tatallaneltë pan carampes as nís; ananta úquen quentë: “Mana cestal?” hya “Mana i casta yanen quétal ósë?”          ;              Now his disciples returned, and they wondered because he spoke [/was speaking] with a woman; and yet nobody said: “What do you seek?” or “For what reason are you speaking with her?” [Mana i casta yanen... “what is the reason by which...”]
29 Sië i nís hehtanë calparya ar öantë mir i osto ar quentë i queninnar:                Thus the woman abandoned her water-vessel and went away into the city and said to the people:
30 “Tula sir, cena nér ye anyárië nin ilqua ya acáriën! Cé sé i Hristo ná?”                 “Come here, see a man who has told me everything that I have done! Maybe he is the Christ?”
31 Lendeltë et i ostollo ar túler senna.         They went out of the city and came to him.
32 I imya lúmessë i hildor hortaner se, quétala: “Ravi, mata.”                At the same time the disciples urged him, saying: “Rabbi, eat.”
33 Mal sé quentë téna: “Samin matta matiën ya eldë uar ista.”               But he said to them: “I have food to eat that you do not know.”
34 Etta i hildor quenter, quén i exenna: “Ma aiquen tallë senna nat matiën?”                Therefore the disiciples said, one to the other: “Did anybody bring him [some]thing to eat?”
35 Equë téna Yésus: “Mattanya ná in inyë carë i indómë yeo ni-mentanë ar telya moliërya.                  Jesus said to them: “My food is that I do the will of [him] who sent me and complete his work.
36 Ma ualdë quetë in eär en astar canta nó i yávië tulë? Yé! Quetin lenna: Á orta henduldat ar á yéta i restar, i naltë ninqui comyáven i yávië. Yando sí                                   Do you not say that [there] are still four months before the harvest comes? Look! I say to you: Raise your eyes and behold the fields, that they are white for gathering the harvest. Even now
37 ye rendë cáma paityalerya ar comyeä yávë oira coiviën, in ye cerihta ar ye rendë polir samë alassë uo.                      he who sowed is receiving his reward and is gathering produce [or “fruit”, yáve] for eternal life, [so] that he who reaps and he who sowed can have joy together.
38 An sís eques sina nanwa ná: Quén erérië ar exë cirihteä.              For here this proverb is true: One has sown and another is reaping.
39 Inyë mentanë le cirihtiën ya ualdë omólië. Exeli omóliër, ar eldë imittiër mir moliëlta.”                   I sent you to reap [that] which you have not worked [on]. Others have worked, and you have entered into their work.”
41 Ar sana ostossë rimbali i Samáreäron sáver sessë i quettanen i nisso ye vettanë: “Nyarnes nin ilqua ya carnen.”                       And in that city many of the Samaritans believe in him by the word of the woman who witnessed: “He told me everything that I did.”
42 Etta, irë i Samáreär túler senna, arcaneltë sello lemië aseltë; ar lemnes tassë ter ré atta.            ;        Therefore, when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to remain with them; and he remained there for two days.
43 Ar an rimbali sáver yanen quentes,        And numerous ones believed by [that] which he said,
44 ar quenteltë i nissenna: “Ualmë ambë savë quetiëlyanen, an immë ahláriëlmes, ar istalmë i nér sina nanwavë i rehtar i mardo ná.”                            and they said to the woman: “We do not believe [any]more because of what you said [quetielyanen, “by your saying”], for we have heard him ourselves, and we know that this man truly is the savior of the world.”
45 Apa i aurë atta öantes talo Alileänna.         After the two days he went away from there to Galilee.
46 Mal Yésus immo vettanë i véra nómeryassë Erutercáno ua samë laitië.             But Jesus himself witnessed that in his own place a prophet does not receive honor [laitie, “praising”].
47 Sië, írë túles Alileänna, i queni Alileo camner se, pan aneltë céniéla ilyë i nati yar carnes Yerúsalemessë i aşaressë, an yú té lender i aşarenna.                                Thus, when he came to Galilee, the people of Galilee received him, because they had seen the things that he did in Jerusalem at the festival, for they too went to the festival.
48 Sië túles ata Cánanna Alileo, yassë vistanes i nén mir limpë. Ar engë arandur yeo yondo nánë hlaiwa Capernaumessë.                       Thus he came again to Cana of Galilee, where he changed the water into wine. And [there] was a king’s servant whose son was ill in Capernaum.
49 Írë nér sina hlassë i Yésus utúlië et Yúreällo mir Alileä, lendes senna ar arcanë sello i tuluvas undu nestiën yondorya, an anes har qualmenna.                             When this man heard that Jesus had [Q: has] come out of Judea into Galilee, he went to him and asked of him that he was to come down to heal his son, for he was near to death.
50 Mal Yésus quentë senna: “Qui ualdë cenë tanwar ar elmendar, laumë savildë.”                 But Jesus said to him: “If you [pl.] do not see signs and wonders, you do not believe at all.”
51 I arandur quentë senna: “Heru, tula undu nó seldonya qualë.”               The king’s servant said to him: “Lord, come down before my boy dies.”
52 Equë senna Yésus: “Mena! Yondolya coireä ná.” I nér sávë i quetta ya Yésus quentë senna ar öantë.                       Jesus said to him: “Go! Your son is alive.” The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and went away.
53 Mal írë enges en i mallessë móliryar se-velder nyariën i yondorya coireä ná.               But when he was still on the way his slaves met him to tell him that his son was [Q: is] alive.
54 Etta maquentes téna pa i lúmë ya olles ambë alwa. Ar quenteltë senna: “Nöa, i otseä lúmessë, i úrë vánë sello.”                            Therefore he asked them about the hour when he became better [ambe alwa, “more healthy”]. And they said to him: “Yesterday, at the seventh hour, the fever [úre “heat”] left him.”
55 Sië i atar sintë i martanes i imya lúmessë ya Yésus quentë senna: “Yondolya coireä ná.” Ar issë ar quanda nosserya sáver.                           Thus the father knew that it happened in the same hour that Jesus said to him: “Your son is alive.” And he and his whole family believed.
56 Ta nánë i atteä tanwa ya Yésus carnë, írë túles et Yúreällo mir Alileä.                 That was the second sign that Jesus did, when he came out of Judea into Galilee.

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